US continues to go forward

I'm not the least bit torn. The fact that it has gone on this long is a public health travesty.

I respect your opinion here. How do we decide what's good and what's junk ?

I'm all for people eating healthier but am just trying to process (no pun intended) what this would look like. I have reservations about a limiting food choices based on economic status but we've all seen situations where the benefit is abused for stuff that is garbage nutritionally. There is a lot in-between fresh vegetables and Little Debbie's though.
You cool with the federal government telling people what they can and can't buy?

Edit-Im kidding with you a bit here. That sounded meaner than I wanted it to be.
When I was commissioned as a military officer and was given a clothing allowance. I was pissed when they told me I had to buy uniforms and combat boots instead of the shirts and shoes I wanted to buy.
When I was commissioned as a military officer and was given a clothing allowance. I was pissed when they told me I had to buy uniforms and combat boots instead of the shirts and shoes I wanted to buy.

That's downright un-American. Next thing you are gonna say is they don't let you take road beers along when you are on patrol.

Seriously though, they didn't provide uniforms for you? I always assumed they just came with the job.
I respect your opinion here. How do we decide what's good and what's junk ?

I'm all for people eating healthier but am just trying to process (no pun intended) what this would look like. I have reservations about a limiting food choices based on economic status but we've all seen situations where the benefit is abused for stuff that is garbage nutritionally. There is a lot in-between fresh vegetables and Little Debbie's though.

I don't quite understand why this benefit seems "restricted" to you if they are forced to use it for something that makes them better and healthier instead of something that makes them sick, lowers test scores, and harms them.

Pell grants can help people get an education. But, if someone wanted to use it for "Joe's school of big wave surfing and hang gliding" then I would not be so thrilled, even if it is the government limiting their educational choices.

Because it is so naturalized into our society, you are having a hard time with it. But, using government money to buy these types of foods is lunacy in my opinion as I see what they do to people.
That's downright un-American. Next thing you are gonna say is they don't let you take road beers along when you are on patrol.

Seriously though, they didn't provide uniforms for you? I always assumed they just came with the job.
There is a lot of "it depends" but enlisted generally are given uniforms and officers have to go buy them but get an initial allowance.
I respect your opinion here. How do we decide what's good and what's junk ?

I'm all for people eating healthier but am just trying to process (no pun intended) what this would look like. I have reservations about a limiting food choices based on economic status but we've all seen situations where the benefit is abused for stuff that is garbage nutritionally. There is a lot in-between fresh vegetables and Little Debbie's though.

They restrict the nature of food purchases in the SNAP and WIC programs already.

For instance, you can’t use SNAP to purchase “prepared food”. It has to be packaged or whole food. For instance, you can’t use SNAP to buy a roller burrito or cooked hot dog at 7-11. You can use SNAP to purchase a package of hot dogs, buns, etc at the same 7-11. You can’t use your SNAP benefits at Taco Bell for a cheesarito, but you could buy all the same ingredients and make it yourself.

That’s not the government saying you can’t buy and eat that roller grill hot dog at all. It’s just the government not allowing you to use your government benefits to get it.

Grocery stores routinely have in their database SNAP (or WIC) non-qualifying merchandise. If someone is paying with SNAP or WIC, their totals get subtotaled out into qualifying and non-qualifying purchases.
Because it is so naturalized into our society, you are having a hard time with it. But, using government money to buy these types of foods is lunacy in my opinion as I see what they do to people.

Maybe that's my hangup. I'm not comfortable with the government up and telling people they can't do something because they are poor that people more well off can do without giving it a second thought. And I know it only relates to federal benefits and not an outright income based ban but it just seems intrusive to me. But if society starts looking at fruit pies and snickers less as food and more as something else, the idea would be more palatable.

I'm not sold but it's sort of understandable.
Hey, he's gonna get two months of fake rent back!!!!
FBI Director-level fraud bust for sure.

View attachment 10351
If those facts are true, a prosecution seems legally justified to me.

Though to be clear, when Flynn and other MAGAstani were being prosecuted for lying to the FBI, Patel and his ilk were calling this type of thing meaningless minor "process crimes" that were merely "witch hunts" and politically motivated.
If those facts are true, a prosecution seems legally justified to me.

Though to be clear, when Flynn and other MAGAstani were being prosecuted for lying to the FBI, Patel and his ilk were calling this type of thing meaningless minor "process crimes" that were merely "witch hunts" and politically motivated.
The bragging about finding these career criminal masterminds swindling the government out of money and abusing power for this kind of thing (I am not excusing it or saying it shouldn't be prosecuted) while ignoring EVERYTHING illegal going on by their party is almost comical.
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If those facts are true, a prosecution seems legally justified to me.

Though to be clear, when Flynn and other MAGAstani were being prosecuted for lying to the FBI, Patel and his ilk were calling this type of thing meaningless minor "process crimes" that were merely "witch hunts" and politically motivated.
100%- prosecute the fraud if that is what occurred.

I'm just saying that the only reason the FBI director is touting a case of fraud on 2 months rent is because the perpetrator's job is a being a Federal employee. And, it appears, that her employment had nothing to do with her fraud but has a lot to do with this administration's attempts to create yet another boogie man.
The People of Texas are PRETTY PISSED at the School Choice. Even GOP reps are Flat out attacking Gov Abbott over now too

Hundreds speak against school choice at a Texas House Committee meeting, lasting 22 hours​

At the Texas Capitol, hundreds of people spoke at a committee meeting about House Bill 3, which would set up an education savings account for students. The meeting began at 8 a.m. on Tuesday and lasted until 6:30 a.m. on Wednesday.

I think we're all focusing on the wrong thing with SNAP being limited to "healthy foods". For starters, we need better education on what's healthy and what isn't. And why it's healthy / unhealthy, etc. Then we need MORE regulations on companies pumping out this poison (like every other industrialized country in this world). Poorer communities are hit the hardest because many times the unhealthy foods are easier to get and are cheaper. And the education just isn't there.

It's just like Coke and Pepsi telling us that recycling is solely OUR job, and we're bad people if we don't do it. How about regulations being put in place so the companies stop creating so much plastic (or sugary foods) in the first place?

The onus is in the wrong place. Yes, people have a personal responsibility, but so do the companies poisoning us.
I think we're all focusing on the wrong thing with SNAP being limited to "healthy foods". For starters, we need better education on what's healthy and what isn't. And why it's healthy / unhealthy, etc. Then we need MORE regulations on companies pumping out this poison (like every other industrialized country in this world). Poorer communities are hit the hardest because many times the unhealthy foods are easier to get and are cheaper. And the education just isn't there.

It's just like Coke and Pepsi telling us that recycling is solely OUR job, and we're bad people if we don't do it. How about regulations being put in place so the companies stop creating so much plastic (or sugary foods) in the first place?

The onus is in the wrong place. Yes, people have a personal responsibility, but so do the companies poisoning us.

It should come as no surprise to anyone that eating a bag of Twizzlers is not as healthy as an apple. However, I do agree that perhaps we are misaligned in public education. Just like we need MORE Financial Literacy education — maybe a required semester of nutrition and not just a short unit in PE.

That said, I do not agree with more regulation on business.
It should come as no surprise to anyone that eating a bag of Twizzlers is not as healthy as an apple. However, I do agree that perhaps we are misaligned in public education. Just like we need MORE Financial Literacy education — maybe a required semester of nutrition and not just a short unit in PE.

That said, I do not agree with more regulation on business.
I agree here. Get rid of calculus unless one is in STEM and teach a finance class instead.
It should come as no surprise to anyone that eating a bag of Twizzlers is not as healthy as an apple. However, I do agree that perhaps we are misaligned in public education. Just like we need MORE Financial Literacy education — maybe a required semester of nutrition and not just a short unit in PE.

That said, I do not agree with more regulation on business.
I 100% agree on financial literacy and nutrition classes.

Imagine a world, however, where companies are not allowed to shove sugary products and subsequent marketing in our faces 24/7. Combine that with actual nutritional education, and you have healthier people. It's fine to tell people that twizzlers aren't as healthy as apples, but in many low income communities, twizzlers are much more readily available than fresh fruit. We've been conditioned to want candy more because 1) sugar is one of the most addictive substances on the planet and 2) the product marketing is literally everywhere.

Not having regulations on companies pumping out poison is putting 100% of the responsibilities on the individual. With none of the educational tools on how to handle those responsibilities. How about we split it?
I agree here. Get rid of calculus unless one is in STEM and teach a finance class instead.
Historically growing up as a Gen X'er The Only Financial Classes offered in schools I went to across 5 different states....only offered a small financial training option.

And it was almost ALWAYS limited to Home Economics Classes which were typically only encouraged for and filled with Females and the only thing they would cover was how to balance a check book.

I would think that a LARGE % of other Gen X'ers grew up with the same.