The Steross Market and Investing Thread

Ok....hear me out.....We get Biden and Putin and have them engage in a message board fuss. Winner takes all.
Not Bad Jimmy Fallon GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Ok....hear me out.....We get Biden and Putin and have them engage in a message board fuss. Winner takes all.
Wait.......hear me out.....Has there ever been a message board fuss with a consensus winner?

Every message board fuss....... starts with casual posts with a disagreement (sometimes even barely disagreeing).......... repeated posts with the parties trying to show their point...... both sides realize the other guy ain't gonna concede the major point.......start picking out a sentence fragment or other minor point to harp on.........then the debate dwindles to:
a) passive-aggressive tactics (strawmaning, fallacies)......"so, you want forced sex change operations in high school."
b) one side calls the other a name or more commonly calls a post/thought/sentence a name that the other person then personalizes for gain...."that is the most idiotic thing I have ever read"..."Why get personal and call me an idiot unless you have no point?"

Then the passive-aggressive side forgets the entire original disagreement and his own fallacies and now wants to only argue about "making it personal"........ both sides walk away confident that they were right all along and showed the other guy.

Putin and Biden will both declare victory and we will have nothing but a little entertainment and GOGETUM putting a laugh emoji on every Biden post.
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PS: @jobob85 started this thread kindly in honor of a similar thread that I started on And, the first post in that thread was that the purpose of the thread was simple.... to discuss the market and try to make some money. I specifically requested that general debate not related to making your account go higher go in other threads. That, of course, didn't always work but it did seem to keep the theme somewhat to the market. I suppose this thread isn't getting a lot of play so it doesn't matter, but it would be nice if there was a thread just about making money in the market not all politico-economic debates.

And BTW, this market is the type that makes you go...."Wow, I AM good at this! I just need to keep this up and I can be a trader and quit my job!"

"Bull-markets are born on pessimism, grow on skepticism, mature on optimism and die on euphoria." ~ John Templeton

That said, IMHO we are not (barring something unforeseen) nearing collapse but are in the early stages of a bull. I'd say skepticism. As always, I reserve the right to change my mind if new data appears.

"One of the frustrating things for people who miss the first rally in a bull market is that they wait for the big correction and it never comes. The market just keeps climbing and climbing. It feeds on itself in frenzied fashion and propels prices considerably higher for six months or so, and sometimes longer." ~ Martin Zweig
For the chartists it is at a break out point and should have plenty of upside. I still have not visited on of the restaurants yet. Yesterday was nice, always like seeing a position gain 10+% in a day.
Those are her lines so I think she bought that little flag that formed. I told her to get more when it pulled back. It is nearing all time highs and often in this type of market they can really go once they pass that. Might collect some time here just below it.
PS: @jobob85 started this thread kindly in honor of a similar thread that I started on And, the first post in that thread was that the purpose of the thread was simple.... to discuss the market and try to make some money. I specifically requested that general debate not related to making your account go higher go in other threads. That, of course, didn't always work but it did seem to keep the theme somewhat to the market. I suppose this thread isn't getting a lot of play so it doesn't matter, but it would be nice if there was a thread just about making money in the market not all politico-economic debates.

And BTW, this market is the type that makes you go...."Wow, I AM good at this! I just need to keep this up and I can be a trader and quit my job!"

"Bull-markets are born on pessimism, grow on skepticism, mature on optimism and die on euphoria." ~ John Templeton

That said, IMHO we are not (barring something unforeseen) nearing collapse but are in the early stages of a bull. I'd say skepticism. As always, I reserve the right to change my mind if new data appears.

"One of the frustrating things for people who miss the first rally in a bull market is that they wait for the big correction and it never comes. The market just keeps climbing and climbing. It feeds on itself in frenzied fashion and propels prices considerably higher for six months or so, and sometimes longer." ~ Martin Zweig

@GratefulPoke moved these posts from the Ukraine thread where we were even further off topic.
About 7-8 years ago (forgive me because I have no sense of time) KSUPoke told us he wasn't much of a market guy but if he had one stock to pick it would be NVIDIA. Wise words...
I have that’s also. From this board. Now if Tesla, tencent holdings and I share silver etf would go up(quite a bit for Tesla) I would only have Genk not in the plus column. But that’s only down .46. I bought Zoetis a vet med pharmaceutical company when it IPO’d and am up almost 500%.
About 7-8 years ago (forgive me because I have no sense of time) KSUPoke told us he wasn't much of a market guy but if he had one stock to pick it would be NVIDIA. Wise words...
Yep, I think was in 2020 not at the lows but just after it started back up again and my silly self thought, "Meh, its popped up, it could go lower in this craziness." I think it was around 240 a share. Split adjusted 60. So would have 13 times your money today.

Yep, I think was in 2020 not at the lows but just after it started back up again and my silly self thought, "Meh, its popped up, it could go lower in this craziness." I think it was around 240 a share. Split adjusted 60. So would have 13 times your money today.
I made money writing covered calls but evenutally lost it and stayed away in 2022 thinking I missed the upside over and over again. Same story for me with apple. Made a ton of money with covered calls over and over but never what I would have made if I would have just held my first position in 2004.
This is hilariously and sadly a great follow for good stock tips. It just freakin’ follows Pelosi’s trades.
My nephew....who is not equipped to enter into trading in any way shape or form from an analytics perspective.....follows one of these maybe this one. He has returns that would make the best portfolio managers proud. Does no research.....just put a chunk of his money behind Nancy and other elected officials and is doing very well.
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