Wisconsin GOP investigating impeachment against newly elected Dem State Supreme Court Justice


Recently Wisconsin voters elected a Democrat to the State Supreme Court. This election moved the State Supreme Court from a Republican Led Court to a Democrat Majority Court....for the first time in 15 years.

Wisconsin GOP is now exploring options to try to impeach the Newly elected Dem Supreme Court Justice because she refused to recuse herself from 2 hearing on Voter Redistricting Maps that had been challenged in court. Since they wanted her to recuse and she did not Recuse in either case, they are now targeting her to be impeached
What the Wisconsin GOP don't realize is that if they are Successful in getting her impeached for failure to recuse herself in two cases

they are actually building the Template for the Dems to use to Impeach Clarence Thomas for not recusing himself in cases in which some of the people arguing before him that he ruled in favor of where also giving him Free personal benefits estimated to be in the MILLIONS AND MILLIONS in value. She wasn't taking any freebies from these folks, just refused to Recuse herself.