American Healthcare continues to go backward

Corporate greed has destroyed the U.S. The only way out of this is to nationalize industries such as healthcare.
Just for giggles what makes you think this when you look at a govt with failing infrastructure, declining schools, two parties that can only agree on getting rid of TikTok (because you can actually see what they say there), has an increasingly unhealthy populous following the guide lines of eat all the carbs you can, we don't even win wars anymore......and we are 35 T in debt. The more the govt touches it the worse it why does one think it will help. Especially when the VA isn't exactly killing it on the healthcare side.
I swear @Donnyboy, your perspective on the state of affairs in this country makes me want to just roll over and die. Can you find nothing that brings you joy? 😵‍💫
This is why I was never a fan of the ACA. All it did was insure the insurers profit more. Now I will say there were a couple of things that got cut/struck down that were supposed to help curb that. I don’t think it would have made that much of a difference though. Insurance all forms has always come of as a legalized protection racket.
Except they can’t turn down anyone
Corporate greed has destroyed the U.S. The only way out of this is to nationalize industries such as healthcare.
It sure messed up the veterinarian profession.
Except they can’t turn down anyone

It sure messed up the veterinarian profession.
As someone that’s been around that profession for 30 years the venture capitalists buying practices and places like Banfield have certainly. I will say vets have been overall very dumb business people of those years also.
As someone that’s been around that profession for 30 years the venture capitalists buying practices and places like Banfield have certainly. I will say vets have been overall very dumb business people of those years also.
It was already a high stress career. I think it used to have the 2nd or 3rd highest suicide rate at one time. VCA is the one that made me mad. The Dr even said, “I know what the problem is, but the procedure is to check off these other possibilities just to make sure”. He was nice about it and really didn’t want to do his practice that way. So he finished his term of the buyout and retired.

VCA gets to keep his name too, so people will think it’s a mom and pop shop. And to do it to the one profession where they must bend to the economic realities of the owner and instead, raise prices, more tests and more products. It’s just like the jerk raising prices on pharmaceutical's

That part you quoted me on where it says they can’t turn you down. That’s was supposed to be deleted. Was wondering if ACA can’t turn you down for any reason. Sorry for any confusion. If any.
Hospice care has become a joke in this country.

We get patients sent to the ER all the time from hospice which really should not happen. But, they don't get the meds, the meds are underdosed, the nurse doesn't show up, the family is "too stressed and difficult" for the hospice to deal with, etc, etc.

The nation's emergency departments are the "easy button" when crappy for-profit health care doesn't do what it is mandated to do.

Another example. I had a patient sent BY AMBULANCE from a nursing home because his ears were plugged with wax. Yes, sent by a nurse. Yes, there are doctors that are supposed to cover nursing homes. Yes, this was an elderly person on VA/Medicare so all of us paid >$1200 for his ear drop prescription by ambulance.