Christian Nationalism



GOP Lt Gov saying all this from the pulpit of a church​

‘Some folks need killing’: North Carolina Lt. Gov takes Christian nationalism to dangerous area.

On the Sunday before the Fourth of July, North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson, the Republican nominee for governor, stood on a church pulpit and called for the extrajudicial killing of people he considered to be enemies of Christian America. Republicans’ continued support for and promotion of Robinson’s candidacy show how the GOP and the religious right have mainstreamed calls for violence in the name of Christian nationalism.

Thee address — first reported by The New Republic’s Greg Sargent — was part of “God and Country Sunday” at Lake Church in White Lake, North Carolina. “We now find ourselves struggling with people who have evil intent,” Robinson declared, adding that “some folks need killing. … It’s a matter of necessity!” He compared these supposed enemies on the American left to Nazis in World War II: “We didn’t argue and capitulate and talk about, ‘Well, maybe we shouldn’t fight the Nazis that hard.’ No, they’re bad. Kill them.” And the state’s would-be governor had no qualms about marshaling state power: “Time to call out, uh, those guys in green and go have them handle it. Or those boys in blue and have them go handle it.”

The exact identity of the “folks” who deserved death was unclear. There are “wicked people doing wicked things, torturing and murdering and raping,” Robinson said. But he clearly had in mind a far broader spectrum of leftist foes, warning about those “making 1776 a distant memory” and those advancing “the tenets of socialism and communism.”

Cameron McGill, the church’s pastor, defended Robinson. “Without a doubt, those he deemed worthy of death [were] those seeking to kill us,” McGill told The New Republic, claiming that Robinson “certainly did not imply the taking of any innocent lives.” The pastor, in other words, gave Robinson his permission to deem some fellow citizens “worthy of death” based only on conspiratorial lies that such people want to kill Christians.

Robinson, an unabashed Christian nationalist, has a long history of extremist and bigoted positions, promoting conspiracy theories, and making racist, antisemitic, homophobic and transphobic attacks on fellow Americans. He launched his political career by attacking gun control and ridiculing survivors of the 2018 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. He has expressed support for the 1970 National Guard shooting of anti-Vietnam War protesters at Kent State University, denied the Holocaust and called for trans women to be arrested for using women’s restrooms.

Robinson’s supporters on the Christian right treat his vicious, bigoted attacks as evidence of his heroic stands against “woke” enemies of Christian America. The church introduced Robinson, who was fresh off an appearance at the Road to Majority conference hosted by the Faith and Freedom Coalition in Washington, D.C., with a clip of his appearance at this high-profile event for Republican heavyweights, including former President Donald Trump. In the segment, Robinson attacked the media as anti-American, saying, “I don’t care about your plans and your schemes to bring this nation down, with your Democratic friends. Why? Because Jesus Christ is still on the throne!”

In a friendly interview between McGill and Robinson before the candidate gave his speech, the pair reiterated Christian nationalist dogma that the founders intended America to be a Christian nation, and that the separation of church and state was intended to protect the church from government interference, but not to stop the church from influencing government. “You cannot tell me we can separate our government from the laws of God, from the Bible,” said Robinson. “Our Constitution is based on the word of God, I don’t care what anybody says.” At one point in the interview, McGill told Robinson that he has an “anointing.” With that endorsement, Robinson took to the pulpit for his speech.

This is far from the first time Robinson has used the violent language of warfare to pit MAGA Republicans like himself against others. In 2021, he said in a speech that he was born “to be one of God’s freedom fighters” in order to “literally make war on the devil.” He warned he wanted to make “the literal foundations of hell tremble, and I want this nation to join with me in doing it.” That same year, Robinson said in another speech that Christians and conservatives must “get as bold and unafraid and warlike in spreading the truth in this nation as these people have been in spreading the lies that are currently destroying it.”

But in those instances, Robinson stopped short of endorsing murder. Explicitly advocating for supposed “enemies” of Christian America to be killed — on a church pulpit, no less — is a clear and dangerous escalation of Christian nationalist support for “spiritual warfare” against “demonic” enemies. Many promoters of “spiritual warfare” have long insisted, citing Ephesians 6:12, that they are not talking about actual war with “flesh and blood,” but rather a battle against “principalities and powers” that takes place solely in the realm of spirituality and prayer. Yet Robinson’s newly explicit calls for killing perceived enemies show just how seamlessly Christian nationalist extremists can glide into promoting real violence.

Trump wanted to shoot racial justice protesters in the wake of the police murder of George Floyd in 2020. Robinson, who could be North Carolina’s next governor, wants to get “the guys in green” or the “boys in blue” to “handle” unspecified “wicked people.” It’s all part of the MAGA quest to upend democracy and replace it with far-right authoritarianism. Robinson is merely taking the lead on turning this project into a twisted Sunday school lesson for Christian nationalists.
This man leads a "church" of 15000

His message...a male with no job is more sinful than a Non Christian believer


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Mark Robinson, the GOP gubernatorial nominee in North Carolina, claims that when the delegates to the Constitutional Convention in 1787 were at a stalemate, they went to church and "prayed for wisdom from God to finish the Constitution." That never happened.

WHAAA???? This is nuts

Doug Billings is now seeing parallels between the drafting of the Declaration of Independence and the death & resurrection of Jesus.

Jesus wants everybody to believe in and follow him, but not by force.

I will add, however, that the Kingdom of God has walls and gates; Hell has open borders. Eventually, I believe, all who ever existed will be "Christian nationalists" (depending on your definition) worshipping God & Jesus in the eternal Kingdom. :)
What the actual Crap...Dude just proclaimed US a Christian Nation and Proudly called himself a Christian Nationalist and the VERY NEXT day starts spouting off Parts of the EXTREMELY RACIST Great Replacement Theory and tries to align this Racist Theory as Christian Nationalism

Josh Hawley touts racist theory that liberals want to 'replace Christmas with pride month'

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) spoke to a conference of Christian nationalists on Monday, touting a fabricated version of history and the so-called "Great Replacement Theory" along with it.

According to the Bucks County Beacon, Hawley's speech to the National Conservatism Conference excited attendees by calling the United States "a Christian Nation."

“The truth is Christian nationalism is not a threat to American democracy. Christian nationalism founded American democracy,” he said.

Hawley also gave his own version of the Great Replacement Theory. The concept is that White people are being replaced by people of color and that Whites will become a minority in the U.S.

But in Hawley's head, Whites aren't being replaced by Black and Brown foreigners. Instead, the "left" is replacing those unified in Christianity with secularist ideologues with progressive beliefs in diversity, equity, and inclusion, and LGBTQ acceptance. That kind of acceptance is destroying America, he says.

“Instead of Christmas, they want pride month. Instead of prayer in schools, they venerate the trans flag. Diversity, equity and inclusion are their watchwords," Hawley told the crowd.

"Their new Holy Trinity, and they expect their preach much to be obeyed. They may speak of tolerance, but they practice fundamentalism…Now this is the left’s true replacement theory, their true replacement agenda to replace the Christian ideals of which this nation was founded, and to silence those Americans who dare still stand by. Sadly, the Republican Party of the last 30 years has been in no position to resist the onslaught," he continued.

It flies in the face of the "love" Hawley says drives his Christian nationalism.

“A Christian nationalism organized around Christian ideals, a nationalism driven not by conquest but by common purpose, animated not by fear, but by common love," Hawley promised.

The Beacon spoke with journalist and speaker Katherine Stewart, who penned the book "The Power Worshippers: Inside the Dangerous Rise of Religious Nationalism."

“A speech like this from a Republican senator would not have been possible 20 years ago. Hawley isn’t offering the old-school grievances of the religious right about a handful of social issues, like gay marriage and abortion,” Stewart explained. “He is talking about ending American democracy and instead imposing his preferred religion through the power of government. Christian nationalism has always been an anti-democratic, theocratic, and authoritarian movement at its core; Hawley is openly embracing the project.”

She explained that "all fascist movements depend on the demonization of a backstabbing ‘elite.’ Hawley does not disappoint. "

In Hawley's imagination, she said that the "woke libs" are the same as the "Jews and other groups do in other fascist ideologies: Hawley casts them as devious, depraved, yet somehow secretly in control of everything and hell-bent on harming the authentic folk.”

WTAF at the part in YELLOW

Trump-backed Senate hopeful attended 'cult-like' church known for 'extremist views'

In Nevada's 2024 U.S. Senate race, Donald Trump-supported Republican Sam Brown has been trying to paint himself a moderate in the hope of winning over independents and undecided voters.
Brown, describing himself as "personally pro-life," has said that he opposes a national abortion ban and believes that abortion should be left up to the states.

But the Daily Beast's Kate Briquelet, in an article published on July 12, details Brown's connection to evangelical Christian fundamentalist churches known for their "extremist views and controversial practices."

"Brown and his wife, Amy, are members of Calvary Chapel Reno Sparks, helmed by a pastor who pushes his flock to take their 'biblical values to the ballot box' and who's labeled 'transgenderism' a Marxist plot by elites aiming to control people," Briquelet reports. "This ideology is coming…. from Satan,' lead pastor Phil McKay said on his podcast earlier this year."

Briquelet notes that Candidate Sam Brown chaired the Nevada Faith and Freedom Coalition and, in 2022, voiced his support for Florida's "Don't Say Gay" law.

Before Sam Brown and his wife moved to Nevada, Briquelet reports, they attended a controversial Dallas megachurch — the Watermark Community Church — that has "faced accusations of being a cult."

"The church made headlines in 2006, when a man and woman accused of having an extramarital affair sued it for revealing the romance to others as part of its disciplinary process," Briquelet points out. "Members must sign papers submitting 'themselves to the care and correction' of elders and 'may not resign' to avoid such measures, the church's site says…. Ex-members have also come forward anonymously to the blog No Eden Elsewhere in recent years to claim the church exercised inordinate control over their lives, having them sign membership covenants and disclose their financial information and 'sins' and family secrets."

"One woman compared the house of worship’s practices to Scientology. Members who didn't share enough stories of struggle were accused of holding back and not being 'authentic.'"
A short thread of Christian nationalists and fascists being very open about their agenda. First up, Douglas Wilson: "In the republic I envision, Hindus would not be able to hold public office."
Very Christian

Former President Donald Trump reportedly told his nephew that he should let his disabled son “just die” and “move down to Florida” after he needed help paying for medical bills.

Fred Trump III wrote in an op-ed published by Time that his son was 19-years-old when his uncle made the comment
There are hundreds to thousands of intriguing hobbies to get into to preoccupy one's time and mind. What a pity that Christian Nationalists can't find a better hobby.
Lance Wallnau, who proudly declared himself to be a Christian nationalist, now claims that people who use the term to describe him "are under a very serious species of mind manipulation which causes them to hear everything you say almost through a paranoid vector."
Republican activists and Christian Nationalist have a strategy, with or without Trump, to go after IVF

"They are planting seeds for their ultimate goal of ending abortion from conception, both within the Republican Party and beyond it."

This is a poorly thought out sentence for the NYT. I'm sure in the disturbed fantasy of some of these people it is the "ultimate goal." But it isn't remotely attainable. Certainly not by passing legislation. It would be like saying that climate acitivists have an ultimate goal that the climate will not ever change at all. Or that peace actvists have the ultimate goal of ending human conflict.

And, that is ceding the point that the common venacular "abortion" generally is meant to cover therapeutic abortion. It ignores the vast majority of abortions which are spontaneous. "Ending abortion from conception" is just a very ignorant thing to write.
"They are planting seeds for their ultimate goal of ending abortion from conception, both within the Republican Party and beyond it."

This is a poorly thought out sentence for the NYT. I'm sure in the disturbed fantasy of some of these people it is the "ultimate goal." But it isn't remotely attainable. Certainly not by passing legislation. It would be like saying that climate acitivists have an ultimate goal that the climate will not ever change at all. Or that peace actvists have the ultimate goal of ending human conflict.

And, that is ceding the point that the common venacular "abortion" generally is meant to cover therapeutic abortion. It ignores the vast majority of abortions which are spontaneous. "Ending abortion from conception" is just a very ignorant thing to write.
I agree with you but isn't that kind of the opinion of the Catholic church? I am not catholic so I could be wrong here.

They are equating any means of preventing any intentional non-full term pregnancy by artifical means to abortion.