The Death Spiral

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"I'm not in the medical profession."

*Proceeds to express medical opinions requiring actual medical knowledge and expertise*

Face Palm GIF
An incredibly stupid argument. Even for you.
So according to you (as expressed in post #193), it is always problematic for a person to express an opinion about a topic unless they are professionals, yet you see no problems expressing your own opinions about myriad topics on this board? The only logical conclusions are as follows,
1. You hold many, many professions
2. You strategically employ cognitive dissonance as it suits your needs

You can choose (1) of the above.

Totally prepared for your auto-response of Zzz or laughing emoji. Bring it.

I can choose whatever I want, tough guy.

Strawmans everywhere....everywhere.

1. I've expressed opinions in my exchanges with you on exactly one single topic....the general discussion of human nature and societal change.

2. #193 in no way says it is "always problematic for a person to express and opinion about a topic unless they are professionals." Not even close. That's in your imagination.

3. You're free to express an opinion about choose to express an opinion on. That doesn't mean your opinion is equally valid as anyone else's or worthy of serious consideration by me or anyone else. An opinion about appropriate and proper medical treatment and care from someone completely lacking in medical knowledge, experience, and training can be made all day and every day.

Doesn't mean that I have to take it seriously and I'm completely justified in dismissing it out of hand. Which I is exactly what I did in post #193.

That's it. That's all.

Btw, telling someone how much something like "zzz" don't bother you is actually a pretty good sign that they do.
An incredibly stupid argument. Even for you.
Sure thing dude that's expressing medical opinions with no training, knowledge or experience in medical care.

I bet you go to your plumber for legal advice too.

Or your lawyer for plumbing advice for that matter.
Sure thing dude that's expressing medical opinions with no training, knowledge or experience in medical care.

I bet you go to your plumber for legal advice too.

Or your lawyer for plumbing advice for that matter.
What kind of a medical degree is required to know that it is an incredibly dangerous practice to give confused 8 year olds life altering hormones that aren’t even FDA approved? I’m also not a mechanic but I’m fairly confident in telling you that you shouldn’t put gas in a diesel truck. If you need plumbing advice give me a holler. You can continue to advance this stupid argument or you can quit while you’re behind.
What kind of a medical degree is required to know that it is an incredibly dangerous practice to give confused 8 year olds life altering hormones that aren’t even FDA approved? I’m also not a mechanic but I’m fairly confident in telling you that you shouldn’t put gas in a diesel truck. If you need plumbing advice give me a holler. You can continue to advance this stupid argument or you can quit while you’re behind.
And if a medical professional says yes the drugs are dangerous but it is still the best route for the child’s mental and physical well being Who are you to question that?
And if a medical professional says yes the drugs are dangerous but it is still the best route for the child’s mental and physical well being Who are you to question that?
Who wouldn’t question a medical professional that recommends chemical castration of an eight year old boy with an off label drug? Is this a serious question?
Who wouldn’t question a medical professional that recommends chemical castration of an eight year old boy with an off label drug? Is this a serious question?
Where are you seeing that 8 yrs old are Getting that treatment?

I didn’t think I should have to qualify this but my last post was obviously talking about children that aren’t your own.
Where are you seeing that 8 yrs old are Getting that treatment?

I didn’t think I should have to qualify this but my last post was obviously talking about children that aren’t your own.
The three children involved in the Florida lawsuit are two 11 year olds and one 8 year old.
I'm not in the medical profession. I'm also not guessing, please read the WSJ article that I linked. I think medical decisions should be based on science and, in this case, the drugs given to these very young children aren't even FDA approved for this use. We know there are horrible side effects. They are basically experimenting with children. It's ridiculous and I can't believe that there are people on here that are cool with it. Sorry man, you lost me on the last part.
I don’t know what tools you’ve used in your profession, but drugs and medications are obviously tools of physicians. They’ve had the training and carry this into their patients treatments. I’m glad docs still have the ability to prescribe off label uses for every patient they believe it will help. Keep the unprofessional and uneducated out of medicine. My late brother was a doctor who seemed to care about his patients. Not once in his forty plus years do I recall him asking a Congress critter, or other paper pusher for medical advice.
The three children involved in the Florida lawsuit are two 11 year olds and one 8 year old.
If those kids threatened to kill themselves or actually tried to but failed, what else do you expect a doctor to do? One of the worst things that can happen to a kid is believing that he or she was born of the wrong sex. Kids as young as 3 may start thinking that. Surely their parents are just totally exasperated over it. Wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy. I'd sooner the Christian Right focus on demanding research be funded to discover what is causing the problem and if it can be prevented. Republicans are not showing any empathy, whatsoever, toward the terrible problem. How would they like it if they were the parents of a child thinking he or she was born of the wrong sex? Well, at least one Republican legislator said he would sooner his transgender daughter be dead, if he had one.
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If those kids threatened to kill themselves or actually tried to but failed, what else do you expect a doctor to do? One of the worst things that can happen to a kid is believing that he or she was born of the wrong sex. Kids as young as 3 may start thinking that. Surely their parents are just totally exasperated over it. Wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy. I'd sooner the Christian Right focus on demanding research be funded to discover what is causing the problem and if it can be prevented. Republicans are not showing any empathy, whatsoever, toward the terrible problem. How would they like it if they were the parents of a child thinking he or she was born of the wrong sex? Well, at least one Republican legislator said he would sooner his transgender daughter be dead, if he had one.

Thinking, believing.. these are mental issues with no underlying physical medical causes. These kids should receive extensive mental health support and treatment, not non reversible treatments utilizing unnecessary and unproven drugs. Kid’s go through phases grow out of things constantly. There’s plenty of time to make mature decisions when you are ready to fully understand the consequences. Thank god I didn’t ship my kid off to permanently live at the North Pole when she really, really wanted to go live with the Elves on the shelf.

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If those kids threatened to kill themselves or actually tried to but failed, what else do you expect a doctor to do? One of the worst things that can happen to a kid is believing that he or she was born of the wrong sex. Kids as young as 3 may start thinking that. Surely their parents are just totally exasperated over it. Wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy. I'd sooner the Christian Right focus on demanding research be funded to discover what is causing the problem and if it can be prevented. Republicans are not showing any empathy, whatsoever, toward the terrible problem. How would they like it if they were the parents of a child thinking he or she was born of the wrong sex? Well, at least one Republican legislator said he would sooner his transgender daughter be dead, if he had one.
My way, or the die way.
Thinking, believing.. these are mental issues with no underlying physical medical causes. These kids should receive extensive mental health support and treatment, not non reversible treatments utilizing unnecessary and unproven drugs. Kid’s go through phases grow out of things constantly. There’s plenty of time to make mature decisions when you are ready to fully understand the consequences. Thank god I didn’t ship my kid off to permanently live at the North Pole when she really, really wanted to go live with the Elves on the shelf.

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You are just making things up now. Please stop.

There are genetic causes, but the exact genes have not been isolated yet: "Multiple family and twin-based heritability studies have provided evidence for the polygenetic inheritance of GD. Molecular genetic studies, to date, have no conclusive evidence of any gene identified for GD."

If those kids threatened to kill themselves or actually tried to but failed, what else do you expect a doctor to do? One of the worst things that can happen to a kid is believing that he or she was born of the wrong sex. Kids as young as 3 may start thinking that. Surely their parents are just totally exasperated over it. Wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy. I'd sooner the Christian Right focus on demanding research be funded to discover what is causing the problem and if it can be prevented. Republicans are not showing any empathy, whatsoever, toward the terrible problem. How would they like it if they were the parents of a child thinking he or she was born of the wrong sex? Well, at least one Republican legislator said he would sooner his transgender daughter be dead, if he had one.
Three year olds? Is that where we're drawing the line now? I'd sooner the left give up their obsession with sexualizing our children.
Honestly, the parallels between this and abortion in regards to the ethical questions are quite similar IMO. Mainly because there is a point where one has clear rights to make this decision for themselves (adulthood) and a clear point where they don't (toddlers, etc). There is a more nebulous territory (again similar to abortion) where we are trying to figure out what the optimal approach is.

The issue is that there is a sizable contingent that would rather stick their head in the sand on this issue and ban it outright because they don't know anyone who is going through this and lack empathy for those who are. They also seem to be the most outraged by genetically born males participating in womens sports, but are now also trying to block the ability of trans people to undergo these transformations at a younger age--when puberty is starting, which completely sidesteps the competitive issue entirely.

This is not even mentioning the restroom issue, where we have a lot of hand wringing about people assigned male at birth using womens restrooms, but again, this same contingent of people want to block hormonal and surgical treatments that would render this issue completely moot.

But hey, who said these folks make sense.
This is a really good article on the issue as well.

Dr. Paul McHugh, the university distinguished service professor of psychiatry at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, explains:

Transgendered men do not become women, nor do transgendered women become men. All (including Bruce Jenner) become feminized men or masculinized women, counterfeits or impersonators of the sex with which they ‘identify.’ In that lies their problematic future.

When ‘the tumult and shouting dies,’ it proves not easy nor wise to live in a counterfeit sexual garb. The most thorough follow-up of sex-reassigned people—extending over 30 years and conducted in Sweden, where the culture is strongly supportive of the transgendered—documents their lifelong mental unrest. Ten to 15 years after surgical reassignment, the suicide rate of those who had undergone sex-reassignment surgery rose to 20 times that of comparable peers.
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