2024 Presidential Election

1/12: In the Bible, it is mentioned that in the desert, Jesus faced a temptation from Satan for dominion over the world—a bargain He famously refused. But in 2016, as Trump began his presidential run, evangelical leaders chose a different path.
There is a really interesting Vanity Fair article on Falwell Jr. Can’t remember if it was that article or another one around the same time. Might have been both. But basically Falwell Jr and his brother who runs the ministry side were days if not hours from throwing in w Cruz. Falwell Jr was approached by Trump surrogates and discussion of Falwell’s wife and his much younger South Florida business partner’s relationship (which Falwell Jr knew of) would be leaked. Falwell switches allegiance for silence (which it all came out anyway and cost him dearly) and becomes one of the first and largest evangelical leaders to endorse Trump. It shocked everyone and caught Ted Cruz blindsided.

Without this endorsement Trump doesn’t get the Evangelical endorsement and likely loses the Republican nomination to Cruz.

Lots of take aways here but it ultimately shows you what sheep the large majority of American evangelicals really are. It also shows you how power hungry and greedy a lot of evangelical leaders are.

* “There’s two options that we’re looking at and one is staying in, forming that new party, but we run the risk of a Kamala Harris and [Tim] Walz presidency because we draw votes from Trump, or we draw somehow more votes from Trump,” Ms Shanahan, 38, said on the Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu podcast released on Tuesday.

“Or we walk away right now and join forces with Donald Trump and you know, we walk away from that and we explain to our base why we’re making this decision.”

* She noted that former President Trump has taken a keen interest in some of their campaign's policies around chronic disease.

* She also accused the Democratic party of "sabotage", arguing that "had we had a fair shot we would have won". (this one made me chuckle)

* Media reports over the last few months have indicated that Mr Kennedy, 70, has offered to endorse the former president in exchange for a role in his next administration.

A leaked phone call in July between the two candidates had Trump saying he would “love" Mr Kennedy "to do something” to support him.
* She also accused the Democratic party of "sabotage", arguing that "had we had a fair shot we would have won". (this one made me chuckle)
Right. Only the Democrats.

If she doesn't understand that the two major parties have aligned forces and now control the money, the debates, as well as the government and therefore are able to prevent any concern from a third party then she has not been watching US politics over the past few decades.

Good writeup on impacts of the Inflation Reduction Act, and it's impact or lack thereof on communities set to benefit from it. First example given is $500 to help make a steel mill in small town Ohio be cleaner and ensure it's survival.

This mill is in JD Vance's hometown. He and Trump want to kill the Act and pull back all unused funds. Vance wants to remove pollution regulations to support the industry.

So instead of using money already allocated to reduce pollution, and support industry he wants to just allow them to pump out pollution into his hometown... makes sense. /s
Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., called for voters to “swamp the ballot box” and “rid ourselves of New York’s politically corrupt Democrats” after the state’s highest court threw out her challenge to mail-in voting Tuesday.

I have a question about Democrat's messaging/campaign strategy for the board. They've been extremely light on talking about Jan 6 so far. I would think at some point you'd want to flood the airwaves and remind everyone how disturbing that day and what Trump and Republicans did was. So do we think they're just holding that back for the home stretch of the campaign?
I have a question about Democrat's messaging/campaign strategy for the board. They've been extremely light on talking about Jan 6 so far. I would think at some point you'd want to flood the airwaves and remind everyone how disturbing that day and what Trump and Republicans did was. So do we think they're just holding that back for the home stretch of the campaign?
My guess would be the people that are gonna be upset about Jan 6th are already voting democrat. Like we see over and over on these boards, anyone that would even consider Trump has discounted all of that evidence. They probably figure at this point they have a better chance winning them over with a different message rather than more complaining about Trump. What DT is has already been shown. Repeating it isn't gonna change any minds.
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My guess would be the people that are gonna be upset about Jan 6th are already voting democrat. Like we see over and over on these boards, anyone that would even consider Trump has discounted all of that evidence. They probably figure at this point they have a better chance winning them over with a different message rather than more complaining about Trump. What DT is has already been shown. Repeating it isn't gonna change any minds.

Yeah. The mental gymnastics for some people is nuts.

I saw someone defend Trump's felony convictions the other day by saying most people have probably committed felonies at some point in their life. If you are that far down the rabbit hole pointing out something they probably were ok with is going to change their mind.
Yeah. The mental gymnastics for some people is nuts.

I saw someone defend Trump's felony convictions the other day by saying most people have probably committed felonies at some point in their life. If you are that far down the rabbit hole pointing out something they probably were ok with is going to change their mind.
Or watching how quickly you can get a good God fearing Christian to defend sexual assault by saying Trump was found guilty of rape.
Let’s set Elon to the side for a sec. Let’s even set policy and politics down for a minute. But who on that list or who in Trump’s past either w Trump Org or his previous admin give you confidence that he can attract, hire and retain staff that will be efficient and effective?

Trump Org Gen Counsel and CFO have both served prison sentences. His sons are “in charge.” 44 of 47 former admins won’t endorse him. His former VP was threatened w death and publicly said he won’t vote for him.

Markets don’t like chaos. What in his past leads you to believe he can assemble a team that will provide stability?