Debate thoughts?

Her first response was disappointing. It was a straightforward question, and it has an easy answer. The economy is good. Inflation has been bad but the idea that it is due to Biden/Harris and not the extreme spending and Fed response to COVID is farcical.
She’s killing him.

She has nothing of substance and is trouncing him. She agitated him and he can’t take it
That is an accurate representation.
Him defending size of rallies and repeating the stupid claim of Haitians eating pets is embarrassing.
All he had to do was appear sane to lock this up tonight. She may do that tonight
I'm not so sure. His supporters love him acting crazy like this. It is a show for them.

And those willing to vote for him to get a tax cut already knew he is a loon and just want their tax cut.
I'm not so sure. His supporters love him acting crazy like this. It is a show for them.

And those willing to vote for him to get a tax cut already knew he is a loon and just want their tax cut.
Not all his supporters. He can’t win with just those that don’t care.

I have not and will not vote for Trump. This sh!t is why.

I also think Biden/Harris has been the worst admin of my lifetime as far as policy. Harris will not improve on that.

All he had to do was not be crazy for one night and he is President. The guy that debated Hillary wins this by 8 points. But this guy is why he is who he is.