Bud Light Controversy Spreads to Target, Sending the Stock Lower

@GOGETUMPOKE and @andylicious, your juvenile comments are disgusting and is the reason the lgbtq+ community has to fight for their rights to be taken seriously and respected!
I hope that you don't have any kids or grandkids that have to deal with your demeaning and hateful attitudes...
@GOGETUMPOKE and @andylicious, your juvenile comments are disgusting and is the reason the lgbtq+ community has to fight for their rights to be taken seriously and respected!
I hope that you don't have any kids or grandkids that have to deal with your demeaning and hateful attitudes...
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What's wrong about pointing out the attire worn by extremists? I did not say everyone dresses in a leather thong. Lighten up Francis
troll trolling GIF
They don't understand they are attacking and hurting the family members of people who care for, support and love their Gay relatives.

As a father who has an Adult Son who is gay I want to let everyone know the type of crap going on in this thread...hurts. It sucks.

It is horrible to know people think these kinds of things about my Kid
It is horrible to think that my child will never be taken as a serious adult in Oklahoma due to sexual preference

It is horrifying that my child will face this Classless and Childish name calling and behavior across all aspects of his life every day living in Oklahoma.

It HURTS to know that someone doesn't like your child simply for being themselves

it fills you with RAGE to know that some people do this just because they think it is funny and to get a laugh or reaction without them knowing exactly how much emotional and psychological issues they are causing not only to the Gay person, but to their family members that love them as well.

It is Damning to hear people use the Bible to tell you how your child is hated by God, but those SAME people will go to Church and sing and praise the fact that God Loves everyone and everything and is welcoming to any and all things in his creation despite them doing everything in their power to separate and push them from out of their churches.

This thread has made me cry, has made me FEAR FOR THE LIFE OF MY OWN CHILD, has made me extremely angry, and has given my small glimpses of hope to see those standing up.

No parent ever wants to think that people hate their child. If you are a parent....I plead with you as a general rule on this subject. don't just consider the homosexual person as the target of your rhetoric or opinions. Because I can 100% guarantee that you may direct your words at them and their community, but you will hit their relatives, their fiends, their loved ones, Their church (if they have been lucky enough to find an accepting church which will even allow them to ATTEMPT to have a relationship with God) and their entire support structure.

A Group of Neo Nazi's showed up at the Tulsa Pride Parade this weekend. Marching carrying signs of Hate and Yelling words of Hate and Fear. The remarks on this board were no different than what these Neo Nazis were yelling at the PRIDE events this weekend.

Have you ever felt the fear, anger, desperation, and Hurt of having Nazi's protest your child ? How does it feel to be on the same side as actual Nazi's ?
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They don't understand they are attacking and hurting the family members of people who care for, support and love their Gay relatives.

As a father who has an Adult Son who is gay I want to let everyone know the type of crap going on in this thread...hurts. It sucks.

It is horrible to know people think these kinds of things about my Kid
It is horrible to think that my child will never be taken as a serious adult in Oklahoma due to sexual preference

It is horrifying that my child will face this Classless and Childish name calling and behavior across all aspects of his life every day living in Oklahoma.

It HURTS to know that someone doesn't like your child simply for being themselves

it fills you with RAGE to know that some people do this just because they think it is funny and to get a laugh or reaction without them knowing exactly how much emotional and psychological issues they are causing not only to the Gay person, but to their family members that love them as well.

It is Damning to hear people use the Bible to tell you how your child is hated by God, but those SAME people will go to Church and sing and praise the fact that God Loves everyone and everything and is welcoming to any and all things in his creation despite them doing everything in their power to separate and push them from out of their churches.

This thread has made me cry, has made me FEAR FOR THE LIFE OF MY OWN CHILD, has made me extremely angry, and has given my small glimpses of hope to see those standing up.

No parent ever wants to think that people hate their child. If you are a parent....I plead with you as a general rule on this subject. don't just consider the homosexual person as the target of your rhetoric or opinions. Because I can 100% guarantee that you may direct your words at them and their community, but you will hit their relatives, their fiends, their loved ones, Their church (if they have been lucky enough to find an accepting church which will even allow them to ATTEMPT to have a relationship with God) and their entire support structure.
You just don't get it, I hope you love your child, I wish your child great happiness and wonderful health, I have no reason to not like your child, I am sure they are a wonderful person. I have relatives that live alternate lifestyles and they are always welcome in my home, or to anything I have and there shall be no stupidity involved in misplaced humor towards them. I hope and pray that all of you understand that.

I don't want anyone to feel they aren't valued or are hated. However, if you can't look at some of the extreme stuff that shows up at pride parades or the extremism of the transgender stuff and understand pushback is going to happen then no one can console you.

If you are going to lecture others about how wrong they are not to drink a certain beer because of an offensive ad campaign when you aren't drinking it to show support then you are being all hat and no cattle.

ZZZ away, but remember you know I am correct.