Gavin Newsom 2024 rumors heating up quickly


His fund raising strat changed 3 weeks ago and has gone national with a PAC support.

He has agreed to Debate DeSantis on Fox News

He started a media Blitz in Late June and even appeared on Fox News which was the first time he had been on Fox since 2010

He has started his own Super PAC

Form Gov Arnold Schwarzenegger has told the Media that it is a No Brainer that Newsome will run for 2024.

His ex wife Kimberly Guilfoyle is telling people he has White House Aspirations

There are even some more far fetched rumors heating up the DNC will work with Republican's to have Biden Impeached so Newsom can step in.

Dem Strategist are calling what he is doing now a "Shadow Campaign"
I've thought for a long time he would be the guy in 2024.

I don't think I'd vote for either him or Desantis, but I think it's good that they're both running and hopefully they win their primaries. It's time to move on from 80-year-old con men to 40-50 something year old con men.
So far I’m rfk
RFK is left of Biden. IMO his appeal to Right leaning media is (1) he pokes Biden (2) he’s anti vax and (3) he’s isolationist.

He’s just not anti CoVid vax. He’s like anti most any vax and pushes some at best questionable pseudoscience. Some find his position dangerous.

He’s out there w AOC on environment. He would drastically cut the defense budget. He would restructure law enforcement and federal funding thereof.

I think once people start to see the details of his policies they’ll start to really question him further.

Not saying you haven’t done that. You probably have and are happy w him.
If RFK were a republican candidate he would be a media darling just like Chris Christie. Someone to distract
RFK is left of Biden. IMO his appeal to Right leaning media is (1) he pokes Biden (2) he’s anti vax and (3) he’s isolationist.

He’s just not anti CoVid vax. He’s like anti most any vax and pushes some at best questionable pseudoscience. Some find his position dangerous.

He’s out there w AOC on environment. He would drastically cut the defense budget. He would restructure law enforcement and federal funding thereof.

I think once people start to see the details of his policies they’ll start to really question him further.

Not saying you haven’t done that. You probably have and are happy w him.
I’m pro fauci needs to face the music.
RFK is left of Biden. IMO his appeal to Right leaning media is (1) he pokes Biden (2) he’s anti vax and (3) he’s isolationist.

He’s just not anti CoVid vax. He’s like anti most any vax and pushes some at best questionable pseudoscience. Some find his position dangerous.

He’s out there w AOC on environment. He would drastically cut the defense budget. He would restructure law enforcement and federal funding thereof.

I think once people start to see the details of his policies they’ll start to really question him further.

Not saying you haven’t done that. You probably have and are happy w him.
IMO the more one listens to RFK, the nuttier he gets.
I’m pro fauci needs to face the music.
Not knocking but what did Fauci actually do w evidence that holds up in court that makes people think he needs to face legal consequences? I’ve stated how cautious my family is when it comes to CoVid. In fact we will start to wear masks again in indoor confined spaces (think elevators) and have already cut back restaurant outings to off times and soon will be carry out only for the winter. Not jus bc of CoVid. I just don’t like being sick more than I like doing those other things.

So if the judiciary evidence says Fauci is guilty of something illegal or he can be found responsible in a civil case then I’m all for grand jury and charges if necessary.

Where I tend to lean is that like most things in the performative right media and political circus is that Fauci like others before him is a contrived boogeyman (more appropriately like a heel in professional wrestling).

The GOP had all the levers of power for 2 yrs and never did anything w the “lock her up chants” or Biden crime family. They haven’t followed through on impeaching Biden. They haven’t followed through w anything Fauci. Surely there is a State AG or DA somewhere in red that w evidence against Fauci could call a grand jury.

I’m not saying he is an innocent victim, I just question if he’s as bad as we are led to believe why hasn’t someone red from somewhere red brought actual evidence to do something?
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IMO the more one listens to RFK, the nuttier he gets.
Who gets nuttier? The listener? Or, RFK?

I actually met the guy about 35 yrs ago. Got to shake his hand and speak w him for about 5 minutes. He was extremely engaging and could hold a small group which isn’t exactly surprising. He comes across today the same way. His policies and some of his beliefs just aren’t for me.
Who gets nuttier? The listener? Or, RFK?

I actually met the guy about 35 yrs ago. Got to shake his hand and speak w him for about 5 minutes. He was extremely engaging and could hold a small group which isn’t exactly surprising. He comes across today the same way. His policies and some of his beliefs just aren’t for me.
I think that nearly all the Presidential candidates seem to have one major flaw, statement, or policy that IMO is crazy.

I agree RFK Jr seems pretty normal. But some of his anti-vax statements are unusual and very concerning IMO. Plus his comments on video about COVID being ethnically targeted was conspiracy level crazy.

And Newsom and Biden each have major negatives. With Newsom a major no-go for me.

On Republican side Christie, Ramaswarmy, Pence, and DeSantis all have said or done something for which I disagree strongly. And Trump is a non-starter for me.

Scott and Haley, however, do not have those negatives, IMO.

All that said, I know I will personally have to look past a negative or two for the candidate I vote for President. I will certainly weigh the level of disagreement, but one or two items cannot be a reason not to vote - otherwise I will just be abstaining.
Not knocking but what did Fauci actually do w evidence that holds up in court that makes people think he needs to face legal consequences? I’ve stated how cautious my family is when it comes to CoVid. In fact we will start to wear masks again in indoor confined spaces (think elevators) and have already cut back restaurant outings to off times and soon will be carry out only for the winter. Not jus bc of CoVid. I just don’t like being sick more than I like doing those other things.

So if the judiciary evidence says Fauci is guilty of something illegal or he can be found responsible in a civil case then I’m all for grand jury and charges if necessary.

Where I tend to lean is that like most things in the performative right media and political circus is that Fauci like others before him is a contrived boogeyman (more appropriately like a heel in professional wrestling).

The GOP had all the levers of power for 2 yrs and never did anything w the “lock her up chants” or Biden crime family. They haven’t followed through on impeaching Biden. They haven’t followed through w anything Fauci. Surely there is a State AG or DA somewhere in red that w evidence against Fauci could call a grand jury.

I’m not saying he is an innocent victim, I just question if he’s as bad as we are led to believe why hasn’t someone red from somewhere red brought actual evidence to do something?
The reality is that Fauci was following the scientific process which by design is actually made to change and change often as the data and circumstances move and more and more data and observances are made available.

There were "actors, both foreign and domestic" at each step of the scientific process and each and every change in data and direction they made claim was for some nefarious reasons or to cause additional harm, and people believed it.

We had a POTUS who had no clue or experience with the scientific method spouting uneducated, unqualified, and down right incorrect information at each step of the process thus driving his extremist followers to embrace these untruths as the gospel..and turn it into a Us Vrs Them Fight based on Political affiliation and NOTHING at all to do with Healthcare or Science.

Now, that said. Fauci is an egotistical little Sh** who decided instead of putting forth good solid science, explanations of why things changed and do complete and sustained media blitz with experts to educate those who didn't understand.....Fauci decide those people needed to be looked down upon, scoffed at and ridiculed for their lack of understanding, education or knowledge. Which is about the dumbest thing he could have done.

The entire situation of extreme arrogance and ignorance on both sides could, IS and WILL fill books on books on books for decades to come. However, to think there is anything criminal occurred during the scientific process of COVID and its response is highly unlikely
Who gets nuttier? The listener? Or, RFK?

I actually met the guy about 35 yrs ago. Got to shake his hand and speak w him for about 5 minutes. He was extremely engaging and could hold a small group which isn’t exactly surprising. He comes across today the same way. His policies and some of his beliefs just aren’t for me.
I believe the words I used adequately pointed to RFK. I’m sure anyone can form an instant idea of what a person represents in a five minute conversation, however to know what they’re really like probably would take considerably longer. He’s not my cup of tea, too conspiracy embracing.
I think that nearly all the Presidential candidates seem to have one major flaw, statement, or policy that IMO is crazy.

I agree RFK Jr seems pretty normal. But some of his anti-vax statements are unusual and very concerning IMO. Plus his comments on video about COVID being ethnically targeted was conspiracy level crazy.

And Newsom and Biden each have major negatives. With Newsom a major no-go for me.

On Republican side Christie, Ramaswarmy, Pence, and DeSantis all have said or done something for which I disagree strongly. And Trump is a non-starter for me.

Scott and Haley, however, do not have those negatives, IMO.

All that said, I know I will personally have to look past a negative or two for the candidate I vote for President. I will certainly weigh the level of disagreement, but one or two items cannot be a reason not to vote - otherwise I will just be abstaining.
For me what sucks the most is that when we get to the 2028 election both sides will nominate someone so far to the side that the majority of sane Americans will have to swallow their own vomit when they vote. Biden v Trump is almost there. But for me Biden isn’t as off the rails as the performative right would have us believe.

I don’t agree policy wise w him on a lot of issues but he’s not doing a lot of the things a true leftist would do.

No expansion of Supreme Court. He’s not taking away the guns. He’s actually done things that have pissed the far left off. Next D for President won’t do that. Newsom included.
For me what sucks the most is that when we get to the 2028 election both sides will nominate someone so far to the side that the majority of sane Americans will have to swallow their own vomit when they vote. Biden v Trump is almost there. But for me Biden isn’t as off the rails as the performative right would have us believe.

I don’t agree policy wise w him on a lot of issues but he’s not doing a lot of the things a true leftist would do.

No expansion of Supreme Court. He’s not taking away the guns. He’s actually done things that have pissed the far left off. Next D for President won’t do that. Newsom included.
Joe Biden is about as middle of the road Democrat as you can get. He’s decent and for my vote he seems to be working for the people and NOT himself or party. I don’t care what proven liars say, Joe’s okay.
Joe Biden is about as middle of the road Democrat as you can get. He’s decent and for my vote he seems to be working for the people and NOT himself or party. I don’t care what proven liars say, Joe’s okay.


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