2024 Presidential Election

Let’s set Elon to the side for a sec. Let’s even set policy and politics down for a minute. But who on that list or who in Trump’s past either w Trump Org or his previous admin give you confidence that he can attract, hire and retain staff that will be efficient and effective?

Trump Org Gen Counsel and CFO have both served prison sentences. His sons are “in charge.” 44 of 47 former admins won’t endorse him. His former VP was threatened w death and publicly said he won’t vote for him.

Markets don’t like chaos. What in his past leads you to believe he can assemble a team that will provide stability?
I just thought it was interesting and kind of funny. Do you really think any of that is going to happen?
I just thought it was interesting and kind of funny. Do you really think any of that is going to happen?
One of the Chairs of Trump own Transition team already shared a VERY similar thought exercise with the same things yesterday on Social Media.

So if one of the Chairs of the POTUS TRANSITIONAL Team responsible for setting up the incoming POTUS cabinet is sharing this exact info...then YES...I would say that it is HIGHLY possible this occurs
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If Kamala Harris agrees to keep Lena Kahn in charge of the FTC and is serious about getting the Israeli hostages out of Gaza ( I was legitimately impressed they had two of the parents speaking)

I'll happily support her over Trump.

Also it's wild we're doing all this drama and spending all this money for 100,000 potential voters spread across Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia.

I don't like Trump, but I feel he's far from the antichrist.
I don't like Trump, but I feel he's far from the antichrist.
You aren't phased by him calling the Georgia sec of state and threatening him on the phone for an hour trying to get him to overturn Georgias election result?
Or Jan 6th?

What would a sitting president have to do in trying to end our democrat republic and install himself as an unelected leader of the nation before you would consider him closer to the antichrist?
I just thought it was interesting and kind of funny. Do you really think any of that is going to happen?
I don’t think Elon or Victor do. But I wouldn’t be surprised if Kennedy isn’t in the admin in some capacity. He offered his endorsement to both candidates.

But my question still stands. What in his past as a CEO ($500,000,000 fraud judgement) where his chief counsel and CFO both spent time in prison. His time as the head of a charitable foundation which is under court order to dissolve bc it mismanaged funds. Or his time as President which saw unprecedented turnover. Where his VP won’t vote for him nor will 44 of 47 cabinet or sr admin members. Where we saw unprecedented job loss.

Who will he surround himself with that based on his past is any good.
I don’t think Elon or Victor do. But I wouldn’t be surprised if Kennedy isn’t in the admin in some capacity. He offered his endorsement to both candidates.

But my question still stands. What in his past as a CEO ($500,000,000 fraud judgement) where his chief counsel and CFO both spent time in prison. His time as the head of a charitable foundation which is under court order to dissolve bc it mismanaged funds. Or his time as President which saw unprecedented turnover. Where his VP won’t vote for him nor will 44 of 47 cabinet or sr admin members. Where we saw unprecedented job loss.

Who will he surround himself with that based on his past is any good.
Sold. RFK Jr sold his endorsement.
Republican Adam Kinzinger: Kinzinger: The Republican Party is no longer conservative. It has switched it allegiance from the principles that gave it purpose to a man whose only purpose is himself. Donald Trump is a weak man pretending to be strong ... Trump has suffocated the soul of the Republican Party
During a key pre-trial hearing Thursday in Smartmatic's defamation case against Newsmax, the attorney, Erik Connolly, cited several instances of employees of the cable network admitting they had no proof of the election fraud claims, including a Nov. 12, 2020 internal email from Ruddy in which he said, "We have no evidence."

"And yet they pushed the story after that date 23 more times," Connolly said. https://l.smartnews.com/p-4H5Jz/sbmNKP
Reason why my give a damn has been broken for a while. If I vote for Trump, vote for Harris, Vote for Kennedy or just avoid the elevated risk of jury duty by staying home........

My existence as an Oklahoman goes down as a vote for the Red.
The problem is that we've all been told for so long that unless you vote red in OK your vote doesn't matter. IIRC, democratic turnout in OK is one of the lowest in the country. Wouldn't it be a neat experiment to see what would happen if the dems increased turnout by 15-20%? I think OK would be a lot more purple that we're led to believe.
The problem is that we've all been told for so long that unless you vote red in OK your vote doesn't matter. IIRC, democratic turnout in OK is one of the lowest in the country. Wouldn't it be a neat experiment to see what would happen if the dems increased turnout by 15-20%? I think OK would be a lot more purple that we're led to believe.
Jan. 15, 2024
Jan. 15, 2020
almost 1%​
less than 1%​
Jan. 15, 2024
Jan. 15, 2020
almost 1%​
less than 1%​
as of last Month
Reason why my give a damn has been broken for a while. If I vote for Trump, vote for Harris, Vote for Kennedy or just avoid the elevated risk of jury duty by staying home........

My existence as an Oklahoman goes down as a vote for the Red.
All the more reason to actually vote. If everyone actually got out and voted, there would be wildly different results across the country. No complaining allowed if you don't.