Putin: Will issue Visas allowing anyone fleeing "Western Liberal Ideals" to settle in Russia. Alex Jones calls on "True Patriots" to sign up

I don’t know how long you spent in Boise City, but I do remember Dad complaining about the Birchers as he called them (late 50’s & early 60’s). I’ve accused a few in here of being one. The Koch’s are Birchers. Question you might be able to answer. Are MAGA Republicans the new iteration of the John Birch Society? Project 2025 confirms, to me anyway, that the Heritage Foundation has certainly adopted whole heartedly Birch ideology. To me, this is the same group of Republicans that the country rejected many years ago. Barry Goldwater said in the 1964 Republican convention that “Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in pursuit of justice is no virtue.” Reagan whole heartedly rejected them. Is this how you and MAGA justifies January 6th? Is this where MAGA gets off rejecting norms? Gerrymandering, closing polling places, threatening election workers into quitting and replacing them with toadies? Lying constantly about the state of the union. Calling opponents communist? Etc. etc. etc. The Lincoln Project and Republicans for Harris have broken away from this extremism. I think you and your devoted followers of the extreme are going to continue to lose numbers as it becomes crystal clear that only one party actually supports our democracy and the constitution. Thoughts? Is MAGA the new John Birch Society ? Is Trump a Goldwater or just the Birchers useful idiot? Someone or group is pulling the strings other than Trump. He’s tarnished and toxic, and IMO totally unfit to be president and commander in chief again. I’d like to understand. I have delusional friends and family that I’d like to understand.
Umm, I really don’t know anything about the Birchers. I do know quite a bit about people from the Boise City area. They are great folks. That was my point. Sorry you feel otherwise.
Umm, I really don’t know anything about the Birchers. I do know quite a bit about people from the Boise City area. They are great folks. That was my point. Sorry you feel otherwise.
No there were great people in Boise City when we were out there. Dad had a couple of Birchers on his school board that made it nearly impossible to conduct school business. Sound familiar? It’s going on now with school boards across the country. I thought you must have lived there.
I hope MAGAites take Putin’s offer. Maybe if they spend time under a dictator they won’t desire to elect one here.
No there were great people in Boise City when we were out there. Dad had a couple of Birchers on his school board that made it nearly impossible to conduct school business. Sound familiar? It’s going on now with school boards across the country. I thought you must have lived there.
Nope, never lived in Boise City but I’m not that far from there. I did serve on my local school board and currently have a son and son in law serving on their local school boards. I’ll ask them about this “Bircher” epidemic.
Nope, never lived in Boise City but I’m not that far from there. I did serve on my local school board and currently have a son and son in law serving on their local school boards. I’ll ask them about this “Bircher” epidemic.
Well I hope they allow the superintendents who have the credentials to do their job without bringing politics and now religion into the schools. Currently Ryan Walters exhibits Bircher type attitudes and actions. The Republicans need a William F. Buckley about now. IMO
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Trump is not Hitler. Grifter, liar, felon, rapist, bad man yes. But doesn’t need another term to become even worse and more destructive.