Home tornado shelters


New member
Hi. I'm soon moving my family to OKC. Can you provide recommendations for home tornado shelters that don't cost a fortune? TIA!
Welcome to Oklahoma and OKC. Make it simpler by finding a home with a tornado shelter already available. It could be underground between the cars in the garage, a small room made of reinforced concrete or an underground shelter outside in the backyard. I don't blame you for being concerned. The infamous May 3, 1999, F-5 tornado that killed at least 36 people and injured 583 made a lot of Oklahomans reconsider the need to have a serious storm shelter with their homes. Getting in the hall or bathroom may not always be enough for safe shelter since a number of people were killed or severely injured from the 1999 tornado being strong enough to blow away entire homes, leaving only the foundations.
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