2024 Presidential Election

I'm assuming that's why Trump is pushing against the FED rate cut this month and wants them to wait until Nov?

Is their plan enough to make a difference in people's economic opinion by late Oct?
Since Most people are conviced by the Political Parties the POTUS has direct influence over these things, then Trump knows that it will be a Political Benefit for him to Prevent the Fed Rate Cut until after the Election, because as soon as the Feds make that Rate Cut, prices will drop, Interest rates on Loans for Cars, Houses, to New Housing, to Business to Investment loans etc...all of their interest rates etc will go down.

Basically when the Fed makes a Rate Cut it becomes CHEAPER for a person, bank, company to borrow money and they have to spend LESS money in interest when paying it back. So when he Rate drops, people start spending and taking loans, new businesses start, existing projects not yet started get funded and start moving forward, It is a huge boost to the economy when the Fed cuts the Rate.
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I'm assuming that's why Trump is pushing against the FED rate cut this month and wants them to wait until Nov?

Is their plan enough to make a difference in people's economic opinion by late Oct?
That's exactly why he is against it.

It's also why he has said the President should control the FED....once he's in office.
Since Most people are conviced by the Political Parties the POTUS has direct influence over these things, then Trump knows that it will be a Political Benefit for him to Prevent the Fed Rate Cut until after the Election, because as soon as the Feds make that Rate Cut, prices will drop, Interest rates on Lones from Cars, to New Housing, to Business to Investment loans etc...all of their interest rates etc will go down.

Basically when the Fed makes a Rate Cut it becomes CHEAPER for a person, bank, company to borrow money and they have to spend LESS money in interest when paying it back. So when he Rate drops, people start spending and taking loans, new businesses start, existing projects not yet started get funded and start moving forward, It is a huge boost to the economy when the Fed cuts the Rate.
So it is a potentially pretty quick response then. Wasn't sure if it's like moving a giant ship (overcoming inertia) or if it reacts fairly quickly... Probably depends on the situation?
However, Trump has openly expressed MULTIPLE times he wants the POTUS to have DIRECT control over the Fed Rates and allow the POTUS to adjsut and move those Rates at will WHICH IS A HIGHLY dangerous way to think about the Economy.

Some might even say direct control over those rates and the economic effects of those rates in the hands of a single man or woman is.......pretty dang close to communism.
Some might even say direct control over those rates and the economic effects of those rates in the hands of a single man or woman is.......pretty dang close to communism.
50% Communism at least .. put the full Economy into control of the Govt and more specifically one person... Trump's hands

And Trump supporters are upset that Kamala wanted to put limits on Grocery prices hikes

When Trump is promoting the he idea of handing the ENTIRE economy over to him

Pope Francis tells Americans who they should vote for in November

Pope Francis on Friday slammed both U.S. presidential candidates for what he called anti-life policies on abortion and migration, and advised American Catholics to choose the 'lesser evil' in the upcoming U.S. elections.

'Both are against life, be it the one who kicks out migrants or the one who (supports) killing babies,' Francis said. 'Both are against life.'

The Argentine Jesuit was asked to provide counsel to American Catholic voters during an airborne press conference en route back to Rome from his four-nation tour through Asia. Francis stressed that he is not an American and would not be voting.

Neither the Republican candidate Donald Trump nor the Democratic candidate Kamala Harris was mentioned by name.

But Francis nevertheless expressed himself in stark terms when asked to weigh in on their positions on two hot-button issues in the U.S. election - abortion and migration - that are also of major concern to the Catholic Church.

Francis has made the plight of migrants a priority of his pontificate and speaks out emphatically and frequently about it. While strongly upholding church teaching forbidding abortion, Francis hasn´t emphasized church doctrine as much as his predecessors.

Francis said migration is a right described in Scripture, and that anyone who doesn´t follow the Biblical call to welcome the stranger is committing a 'grave sin.'

He was also blunt in speaking about abortion. 'To have an abortion is to kill a human being. You may like the word or not, but it´s killing,' he said. 'We have to see this clearly.'

Asked though what to do at the polls, Francis recalled the civic duty to vote.

'One should vote, and choose the lesser evil,' he said. 'Who is the lesser evil, the woman or man? I don´t know.

'Everyone in their conscience should think and do it,' he said.

It´s not the first time Francis has weighed in on a U.S. election. In the run-up to the 2016 election, Francis was asked about Trump´s plan to build a wall at the U.S.-Mexican border. Francis declared then that anyone who builds a wall to keep out migrants 'is not Christian.'

In responding Friday, Francis recalled that he celebrated Mass at the U.S.-Mexico border and 'there were so many shoes of the migrants who ended up badly there.'

The U.S. bishops conference, for its part, has called abortion the 'preeminent priority' for American Catholics in its published voter advice. Harris has strongly defended abortion rights.
The other side of the Haitian "cat-eaters." They help revitalized that community. Interesting story of the good and bad. I added some excerpts.

Haitians were new to the region. During the last census, in 2020, a little more than 58,000 people lived in Springfield, a town at the crossroads of America that had fallen on hard times and shed population as opportunity slipped away. But it has changed dramatically in recent years, as a boom in manufacturing and warehouse jobs attracted a swelling wave of immigrants, mainly from Haiti. City officials estimate that as many as 20,000 Haitians have arrived, most of them since the pandemic.


The issue has become even more politicized this year, as the presidential election campaign focuses on the record number of crossings on the southern border in 2023. So it came as no surprise that the influx of Haitians to Springfield would become a talking point for Mr. Vance.
In a speech at the National Conservatism Conference in July, he described Springfield as a town that was nearly a carbon copy of Middletown, where he grew up, except that it had now been “overwhelmed” by Haitians who were pushing up housing costs and collecting benefits.
“And you don’t have to believe, of course, that the 20,000, at least most of the 20,000 newcomers, are bad people” to recognize it as a problem, he said.
By most accounts, the Haitians have helped revitalize Springfield.
They are assembling car engines at Honda, running vegetable-packing machines at Dole and loading boxes at distribution centers. They are paying taxes on their wages and spending money at Walmart. On Sundays they gather at churches for boisterous, joyful services in Haitian Creole.
But the speed and volume of arrivals have put pressure on housing, schools and hospitals. The community health clinic saw a 13-fold increase in Haitian patients between 2021 and 2023, from 115 to 1,500, overwhelming its staff and budget.

By 2020, Springfield had lured food-service firms, logistics companies and a microchip maker, among others, creating an estimated 8,000 new jobs and optimism for the future.
“It was incredible to witness the transformation of our community,” said Horton Hobbs, vice president of economic development for the Greater Springfield Partnership, which executed the plan.
But soon there were not enough workers. Many young, working-age people had descended into addiction. Others shunned entry-level, rote work altogether, employers said.
Haitians who heard that the Springfield area boasted well-paying, blue-collar jobs and a low cost of living poured in, and employers were eager to hire and train the new work force.

McGregor Metal, a family-owned business in Springfield that makes parts for cars, trucks and tractors, was short of workers after investing millions to boost production.

The business needed machine operators, forklift drivers and quality inspectors, said Jamie McGregor, the chief executive.

“The Haitians were there to fill those positions,” he said. The immigrants now comprise about 10 percent of his work force.

“They come to work every day. They don’t cause drama. They’re on time,” he said.


Gary Durst, who buys and refurbishes distressed homes, has 400 units in his portfolio, and about 80 percent of the tenants are Haitian.

He acknowledged that some Americans have been displaced. But on many streets, newly renovated homes are giving blighted neighborhoods a face lift, he said. No longer delinquent on property tax, they pump revenue into Springfield’s coffers.
The other side of the Haitian "cat-eaters." They help revitalized that community. Interesting story of the good and bad. I added some excerpts.

Haitians were new to the region. During the last census, in 2020, a little more than 58,000 people lived in Springfield, a town at the crossroads of America that had fallen on hard times and shed population as opportunity slipped away. But it has changed dramatically in recent years, as a boom in manufacturing and warehouse jobs attracted a swelling wave of immigrants, mainly from Haiti. City officials estimate that as many as 20,000 Haitians have arrived, most of them since the pandemic.


The issue has become even more politicized this year, as the presidential election campaign focuses on the record number of crossings on the southern border in 2023. So it came as no surprise that the influx of Haitians to Springfield would become a talking point for Mr. Vance.
In a speech at the National Conservatism Conference in July, he described Springfield as a town that was nearly a carbon copy of Middletown, where he grew up, except that it had now been “overwhelmed” by Haitians who were pushing up housing costs and collecting benefits.
“And you don’t have to believe, of course, that the 20,000, at least most of the 20,000 newcomers, are bad people” to recognize it as a problem, he said.
By most accounts, the Haitians have helped revitalize Springfield.
They are assembling car engines at Honda, running vegetable-packing machines at Dole and loading boxes at distribution centers. They are paying taxes on their wages and spending money at Walmart. On Sundays they gather at churches for boisterous, joyful services in Haitian Creole.
But the speed and volume of arrivals have put pressure on housing, schools and hospitals. The community health clinic saw a 13-fold increase in Haitian patients between 2021 and 2023, from 115 to 1,500, overwhelming its staff and budget.

By 2020, Springfield had lured food-service firms, logistics companies and a microchip maker, among others, creating an estimated 8,000 new jobs and optimism for the future.
“It was incredible to witness the transformation of our community,” said Horton Hobbs, vice president of economic development for the Greater Springfield Partnership, which executed the plan.
But soon there were not enough workers. Many young, working-age people had descended into addiction. Others shunned entry-level, rote work altogether, employers said.
Haitians who heard that the Springfield area boasted well-paying, blue-collar jobs and a low cost of living poured in, and employers were eager to hire and train the new work force.

McGregor Metal, a family-owned business in Springfield that makes parts for cars, trucks and tractors, was short of workers after investing millions to boost production.

The business needed machine operators, forklift drivers and quality inspectors, said Jamie McGregor, the chief executive.

“The Haitians were there to fill those positions,” he said. The immigrants now comprise about 10 percent of his work force.

“They come to work every day. They don’t cause drama. They’re on time,” he said.


Gary Durst, who buys and refurbishes distressed homes, has 400 units in his portfolio, and about 80 percent of the tenants are Haitian.

He acknowledged that some Americans have been displaced. But on many streets, newly renovated homes are giving blighted neighborhoods a face lift, he said. No longer delinquent on property tax, they pump revenue into Springfield’s coffers.
Stillwater needs to be like Springfield and figure out how to attract thousands of new jobs and recover its status as a blue-collar college town. The magnet factory can't seem to open, and the Armstrong plant remains closed. College students might like to work the second shifts and not have to work part time at fast foods and restaurants. Probably a good number of people from places turning into ghost towns would be attracted. People shouldn't be afraid of legal vetted immigrants. The good old days of Mercury Marine shouldn't be long gone.
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Nothing worse than a rich arrogant self-absorbed dip $hit. Stay in your lane. We don’t need your social opinions .
This is what he is referring to. Trump last night..it's just unhinged

"She's already talking about bringing back the draft. She wants to bring back the draft and draft your child and put them in a war."

This is what he is referring to. Trump last night..it's just unhinged

"She's already talking about bringing back the draft. She wants to bring back the draft and draft your child and put them in a war."

I’ve thought for a long time now that Trump is criminally insane. If he were to be genuinely evaluated they’d lock him up to keep those around him safe, and prevent him from cutting himself when he’s FINALLY out of the news.