Oklahoma is going backwards

Interesting how paranoid far-right Oklahoma Republicans are saying to vote NO against Oklahoma State Question 833. This even though bringing up the proposal was authored and passed by Republicans in the Oklahoma Legislature. The far-right fears that passage of SQ 833 will somehow bring about 15-minute cities or Smart Cities.

If passed, SQ 833 would allow 100% of surface property owners in a portion of a municipality to petition to create a PID {Public Infrastructure Districts) to finance infrastructure in that area, meaning streets, sidewalks, parks, electrical, water, and sewer. If approved by city council a PID would be able to issue bonds to finance the infrastructure in the area and repay the bonds through an up to 10 mill property tax assessment on properties in the PID.

Sounds okay to me to help encourage a city to grow with good quality living standards while sounding like taxation with representation. Too bad how the far right is opposed to that. So, name someone who is like that. Okay. It's Aaron Means, the Christian Nationalist Republican Chairman of the Payne County Republican Party.
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Multi-County Grand Jury investigation determined Gov. Kevin Stitt’s administration and state Superintendent Ryan Walters carried out “grossly negligent handling” of federal pandemic aid funds, but grand jurors found insufficient evidence for criminal indictments.

At the request of Attorney General Gentner Drummond, the grand jury reviewed evidence and heard witness testimony over the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund. The GEER Fund was a $39.9 million aid package from the federal government that Stitt could apply to education-focused programs of his choosing during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The grand jury issued a report Tuesday, finding the Stitt administration had an “irresponsible, disappointing and indefensible” lack of internal controls over some GEER programs, including one Walters designed.

However, the grand jury said the evidence was insufficient to prove any willful corruption or criminal act.
