Trump 47

So their evidence this happened is still just Musk saying it happened. And when you search it's just Epoch Times, Daily Wire, Newsmax and other equally sketchy sources citing Musk's claim.
You’re right to question what they say, but until we see the proof it’s just hot air , with their track record so far.
This thread is proof democrats and many on this board have learned absolutely nothing from the last election. Like not a thing. And until they do I hope they like losing elections because it's going to keep happening.
So tell me what I should have learned, because I'm obviously too dense. If asking for any kind of accountability / proof means I'm stupid, then so be it. If there are misappropriation of funds, show me the proof. Not a tweet from an unelected official and a "trust me bro".

If FEMA used these funds illegally, then by all means do what's necessary. Funny how we're ok with firing these FEMA staffers, but not ok with firing a DOGE employee for being a piece of garbage racist / mysoginist who promotes eugenics.

My guess is that Trump is pissed because the funds weren't spent at his hotels. There didn't seem to be a lot of uproar from the right when trumps hotels were being used for absolutely everything the last go-round.

But again, because I'm too dense, please tell me what I should have learned. I'd honestly really appreciate the help because I'm struggling every day with this BS.
How are Texas, Florida, and Louisiana going to get all the sweet gubment money they rely on when FEMA is cut? Do they just beg California and New York directly for all the money? Or does Uncle Elon give the money (with 100% interest, of course)?
How are Texas, Florida, and Louisiana going to get all the sweet gubment money they rely on when FEMA is cut? Do they just beg California and New York directly for all the money? Or does Uncle Elon give the money (with 100% interest, of course)?
Hasn't Trump said he wants to end FEMA and have states fend for themselves? Hurricane season is gonna get REAL rough and people are going to start running from certain states when home insurance won't renew and the state can't afford to support communities that get wiped out.
So tell me what I should have learned, because I'm obviously too dense. If asking for any kind of accountability / proof means I'm stupid, then so be it. If there are misappropriation of funds, show me the proof. Not a tweet from an unelected official and a "trust me bro".

If FEMA used these funds illegally, then by all means do what's necessary. Funny how we're ok with firing these FEMA staffers, but not ok with firing a DOGE employee for being a piece of garbage racist / mysoginist who promotes eugenics.

My guess is that Trump is pissed because the funds weren't spent at his hotels. There didn't seem to be a lot of uproar from the right when trumps hotels were being used for absolutely everything the last go-round.

But again, because I'm too dense, please tell me what I should have learned. I'd honestly really appreciate the help because I'm struggling every day with this BS.

MAGA is like the woman who's being crazy and won't calm down but literally the only thing you CAN'T say to her is "you're being crazy, calm down" or she'll go ballistic.
MAGA is like the woman who's being crazy and won't calm down but literally the only thing you CAN'T say to her is "you're being crazy, calm down" or she'll go ballistic.
I once had a property manager put a boot on the car of my business’s 70 year old bookkeeper because her tire was across the line of a handicap space. This was in the middle of an absolute downpour and she couldn’t see the spaces well. I was being patient and nice, but getting nowhere with the property manager and out of exasperation, I (calmly) said, “Let’s be reasonable…” THAT really set her off. It’s the only time I’ve been called a “bald headed bastard.”
I once had a property manager put a boot on the car of my business’s 70 year old bookkeeper because her tire was across the line of a handicap space. This was in the middle of an absolute downpour and she couldn’t see the spaces well. I was being patient and nice, but getting nowhere with the property manager and out of exasperation, I (calmly) said, “Let’s be reasonable…” THAT really set her off. It’s the only time I’ve been called a “bald headed bastard.”

Looks like someone has a new nickname around these parts
So tell me what I should have learned, because I'm obviously too dense. If asking for any kind of accountability / proof means I'm stupid, then so be it. If there are misappropriation of funds, show me the proof. Not a tweet from an unelected official and a "trust me bro".

If FEMA used these funds illegally, then by all means do what's necessary. Funny how we're ok with firing these FEMA staffers, but not ok with firing a DOGE employee for being a piece of garbage racist / mysoginist who promotes eugenics.

My guess is that Trump is pissed because the funds weren't spent at his hotels. There didn't seem to be a lot of uproar from the right when trumps hotels were being used for absolutely everything the last go-round.

But again, because I'm too dense, please tell me what I should have learned. I'd honestly really appreciate the help because I'm struggling every day with this BS.
This answer sums up a lot of it.
So tell me what I should have learned, because I'm obviously too dense. If asking for any kind of accountability / proof means I'm stupid, then so be it. If there are misappropriation of funds, show me the proof. Not a tweet from an unelected official and a "trust me bro".

If FEMA used these funds illegally, then by all means do what's necessary. Funny how we're ok with firing these FEMA staffers, but not ok with firing a DOGE employee for being a piece of garbage racist / mysoginist who promotes eugenics.

My guess is that Trump is pissed because the funds weren't spent at his hotels. There didn't seem to be a lot of uproar from the right when trumps hotels were being used for absolutely everything the last go-round.

But again, because I'm too dense, please tell me what I should have learned. I'd honestly really appreciate the help because I'm struggling every day with this BS.
Also why are Dems supposed to learn lessons from lost elections while Republicans get to be like just say January 6 never happened.
Also why are Dems supposed to learn lessons from lost elections while Republicans get to be like just say January 6 never happened.

A big lesson would be don't wait until the last minute if you need to replace your candidate.
That's a tough one to learn because from a mental capability standpoint I'd guess the current president and the former one aren't that different. But the dems were supposed to have the foresight to step in earlier than when they were ready to when the repubs just kinda seem to be going with it. It's hard to say one side should have done something when the other side is seemingly oblivious to it now.
This thread is proof democrats and many on this board have learned absolutely nothing from the last election. Like not a thing. And until they do I hope they like losing elections because it's going to keep happening.
To me, this thread is proof that a whole bunch of people are sick and tired of the lies and the gutting of rules, traditions, and LAWS. We didn’t vote for a dictator, and I don’t think you did either. We voted for a President who took an oath to uphold the Constitution and work to help our citizens succeed. Making a vow, or taking an oath mean nothing to what’s left of the Republicans. Infringing on people’s right to vote is a favorite tactic of these “can’t win fairly” without purging voters. gerrymandering, reducing places and time to vote. There’s an advantage to having an entire network that magnifies the lies as truth to the ignorant people who only watch it , as are all the bloggers out to make a name and a buck. MSM giving near constant airtime because of the sheer outrageousness.When you do lose you pretend that you didn’t and call anyone that disagrees with you liars. You tell it to the members of your cult, and they magnify the lies to their social media platforms where Donny’s cousin twice removed is viewed as more credible than truth. Our system of governance was based on intelligent,and honest people doing what’s right for their constituents, not the self-serving millionaires and billionaires buying influence and credence. They rely on an antiquated Electoral College system to steal from the vast majority of Americans. I think our largest cities should cut up their states with populations equal to Wyoming, then dare them to claim some legitimate blowout and mandate. Might have a 100 stars flag.
I still can’t believe the women voted for these “winners “ to control their own bodies. Isn’t there a law that keep’s domineering husbands out of the voting booth with their wives? Did you vote for DOGE, and an unelected billionaire rifling through every document? Guess we know how Elon was rewarded for his $250 million . Are you okay knowing our President can be bought. and has a price? We may not ever win another election, but I’ll be damned if I’m not accepting or fighting this as the new status quo. Minority, I don’t think so. We just need to keep pointing out things that we agree, none of us voted for. President Musk said we’re gonna suffer for awhile. Maybe when we’ve All suffered enough, our lazy voters will get off the couch.
Just kidding Donny, needed to blow off steam, thanks for the provocational post.
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A big lesson would be don't wait until the last minute if you need to replace your candidate.
That's a tough one to learn because from a mental capability standpoint I'd guess the current president and the former one aren't that different. But the dems were supposed to have the foresight to step in earlier than when they were ready to when the repubs just kinda seem to be going with it. It's hard to say one side should have done something when the other side is seemingly oblivious to it now
So two ways to lose too far away or too close. A lot of yall are too close. You all hate Trump so bad you have lost perspective of what is going on because anything is better is than him. And I agree almost anything your marketing must be truly awful. The giant mirror in room is ignored when talking threat to democracy, the justice system, freedom of the press, corruption, lying, lack of transparency etc etc. And for the 1000th time....I agree with you on a whole lot that is said about Trump.....the difference is I don't defend the opposite of him blindly because he exists. It's so insufferable it turned off 20M voters in the middle. Not neo-nazi's.....not christian zealots.....people that voted for Biden 4 years ago....African Americans.....Latinos......union members. America is sick of it.....especially when the results of what is supposed to be better isn't very good.

So like a few pages back the talk was transparency......of course we need more. Of course it is important at all times who is anti-transparency. But maybe lay off the there is no transparency answer from the party that hid the mental state of the president and none of you know who was making decisions or exactly how and why an elected presidential candidate/sitting president was removed from the ticket and a successor named. You know little stuff like that.....don't scream transparency when you covered up a senile pres. Trump is a grifter talk......I 100% believe that he will work any deal he can to his advantage to profit off it legal or not. I am not ok with that either. But if you are a Biden/Dem supporter be careful because Trump's net worth dropped when he was office and Biden pre-emptively for the first time in history pardons in-laws and he and his family received millions and they have no business. Yeah I'm not gonna fuss with you that Trump will grift while the grifting is good......but that's the Biden's main source of income and it was fine less than a month ago. Trump is going to take over the media.....yeah he would if he could. The previous admin was squashing information and labeling known stories as misinformation..... He will weaponize the justice department. Yep he is gonna I said it 4 years ago if he gets re-elected revenge will be more important than governing.....but you know the dems hired a firm to make to a fake dossier that turned into a FISA warrant just for again take a good look at the windows of the house before you throw that rock however fitting it may be.

Where I'm going is neither side is appreciably better from a perspective of being good or just. Big differences in things like trans rights......take your pick people on opposite sides of that are never coming together the voters dems need to win an election are in the middle and worried more about the soon to be 40T of debt. And are tired of being called bigots or fascists anytime we don't agree with you. We are tired of being told we are MAGA/racist/fascist if we say "hey the president of the united states ought to be able navigate steps, stay awake, complete a coherent thought". Again and this one should resonate with people that like to consider themselves more in touch with minority communities......the level of self-righteousness (primarily from white folks with money) about race issues and calling people racists costs the dems votes across all minorities and they had a female mixed race candidate. That's how bad the message is right now. It's not just bro's that listen to Rogan or Pentecostals or gun's everyone the dems lost with everyone everywhere.

I agree Trump is a very scary president doing some really crazy things right now. Everything he said and more......I don't like it either. But produce a counter idea/policy/candidate......because name calling isn't working and the left side is no better. Want to win the middle back the middle that got Biden elected and beat Harris. Take a long look at how truly bad Biden was.....then look at how bad some of what Trump is doing and come up with real change. Social issues, name calling, and re-packaging of bad actions the left is just as guilty of isn't going to win another election. And I don't want another Trump or similar president and the GOP is under his control. So if a level headed moderate is going to appear they need to come from the left and the left is just as delusional as the right is now it's just a different delusion.

"In less than three weeks, President Trump has thrown the U.S. clean energy industry into chaos, with much of the economic damage hitting Republican states and districts.

In a quest to eliminate any funding linked to climate change, the Trump administration has frozen federal grants for everything from battery factories to electric school buses and issued executive orders that have halted federal approvals for wind and solar projects.

Mr. Trump and Republicans in Congress are also working to repeal the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act, which is projected to pour hundreds of billions of dollars over the next decade into low-carbon energy technologies through tax credits, loans and grants.

So far, Republican-voting communities have benefited the most from that law. In the nearly three years since it was passed, private companies chasing the law’s tax breaks have announced plans to spend $165.8 billion to build factories that make solar panels, wind turbines, electric vehicles and more, according to new data from Atlas Public Policy, a research firm. Roughly 80 percent of those investments are in Republican congressional districts, where they are creating a once-in-a-generation manufacturing boom."
So two ways to lose too far away or too close. A lot of yall are too close. You all hate Trump so bad you have lost perspective of what is going on because anything is better is than him. And I agree almost anything your marketing must be truly awful. The giant mirror in room is ignored when talking threat to democracy, the justice system, freedom of the press, corruption, lying, lack of transparency etc etc. And for the 1000th time....I agree with you on a whole lot that is said about Trump.....the difference is I don't defend the opposite of him blindly because he exists. It's so insufferable it turned off 20M voters in the middle. Not neo-nazi's.....not christian zealots.....people that voted for Biden 4 years ago....African Americans.....Latinos......union members. America is sick of it.....especially when the results of what is supposed to be better isn't very good.

So like a few pages back the talk was transparency......of course we need more. Of course it is important at all times who is anti-transparency. But maybe lay off the there is no transparency answer from the party that hid the mental state of the president and none of you know who was making decisions or exactly how and why an elected presidential candidate/sitting president was removed from the ticket and a successor named. You know little stuff like that.....don't scream transparency when you covered up a senile pres. Trump is a grifter talk......I 100% believe that he will work any deal he can to his advantage to profit off it legal or not. I am not ok with that either. But if you are a Biden/Dem supporter be careful because Trump's net worth dropped when he was office and Biden pre-emptively for the first time in history pardons in-laws and he and his family received millions and they have no business. Yeah I'm not gonna fuss with you that Trump will grift while the grifting is good......but that's the Biden's main source of income and it was fine less than a month ago. Trump is going to take over the media.....yeah he would if he could. The previous admin was squashing information and labeling known stories as misinformation..... He will weaponize the justice department. Yep he is gonna I said it 4 years ago if he gets re-elected revenge will be more important than governing.....but you know the dems hired a firm to make to a fake dossier that turned into a FISA warrant just for again take a good look at the windows of the house before you throw that rock however fitting it may be.

Where I'm going is neither side is appreciably better from a perspective of being good or just. Big differences in things like trans rights......take your pick people on opposite sides of that are never coming together the voters dems need to win an election are in the middle and worried more about the soon to be 40T of debt. And are tired of being called bigots or fascists anytime we don't agree with you. We are tired of being told we are MAGA/racist/fascist if we say "hey the president of the united states ought to be able navigate steps, stay awake, complete a coherent thought". Again and this one should resonate with people that like to consider themselves more in touch with minority communities......the level of self-righteousness (primarily from white folks with money) about race issues and calling people racists costs the dems votes across all minorities and they had a female mixed race candidate. That's how bad the message is right now. It's not just bro's that listen to Rogan or Pentecostals or gun's everyone the dems lost with everyone everywhere.

I agree Trump is a very scary president doing some really crazy things right now. Everything he said and more......I don't like it either. But produce a counter idea/policy/candidate......because name calling isn't working and the left side is no better. Want to win the middle back the middle that got Biden elected and beat Harris. Take a long look at how truly bad Biden was.....then look at how bad some of what Trump is doing and come up with real change. Social issues, name calling, and re-packaging of bad actions the left is just as guilty of isn't going to win another election. And I don't want another Trump or similar president and the GOP is under his control. So if a level headed moderate is going to appear they need to come from the left and the left is just as delusional as the right is now it's just a different delusion

it’s good to get it out,