Yes, of course. I assume you would agree the Dems thought the trial mattered at the time. Why then does the outcome not matter?
Pretty obvious they didn’t get the guilty verdict they wanted so now they are attempting to tilt the scales of the election through an end around.
The CO Supreme Court vote was 4-3 (all 7 are Democrats). Would you say that even some of the Democrats couldn’t in good conscience do? I think both the Senate trial votes and the CO Supreme Court votes were less about evidence and more about partisan politics.
BTW, I imagine we are aligned we both strongly don’t want Trump as President. The difference is I want one of the other Republicans and you want an 81-year old that even your graphs shows he struggles mightily with the truth.
I am concerned and angry the election-meddling actions of CO and ME are just strengthening Trump and adding more to get out the vote to the Trump-lovers —- which I definitely don’t want in the primary.