2024 Presidential Election

Widow Of Trump supporter killed speaks to media confirming President Biden did try to call her

The widow of Corey Comperatore, the heroic volunteer firefighter killed while shielding his family during the shooting at a Donald Trump campaign rally, said that the former president has not reached out to the grieving family.

The silence from Trump contrasts with an attempted call from President Joe Biden, which the Comperatore family declined. Helen Comperatore, speaking from her home in Sarver, Pennsylvania, told the New York Post in an exclusive interview, "I didn't talk to Biden. I didn't want to talk to him,". adding, "My husband was a devout Republican and he would not have wanted me to talk to him."

I support Trump. That’s who I’m voting for, but I don’t have ill will towards Biden,” she said. “He didn’t do anything bad to my husband. A 20-year-old despicable kid did.”

Newsweek contacted Trump's campaign via email on Monday for comment.
This. This right here is what's wrong. The President of the United States called to offer condolences and you can't put your murdered husbands political ideologies aside for 2 seconds. Trump, their families demi-god, hasn't reached out at all. The GOP is silent on this because they want all the attention on trump. Despite all of that, she's pledged her fealty to this man. Tell me again it's not a cult.
This. This right here is what's wrong. The President of the United States called to offer condolences and you can't put your murdered husbands political ideologies aside for 2 seconds. Trump, their families demi-god, hasn't reached out at all. The GOP is silent on this because they want all the attention on trump. Despite all of that, she's pledged her fealty to this man. Tell me again it's not a cult.
It's a cult. And it's no more a cult than those who truly believe Biden is "the answer".
This. This right here is what's wrong. The President of the United States called to offer condolences and you can't put your murdered husbands political ideologies aside for 2 seconds. Trump, their families demi-god, hasn't reached out at all. The GOP is silent on this because they want all the attention on trump. Despite all of that, she's pledged her fealty to this man. Tell me again it's not a cult.
Looks like Trump started a gofundme acct. for the victims. It's got about $4m in it so far. Good on Biden for calling. I don't think Trump is using the phone much right now....he only has half an ear left ya know.
It's a cult. And it's no more a cult than those who truly believe Biden is "the answer".
Even among my progressive friends, I have yet to find anyone who thinks Biden is "the answer". Its more like they are going to begrudgingly vote for the guy. He does not possess a cult of personality in the same galaxy as Trump's hardcore followers. I have several extended family members that would fall into that category.
Even among my progressive friends, I have yet to find anyone who thinks Biden is "the answer". Its more like they are going to begrudgingly vote for the guy. He does not possess a cult of personality in the same galaxy as Trump's hardcore followers. I have several extended family members that would fall into that category.
And I have several family members who do, indeed, believe that Biden is the answer, to a point of cultishness.
And I have several family members who do, indeed, believe that Biden is the answer, to a point of cultishness.
I have some that are fine with him being the 'figurehead' and the smart people around him running things. And, while I do (for the most part) trust the team that Biden put together more than Trump's (mainly because Trump seems to fire anyone with thoughts and keeps the loyalists) I do not at all like the idea that someone potentially incapable is officially making the decisions but in reality we don't know where the decision came from.
Lol, you might be the most dishonest poster to show up here yet. I can't even count how many sides of your mouth you've talked out of so far.
Still the same side you ignorant Schmuck
So anything I say about my life/family experience is automatically dishonest?
I'm gonna go ahead and ignore your disrespect and assume you're one of those delusional cultists I'm referring to.
Now kindly gfy.

Wait, I take back the gfy, you might be my uncle Steve. 😂
And I have several family members who do, indeed, believe that Biden is the answer, to a point of cultishness.
I'm not sure how objective you are being here.

I have seen numerous paintings of Donald Trump as Jesus Christ and many evangelicals using religious language when describing Trump. Some have even said he is here to "save Christianity". Just look at Alex Jones or Bannon's youtube channels. They have a new person on nearly every day doing this behavior. Do you see this on TYT or Medias Touch about Biden? Absolutely not.

I don't think I have seen that, even once, about Biden. He is about as milquetoast as it gets at this point and has very tepid support from the minority of Dems who don't want him to step down.
Still the same side you ignorant Schmuck
So anything I say about my life/family experience is automatically dishonest?
I'm gonna go ahead and ignore your disrespect and assume you're one of those delusional cultists I'm referring to.
Now kindly gfy.

Wait, I take back the gfy, you might be my uncle Steve. 😂
Remember that time you thought LiberalTwitterUser81213 should be held to the same exact standards as a Republican member of the US House of Representatives?
I'm not sure how objective you are being here.

I have seen numerous paintings of Donald Trump as Jesus Christ and many evangelicals using religious language when describing Trump. Some have even said he is here to "save Christianity". Just look at Alex Jones or Bannon's youtube channels. They have a new person on nearly every day doing this behavior. Do you see this on TYT or Medias Touch? Absolutely not.

I don't think I have seen that, even once, about Biden. He is about as milquetoast as it gets at this point and has very tepid support from Dems.
Let me ask you this. Have you seen any violent protests, destroying of property, fire or bombing, tear gas deployed, over the attempted assassination?

Objectively, I have not, but I have uncles and cousins who would now be burning the world if someone tried to off Biden. And that isn't being a bit dishonest, contrary to what the Huckster claims.
Remember that time you thought LiberalTwitterUser81213 should be held to the same exact standards as a Republican member of the US House of Representatives?
Remember when I said it was a random few of thousands of like tweets?

But here, let me Google another one for your dumb azz.

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Let me ask you this. Have you seen any violent protests, destroying of property, fire or bombing, tear gas deployed, over the attempted assassination?

Objectively, I have not, but I have uncles and cousins who would now be burning the world if someone tried to off Biden. And that isn't being a bit dishonest, contrary to what the Huckster claims.

Boy I'll bet we would have had that bullet hit.

Also interesting point. And I think someone has brought it up before. But when the crazies on the left get violent, it seems to be untargeted. They just throw big fits and destroy property in their own cities. When the crazies on the right do it, it's VERY targeted. They try to kidnap governors or breach government buildings.
Boy I'll bet we would have had that bullet hit.

Also interesting point. And I think someone has brought it up before. But when the crazies on the left get violent, it seems to be untargeted. They just throw big fits and destroy property in their own cities. When the crazies on the right do it, it's VERY targeted. They try to kidnap governors or breach government buildings.
Let me ask you this. Have you seen any violent protests, destroying of property, fire or bombing, tear gas deployed, over the attempted assassination?

Objectively, I have not, but I have uncles and cousins who would now be burning the world if someone tried to off Biden. And that isn't being a bit dishonest, contrary to what the Huckster claims.
I didn't accuse you of being dishonest, that was another poster. My point was regarding objectivity. I am not saying that the left is not capable of violence or domestic terrorism. Just that they are not quite at the level and frequency of the right, and the cult like following of a political figure is not really there.

Furthermore, the threat is higher from the right at this point in time and sine 1994. From the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a bipartisan think tank on the topic. Note, this article was written before January 6th:

"This analysis makes several arguments. First, far-right terrorism has significantly outpaced terrorism from other types of perpetrators, including from far-left networks and individuals inspired by the Islamic State and al-Qaeda. Right-wing attacks and plots account for the majority of all terrorist incidents in the United States since 1994, and the total number of right-wing attacks and plots has grown significantly during the past six years. Right-wing extremists perpetrated two thirds of the attacks and plots in the United States in 2019 and over 90 percent between January 1 and May 8, 2020. Second, terrorism in the United States will likely increase over the next year in response to several factors. One of the most concerning is the 2020 U.S. presidential election, before and after which extremists may resort to violence, depending on the outcome of the election. Far-right and far-left networks have used violence against each other at protests, raising the possibility of escalating violence during the election period."

Right-wing extremists perpetrated two thirds of the attacks and plots in the United States in 2019 and over 90 percent between January 1 and May 8, 2020.

Interesting you selected such a short window and stopped on May 8th of 2020 to exclude leftist protests that morphed into riots? Assume because you wanted to exclude the summer of 2020 when several died, over 100 days of violence and destruction in US cities (according to Homeland Security report), 500+violent riots, and $2B+ of damage occurred.