I'm not saying it is all roses. The Fed purposefully (and FAR too late) chilled the economy to fight inflation. And, yep, that hurts the little guy more than Wall Street. The things you are listing are mostly those planned effects and or the type of stuff that is always smoldering. There is always doom and gloom news. I can tell you as an older guy, I used to listen to that intently. I would hold on to cash for the "coming market crash." I ate up Jeremey Grantham, Roubini ect that predicted 20 of the 3 coming crashes. I'd look at jobs reports and "shadow" jobs reports and all of the bad stuff. And it COST ME A TON OF MONEY. I'd be retired by now if I just let the market tell me what is happening not the news. That is just long-term market math. Sure it could change, but I've got more than a century of data telling me it won't.
The Fed has to balance cooling inflation without knocking us into recession. So far, that is what has happened. I think they thought it would cool more than it has. They stabbed the economy with a knife and the economy said, "Ow, that hurt a little." and went on with its business. People aren't happy paying higher prices. Nobody cares about that. They will care when people say, "Meh, I'm fine with my iPhone6 and some packaged ramen noodles" instead of a iP15 and a meal out at a ramen place charging $23 for ramen in a decorative Japanese bowl. So far, they are still spending, just whining about it.
And, barring something unforeseen like a pandemic or a GFC, I'm just not seeing anything that will change it. Not a prediction, just that nothing looks recession-worthy to me at this point. It will be interesting to see what they do on interest rates with the election coming. If they drop them, Trump is gonna whine that they are helping Biden. If they keep them too high, they might put us into recession.
A concerning thing from a cycle standpoint is the election coming up and typically we get a lift with elections. We either elect a new leader and people are excited by the potential, or we confirm that we are happy with the current one. Well, look at the load of crap this election will be. We either confirm a leader who is not favorable, or re-elect someone who already had his chance and divided the country. This isn't ideal and is a huge flaw in what our system has become.