ryan walters

Bro in law called me today...been a coach and teacher for 28+ years

Bug republican and Trump voter

Told me OSDE has gone too far...quit his job and is moving across the state and looking for work outside of teaching now

Literally quite and is moving in the same day
Bro in law called me today...been a coach and teacher for 28+ years

Bug republican and Trump voter

Told me OSDE has gone too far...quit his job and is moving across the state and looking for work outside of teaching now

Literally quite and is moving in the same day
that sucks...must have been close to retirement?!...pretty sure ryan walters will end up ruining many careers and dissuade many others who were thinking of having a career in education...
that sucks...must have been close to retirement?!...pretty sure ryan walters will end up ruining many careers and dissuade many others who were thinking of having a career in education...
He only 49, been a teacher since college...he going to go back to school to try to get a certification and get a regular job
Puzzled by how Oklahoma math teachers would teach from the bible? Here are a couple of biblical math word problems:

1) Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines (1 Kings 11:3).
If he lay with one wife or concubine every night, but took off one day per week for rest, how many days would it take him to lay with all of his wives and concubines?

2) David captured the foreskins of 200 Philistines (1 Samuel 18:27).
If David split those foreskins into baskets of 40 foreskins each, how many baskets would he need?
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In that case, who knows how many Republicans campaigning for legislature will promise to put into law what Walters wants.
OK Schools Chief who just mandated Bible study in public schools now says the Chinese Communist Party is trying to brainwash American school children and only Trump can save them.

OK Schools Chief who just mandated Bible study in public schools now says the Chinese Communist Party is trying to brainwash American school children and only Trump can save them.

Where are teachers in Oklahoma teaching what the Chinese Communist Party tells them? Once again, it seems that Walters is worked up over what is going on out of state if it really is. So maybe someone from out of state is paying him. Anyway, it will be interesting to see if Walters helps or hurts the Oklahoma Republican Party from the November elections.
Oklahoma's top education official argued that former President Donald Trump and Steve Bannon were facing legal problems because the Bible is not taught in public schools.

Oklahoma's top education official argued that former President Donald Trump and Steve Bannon were facing legal problems because the Bible is not taught in public schools.

What, they should have had more biblical education as kids to keep them from committing crimes?
"You know, when you look at an issue like this, what you've seen in our schools is a radical left," Walters opined. "And one of the things that they've done is they've taken the Bible out of schools. They say, listen, you can't talk about our rights coming from God."

"I mean, you see what's happening to President Trump right now, where they're arresting him," he continued. "They're giving this banana republic nonsense in a courtroom. Look what they're doing to Steve Bannon right now."
Moore Student Suing OSDE, Closer To Securing Protective Order Against Ryan Walters https://www.news9.com/story/6688c24...ecuring-protective-order-against-ryan-walters
People, like Walters, should get over the fear and hatred they have against trans people and since they're so religious give prayers of thanks to God they have no trouble IDing with their own born gender, assuming that is true. Gender dysphoria is one of the worst things that can happen to a young person, and it seems too much of straight society is having an even worse time dealing with the presence of it. People with empathy would be much more interested in talking about more research is needed on gender dysphoria, since what causes it isn't fully known.
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