Christian Nationalism

The reason why Christian nationalist pastor Joel Webbon has "grown to despise democracy" is because it allows women to vote: "I think the 19th Amendment should be repealed. I think that because, first and foremost, I'm a Christian. That is the Christian position."

So now if you're not really a Christian if you support Harris!!!????

Ain't no man get to determine who is OR is not a true Christian believer.... we will all be judged by Heaven and Heaven alone
Christian nationalists Mark Meckler and Rick Green claims that the Democrats don't appeal to "real men," such as themselves, but only to weak, effeminate "men who want to be like women."

Wouldn't a Christian Nation be a socialist nation?
In today’s upside down world the answer is no. Christian Nationalists are from a very specific Reformed movement. Some have labeled it “New Reformation.”

The media have made the mistake of taking crazy religious people and lumping them in as Christian Nationalists. If ever put in power, the crazies will be put in their place by Christian Nationalists.

One example is today’s Supreme Court. The 6 conservatives are catholic. 3 of them are from a very conservative brand of Catholicism (Alito, ABC and Thomas). What’s interesting is that those from a true Christian Nationalist ideology do not view Catholics as Christians.

True Newly Reformed Christians will use religion, the economy, the education system, health care, entertainment and virtually anything to dominate (their words) and bring about “salvation”.

Examples of their perversion would include:

Slavery was not all bad bc people were “rescued” from Africa and brought to a more prosperous and gospel opportunistic society. Sure people were killed, tortured and raped (basic genocide) but some came “to know Christ” so it wasn’t all bad.

Same ideology can be applied to what happened to Native Americans or Jews. Basically oppression even if evil is not all bad as long as their version of Christianity dominates (again their word).

In a Christian Nationalist world women lose the right to vote or divorce or have a voice in birth control or their children’s medical decisions. Male children are seen as “warriors” or “soldiers.”

Welfare and poor are taken care of only if they submit to the dominion of a “Christian” man and his ideology.

Alcohol, pornography (extend that to things like today’s network shows), casinos, sports betting or basically any vice is completely regulated and probably outlawed.

Science is replaced by a pseudo silence taught through the lens of their view of the Bible. Things like vaccines (not covid) but flu, polio, measles are gone. Experimental research in cancer, Alzheimer’s, ALS, reproduction all gone. Common medications for blood pressure, diabetes, addictions, blood clots all limited to those that submit to their dominion (basically a reverse “mark of the beast” situation if you believe that).

If interested look up people like Doug Wilson, Joel Webbon or Eric Conn. Look up Seven Mountains Mandate or Christian Dominionism.