2024 Presidential Election

Saw it on a news Facebook post and read some comments:…"I thought he was vaccinated?…I guess Vaccination and boosters don’t work…with all the medicine available to him, and he still gets it?….I thought that was over with…how convenient…"
I’m confident many of these are voters…I’m confident many of these are maga’s…it’s scary how ignorant so many are….
They are being sarcastic. Do you not remember when Biden confidently told an entire nation that you couldn’t get Covid if you were vaccinated?
They are being sarcastic. Do you not remember when Biden confidently told an entire nation that you couldn’t get Covid if you were vaccinated?
I’m sure some were, but that was just a few of the ‘paraphrased’ comments I put on…there are some ignorant people out there…both sides…
This is a really good article, shedding some new light on what happened Saturday. It looks to be mental health rather than politically motivated. It sounds like if Biden or another public figure was doing a rally or public event there instead, he would have gone after them.

A Blind Spot and a Lost Trail: How the Gunman Got So Close to Trump https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/17/...rump-shooting.html?smid=nytcore-android-share

"But in the aftermath, when the F.B.I. was able to finally access Mr. Crooks’s cellphones and other electronic devices, agents could see that he had searched for images of Mr. Trump as well as President Biden, Attorney General Merrick B. Garland and even F.B.I. Director Christopher A. Wray.

Mr. Crooks also had at typed in “major depressive disorder” and searched for dates and places for appearances for both Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump.
One of Mr. Trump’s planned appearances happened to be about 50 miles from Mr. Crooks’s house in Bethel Park, Pa.

On Friday, July 12, the day before the attempted assassination, Mr. Crooks went to a shooting range, according to an investigative summary prepared by the F.B.I. The next morning, he bought a ladder at a Home Depot and then later that day he purchased 50 rounds of ammunition from a gun shop near his home, according to the F.B.I. document and federal law enforcement officials."
That street runs both ways doesn’t it?

When can the adults take over?
@Rob B. and I go way….WAY…back.

You see that googly face at the end?

Do you understand what that means?

Christ on a cracker…..

New Girl Facepalm GIF by HULU
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I don't know where you got that implication.
It's really simple and you're trying to complicate it with terms like "magats".

Make America Great Again. Because she's been failed miserably.

Not trying to complicate anything. MAGA is a slogan - not a policy.

I got the implication from your statement of "You're trying to make MAGA a bad thing. Do you even know what it stands for?" That sentence reads as if people don't understand the movement, not that they disagree with it.

99% of Americans want America to be great: opposing Trump or the current republican party doesn't mean you don't want America to be great. You said in another post you want America to be united. Awesome, but same argument: united behind what? Just whatever Trump says at that particular moment?
You doubt that only because of the lense you choose to see through.
Right - Trump is awesome. All the time. The only reason I doubt that is because of my personal bias. If I could just get over that I'd be so much happier. I just want to love the leader. Maybe one day I WILL love the leader.

I miss the days when Republicans hated their leaders. A good natural disdain for anyone in power. What's so frustrating about Trump is how excited everyone is to fawn over him. He's a gross and grotesque individual and that was before he ran for office.

Anyone who wants to be the president should be viewed with extreme prejudice and caution. The fandom of the men that want this position is unnerving to me.