Here is my opinion.
He isn't a Nazi. He did do a Nazi-ish salute on purpose. He has avoided apologizing and continues to joke about it on purpose.
As long as everyone keeps bickering about this silly salute, we aren't noticing that he has bought a country. Apple was the first American trillion-dollar company in 2018. Elon is almost halfway there to be the first trillion dollar man. Given that he essentially has the resources of the US government now, he will probably make it in the next few years.
THIS is what we should be talking about. Should the wealthiest man in the world be able to buy the office of the president and increase his net worth 40 something % in a couple of months? Why are we worried about his hand gesture instead of this? They destroyed the income equating power of labor unions. Next stop is obviously going straight to government to insure they continue to get more. Why are we not worried about the other mega-billionaires lining up to buy incredible access to the government, too?
I drive a Tesla. I use Amazon. I'm not "anti-billionaire" in the sense that these men have played a part in creating good things and should be rewarded. But, I have also read books on the psychology of billionaires. "Satisfied" with $X dollars is not part of that. They will want it all. It is up to us to sustain a system that rewards, but doesn't bend over and give all. Right now, it appears to me they have the access to start bending us over.
Meanwhile, we are debating what constitutes a Nazi salute and what is just a regular gesture.
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