You just don't get mention the 'extreme stuff' and 'extremism of the transgender stuff', well I could also call out the 'extreme' stuff that is said by people like you...just remember, the people who attend PrideFest or parades or marches are mostly doing so to show others (including kids) that it's OK to be themselves, showing them that they are loved and seen and accepted, showing them that they have a place in society, showing them that they are important, that they are not alone (like many of the LGBTQ+ community were when they were growing up).You just don't get it, I hope you love your child, I wish your child great happiness and wonderful health, I have no reason to not like your child, I am sure they are a wonderful person. I have relatives that live alternate lifestyles and they are always welcome in my home, or to anything I have and there shall be no stupidity involved in misplaced humor towards them. I hope and pray that all of you understand that.
I don't want anyone to feel they aren't valued or are hated. However, if you can't look at some of the extreme stuff that shows up at pride parades or the extremism of the transgender stuff and understand pushback is going to happen then no one can console you.
If you are going to lecture others about how wrong they are not to drink a certain beer because of an offensive ad campaign when you aren't drinking it to show support then you are being all hat and no cattle.
ZZZ away, but remember you know I am correct.
and lastly..."but remember you know I am correct." ????????? WTF....get over yourself....