Just.......no.......staaaahp.... You are being obtuse. Are you Rx incarnate?Maybe you really DON'T get it.
Selective application of supposed principles upon identical behavior of different individuals based upon whether or not you agree with their post is unprincipled and hypocritical.
I can disagree with someone and respond. I can also disagree with someone and not respond. There is no requirement for me to respond, and such action/inaction is completely independent of my internal principles. I have no such internal principle that forces responses upon seeing things I agree or disagree with. I don't even read all posts on the forum, so its asinine to suggest that I must respond consistently to all posts, many of which I don't even see.
My "selective application" is mostly just responding to the random topics of interest or posts that I see within the times that I click on the forum. If I "selectively apply" (respond) to a post, its probably because (a) I read the post (b) I have an opinion about the post (c) I felt compelled to share the opinion with others. I could also not respond if any of the prior options aren't satisfied. Its kinda wild that you're so flustered by this.