OT: Questions about living in OKC


New member
Hey friends. I hope this thread is acceptance to management. I have some questions and I'll start with this:

Is hail damage to vehicles common there?

Thanks in advance!
Storms capable of producing hail that size don’t happen every year or rarely every decade or even couple of decades in the same place. That’s not to say hail storms don’t happen every year they just rarely track the same path.

Hail cores of that size typically aren’t miles and miles wide. Think blocks or couple of miles.

I get it that you can’t always live or work w covered parking but our weather guys/gals do a pretty good job at predicting days out where and when storms capable of this will occur. Also get a couple of weather apps with radar and notifications. 99.9% of the time this will give you hours or at least 15-20 minutes of warning so you can at least move your car.

I use AccuWeather, MyRadar and MCWX (former Tulsa meteorologist). All have notifications and radar where you can see height/severity (red not good/purple really not good/black or white means go move your car. AccuWeather has 2 hour predictive algorithms that includes storm track and probable severity. MCWX has a feature that lets you see in numbers the height of the storm and pressures.

I know I’m a weather nerd and one of those guys who loves watching weather break ins on tv. Old I guess.
Our local weather people. Bad for you but especially Tulsa are the best at predicting rain and storms and severe weather. Almost to the exact block and time. You will have warning to find somewhere to park.

Winter weather is different because it’s rare here. They are average in this regard
Storms capable of producing hail that size don’t happen every year or rarely every decade or even couple of decades in the same place. That’s not to say hail storms don’t happen every year they just rarely track the same path.

Hail cores of that size typically aren’t miles and miles wide. Think blocks or couple of miles.

I get it that you can’t always live or work w covered parking but our weather guys/gals do a pretty good job at predicting days out where and when storms capable of this will occur. Also get a couple of weather apps with radar and notifications. 99.9% of the time this will give you hours or at least 15-20 minutes of warning so you can at least move your car.

I use AccuWeather, MyRadar and MCWX (former Tulsa meteorologist). All have notifications and radar where you can see height/severity (red not good/purple really not good/black or white means go move your car. AccuWeather has 2 hour predictive algorithms that includes storm track and probable severity. MCWX has a feature that lets you see in numbers the height of the storm and pressures.

I know I’m a weather nerd and one of those guys who loves watching weather break ins on tv. Old I guess.

Great post! Thank you!
Our local weather people. Bad for you but especially Tulsa are the best at predicting rain and storms and severe weather. Almost to the exact block and time. You will have warning to find somewhere to park.

Winter weather is different because it’s rare here. They are average in this regard

How often do people need to move their car due to hail?

Do people use those big hail covers for their cars if they can't move it?

Thank you!
How often do people need to move their car due to hail?

Do people use those big hail covers for their cars if they can't move it?

Thank you!
My daughter has had her new car for 5 years and has lived in the same place all 5 years wo covered parking. She has moved her car 3 times due to storms coming in 5 years and all 3 times we never got the hail.

We can get hail storms in any month but really April-June and then again in Sept and October are when you need to pay close attention to the weather every day to see the rolling 5-10 day forecast.

We’ve never invested in a cover. Main reason is bc typically w a storm capable of that size hail you’re going to get 60-70 and sometimes 80-100 mph wind.

Please keep in mind these are typically not hail cores that are not 5 or 10 miles wide. They are blocks wide to a couple of miles but then travel mostly linear for 10 or more miles. Think a circle w a radius of maybe a mile dropping hail in a track of more than 10 miles.

As Duke Silver posted above our weather people are really good in the spring, summer and fall (not so much at predicting the number of inches of snow we will get).

I’ve lived in Tulsa and now OKC market and there are several weather people in both places that in the spring storm season get you right down to the block (so you can actually see where you live), the storm track down to the block and the expected time down to the minute. When it comes to hail, tornadoes or extreme wind they will track it and show you radar down to the intersection of roads even when it’s way out in rural areas they will show you county roads that aren’t even paved.
Our local weather people. Bad for you but especially Tulsa is the best at predicting rain and storms and severe weather. Almost to the exact block and time. You will have warning to find somewhere to park.

Winter weather is different because it’s rare here. They are average in this regard
Of the Tulsa stations I get reception most steady from KOTV channel 6. Is Travis Meyer of that station the best one in Tulsa, though OKC stations will cover Stillwater area better than the Tulsa stations as storms develop?
if you have a car you don´t want hailed on, have a home with a garage or buy a cover...when I read the initial post I thought to myself, ´why ask about hail and not tornadoes?´ and then I asked myself, ´why is this post in the politics thread?´
if you have a car you don´t want hailed on, have a home with a garage or buy a cover...when I read the initial post I thought to myself, ´why ask about hail and not tornadoes?´ and then I asked myself, ´why is this post in the politics thread?´

I get that. The other non sports threads don't get much traffic so where else are you going to ask? OP did ask about tornado shelters but I don't think it got much of a response.
Of the Tulsa stations I get reception most steady from KOTV channel 6. Is Travis Meyer of that station the best one in Tulsa, though OKC stations will cover Stillwater area better than the Tulsa stations as storms develop?
Travis Meyer is the best that does it anywhere.
My daughter has had her new car for 5 years and has lived in the same place all 5 years wo covered parking. She has moved her car 3 times due to storms coming in 5 years and all 3 times we never got the hail.

We can get hail storms in any month but really April-June and then again in Sept and October are when you need to pay close attention to the weather every day to see the rolling 5-10 day forecast.

We’ve never invested in a cover. Main reason is bc typically w a storm capable of that size hail you’re going to get 60-70 and sometimes 80-100 mph wind.

Please keep in mind these are typically not hail cores that are not 5 or 10 miles wide. They are blocks wide to a couple of miles but then travel mostly linear for 10 or more miles. Think a circle w a radius of maybe a mile dropping hail in a track of more than 10 miles.

As Duke Silver posted above our weather people are really good in the spring, summer and fall (not so much at predicting the number of inches of snow we will get).

I’ve lived in Tulsa and now OKC market and there are several weather people in both places that in the spring storm season get you right down to the block (so you can actually see where you live), the storm track down to the block and the expected time down to the minute. When it comes to hail, tornadoes or extreme wind they will track it and show you radar down to the intersection of roads even when it’s way out in rural areas they will show you county roads that aren’t even paved.

Wow thank you for the amazing feedback!
Wow thank you for the amazing feedback!
You bet.

One simple way to look at it. I’ve lived 54 yrs all in OK. Probably 10 severe weather days a yr so around 550 events. I’ve had to go to the tornado shelter 3 times. I’ve had minor wind damage to the house or property once.

I’ve had hail damage to a car one time. Drove a brand new car off the lot Thursday and got $2000 worth of hail damage Friday night. Knock on wood I’ve never had to replace a roof from hail damage.

I realize that I’m lucky or fortunate however you want to label it and my heart hurts for those that go through terrible tragedy or have to struggle w a car getting beat up. I don’t mean to diminish a storm’s impact. Just trying to say it’s not an everyday everywhere in OK occurrence.

Ironically the most common and most expensive events I’ve incurred are ice storms or freezes in the winter that knock out power for a couple of days to a week. Seems like those happen more often and it’s bc those are widespread events.

Welcome to OK! Hope you enjoy your new life here.
You bet.

One simple way to look at it. I’ve lived 54 yrs all in OK. Probably 10 severe weather days a yr so around 550 events. I’ve had to go to the tornado shelter 3 times. I’ve had minor wind damage to the house or property once.

I’ve had hail damage to a car one time. Drove a brand new car off the lot Thursday and got $2000 worth of hail damage Friday night. Knock on wood I’ve never had to replace a roof from hail damage.

I realize that I’m lucky or fortunate however you want to label it and my heart hurts for those that go through terrible tragedy or have to struggle w a car getting beat up. I don’t mean to diminish a storm’s impact. Just trying to say it’s not an everyday everywhere in OK occurrence.

Ironically the most common and most expensive events I’ve incurred are ice storms or freezes in the winter that knock out power for a couple of days to a week. Seems like those happen more often and it’s bc those are widespread events.

Welcome to OK! Hope you enjoy your new life here.

Thank you friend!
Is there a grocery store(s) that is considered to be the overall "best"?

In what area will you be living? Crest is a locally owned grocer with several locations in the metro. A couple of them are freakin' huge like the newer one up in Edmond or the slightly less new one down in Yukon.
Hey friends. I hope this thread is acceptance to management. I have some questions and I'll start with this:

Is hail damage to vehicles common there?

Thanks in advance!
I moved from Stillwater to OKC in 2012. Our cars have seen legitimate hail threats at least once per year, usually more like 4-5 times. My truck was unable to get in the garage last year, and had to have the hood and windshield replaced (after parking it under a large tree). In my experience, hail is very common in the OKC metro area, and should be considered when thinking about protecting property.

We've moved my truck into the garage 6-8 times this year as a precaution, and probably 1-2 of those instances would have caused potential damage.

Keep in mind that most of these threats are isolated between April-May, and can be easily mitigated with a garage or carport. A large Magnolia tree also does the job in most cases!