I appreciate your optimism that a program can get turned around in one year. I hope you are right. But we've got stiff headwinds against us. For one thing, every recruiter is going to remind potential players what a $#!+ show we've got in Stillwater. Also, we haven't a developed a QB yet who can take us to the next level. Most important, I doubt Gundawg has the personality to adjust to the realignment of power with players.
Back in the day, college coaches had almost all the power over players, and Gundawg is comfortable in that world. But everything has changed, and players will leave, ask for money, refuse to play in bowl games, etc.
You've watched Gundawg over the years. Can he handle that kind of situation? I very much doubt it. I know I couldn't. But there are some coaches who have the people skills to deal with difficult situations. They will be successful in this new era of college football.
To me, that's the main reason we won't have the talent to win championships even if we find good coordinators.