It says "100% probability of success at the time of this publication." But, as I understand it, that "success" is a 4.4% withdrawal rate and 2% and change yield so that it is drained over the time period you put in.
That isn't how I plan to do it. I plan to stay majority invested in stocks. I will have enough cushion to handle any bear market which typically is in the 1-2 year range. I hope when I am done to still have significant funds to give to kids/donate. Obviously the market will determine that but odds are pretty good it will be more than those rates over a multi-decade period.
Here is a site that goes into florid detail on issues around the 4% rule:
One of the most important topics in financial planning is how to transform an initial portfolio into a safe and sustainable retirement income stream. I’ve put a lot of thought into this topic and published 50+ posts on my blog. To make my research more accessible, I created this “landing page”...
I also attached an article from AAII regarding a 100% stock plan for retirement instead of bonds. It is getting a little dated but the idea should be the same.