Trump 2024 Run Thread

Trump official 2024 Campaign still telling News outlets that 2020 was rigged and stolen and said Trump should be praised for doing the right thing in 2020 because Trump is now ensuring that all the people who committed fraud in 2020 are being investigated and dealt with.

That is just pure fantasy and fabrication his 2024 campaign is telling the media.

This guy and his rhetoric is extremely DANGEROUS

"No choice but to protest": Trump warns of "potential doom of America" in July 4 Truth Social rant​

As my Poll numbers go higher & higher, the Communists, Marxists, & Fascists get more & more CRAZY with their ridiculous Indictments & Election Interference plans & plots, all controlled by an out of control, & very corrupt, DOJ/FBI," "They have WEAPONIZED Law Enforcement in America at a level not seen before. Deranged Jack Smith, who is a sick puppet for A.G. Garland & Crooked Joe Biden, should be DEFUNDED & put out to rest. Republicans must get tough or the Dems will steal another Election. MAGA!"


Trump once praised Lin Wood as doing good work for him in regards to challenging the 2020 election.

Attorney who challenged Trump's 2020 loss gives up law license as states weigh disciplining him​

COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — Attorney Lin Wood, who filed legal challenges seeking to overturn Donald Trump's 2020 election loss, is relinquishing his law license, electing to retire from practicing rather than face possible disbarment. Multiple states have weighed disciplining him for pushing Trump's false claims that he defeated Joe Biden.

On Tuesday, Wood asked officials in his home state of Georgia to “retire” his law license in light of “disciplinary proceedings pending against me.” In the request, made in a letter and posted on his Telegram account, Wood acknowledges that he is “prohibited from practicing law in this State and in any other state or jurisdiction and that I may not reapply for admission.”

Wood, a licensed attorney in Georgia since 1977, did not immediately respond to an email Wednesday seeking comment on the letter. A listing on the website for the State Bar of Georgia accessed on Wednesday showed him as retired and with no disciplinary infractions on his record.

In the wake of the 2020 election, Trump praised Wood as doing a “good job” filing legal challenges seeking to overturn his loss, though Trump’s campaign at times distanced itself from him. Dozens of lawsuits making such allegations were rejected by the courts across the country.

Officials in Georgia had been weighing whether to disbar Wood over his efforts, holding a disciplinary trial earlier this year. Wood sued the state bar in 2022, claiming the bar's request that he undergo a mental health evaluation as part of its probe violated his constitutional rights, but a federal appeals court tossed that ruling, saying Wood failed to show there was “bad faith” behind the request.

In 2021, the Georgia secretary of state's office opened an investigation into where Wood had been living when he voted early in person in the 2020 general election, prompted by Wood's announcement on Telegram that he had moved to South Carolina. Officials ruled that Wood did not violate Georgia election laws.

Wood, who purchased three former plantations totaling more than $16 million, moved to South Carolina several years ago, and unsuccessfully ran for chairman of that state's GOP in 2021.

In May, a Michigan watchdog group in filed a complaint against Wood and eight other Trump-aligned lawyers alleging they had committed misconduct and should be disciplined for filing a lawsuit challenging Biden’s 2020 election win in that state. A court previously found the attorneys’ lawsuit had abused the court system.

Wood, whose name was on the 2020 Michigan lawsuit, has insisted that the only role he played was telling fellow attorney Sidney Powell he was available if she needed a seasoned litigator. Powell defended the lawsuit and said lawyers sometimes have to raise what she called “unpopular issues.”

Other attorneys affiliated with efforts to keep Trump in power following his 2020 election loss have faced similar challenges. Attorney John Eastman, architect of that strategy, faces 11 disciplinary charges in the State Bar Court of California stemming from his development of a dubious legal strategy aimed at having then-Vice President Mike Pence interfere with the certification of Biden’s victory.


In Trump case, Justice Dept. unseals previously blacked-out portions from search warrant application​

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Justice Department on Wednesday disclosed some of the previously blacked-out portions of a warrant application it submitted last year to gain authorization to search former President Donald Trump's Florida property for classified documents.

Key portions of the document had already been made public, but media organizations including The Associated Press had pressed for further unsealing in light of a 38-count indictment last month charging Trump and his valet, Walt Nauta, with concealing classified records at Mar-a-Lago from investigators. A magistrate judge, Bruce Reinhart, declined to order the Justice Department to unseal the search warrant affidavit in its entirety but did require prosecutors to publicly file a less-redacted affidavit.

The newly revealed paragraphs lay out important evidence that prosecutors had gathered well before the search took place, recounting how surveillance footage from inside the property showed dozens of boxes being relocated by a Trump aide in the days before FBI and Justice Department investigators visited the home to collect records.

During that June 3, 2022 visit, law enforcement officials were handed an envelope of 38 classified documents and told that all records sought by a subpoena were being turned over and that a “diligent search” of the home had been done. But investigators had reason to believe that was not true based on the relocation of boxes that they had observed on video, and that additional records remained at the house.

The movement of boxes by Nauta was detailed in last month's indictment, but its inclusion in the search warrant affidavit helps explain why the Justice Department felt it had probable cause to search Trump's home on Aug. 8, 2022 and why investigators were concerned that documents were being intentionally withheld from them.


the former Republican Arizona House Speaker Rusty Bowers told CNN he was cooperating with the Feds and had already provided over 4 hrs of testimony to the Special Council

Special Counsel Jack Smith Subpoenas Arizona Secretary Of State's Office In Jan. 6 Probe​


Trump Suggests White House Cocaine Belonged to the Bidens​

“Does anybody really believe that the COCAINE found in the West Wing of the White House, very close to the Oval Office, is for the use of anyone other than Hunter & Joe Biden,” the former president wrote on Truth Social. “But watch, the Fake News Media will soon start saying that the amount found was ‘very small,’ & it wasn’t really COCAINE, but rather common ground up Aspirin, & the story will vanish. Has Deranged Jack Smith, the crazy, Trump hating Special Prosecutor, been seen in the area of the COCAINE? He looks like a crackhead to me!”

McEnany breaks with Trump: ‘No way’ cocaine at White House is Hunter Biden’s​

Former White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany threw cold water on the suggestion that cocaine found at The White House over the holiday weekend could have belonged to Hunter Biden, the president’s son.

“For it to be Hunter Biden, he left on Friday, he was at Camp David. There is no way, it is inconceivable to think cocaine could sit for a 72 hour period (at The White House), so I would rule him out at this point.” McEnany, who is now a Fox News host, said Thursday on the network’s flagship morning talk program.
Please allow all of Trump’s lies to be revealed as such, and for him to be placed under oath at some point.
I do not see how ANYONE in their right mind continues to back this narcissistic clown...(this includes my siblings and parents)...smh...
Grifters gonna grift.

Marks are gonna mark.
I do not see how ANYONE in their right mind continues to back this narcissistic clown...(this includes my siblings and parents)...smh...
Serious question; Do you continue to "back" his successor? Because I don't see how ANYONE can.
I know I’ll get laughed out of here but I don’t care. A vote for anyone but a Democrat is a vote for Trump and what he stands for. There are 147 Republican members of Congress who disavowed their oaths and voted to overturn a legal election. How can anyone claim to be a citizen or more particularly a patriot if you represent overthrowing our government? Not voting doesn’t help IMO. We, the American people, need to send a strong message that lawless behavior will not be tolerated. I respect The Lincoln Project members. They care more about country than party.
Cut off your nose to spite your face, so to say.
wrong...I'll word it differently; there were two choices (yeah, I know there were more...) and I chose the one I felt would be a better leader of our country...was it a great choice? no...did I regret the choice I made? no...if I had it to do over again would I make the same choice? yes...
I know I’ll get laughed out of here but I don’t care. A vote for anyone but a Democrat is a vote for Trump and what he stands for. There are 147 Republican members of Congress who disavowed their oaths and voted to overturn a legal election. How can anyone claim to be a citizen or more particularly a patriot if you represent overthrowing our government?
Not laughing, but voting for a Haley/Scott/DeSantis is absolutely not a vote for Trump.

I agree with your disgust that many members of Congress objected to certify the election, but we both know that occurred three other times just this century.
I know I’ll get laughed out of here but I don’t care. A vote for anyone but a Democrat is a vote for Trump and what he stands for. There are 147 Republican members of Congress who disavowed their oaths and voted to overturn a legal election. How can anyone claim to be a citizen or more particularly a patriot if you represent overthrowing our government? Not voting doesn’t help IMO. We, the American people, need to send a strong message that lawless behavior will not be tolerated. I respect The Lincoln Project members. They care more about country than party.
LOL. at "lawless behavior".
Look around you.
I bet you think Sound Of Freedom is a QANON conspiracy....
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Aren’t you doing the same thing by voting for Trump to avoid Biden?

Lesser of two evils?
No. I voted for Trump because I don't vote based on the color of their spray-on, or because they're a narcissist, you'd have to be an extreme narcissist to even want to be POTUS.
This country is in a severe slide because people voted against orange skin.