2024 Presidential Election

We have editorial boards of major US Newspapers calling on BOTH of them to step down as the most patriotic move they could do right now and both call them out for being unfit

I'm pretty sure this is the first time I. The history of the US...we've been here

It's sad and frightening

I found it particularly impressive that the NYT, otherwise known as "that liberal rag" put out an edicotrial calling for Biden to step down.

If it is June of an election year and the democratic nominee has already lost the NYT, oh boy.
Like Dr. Rand Paul?

It may be that he had some good points. But, instead of being statesmanlike and pursuing them, he instead made it personal. He turned it into yet another divisive political side show, and made it clear that he was seeking Fauci's head for political gain not the truth.

You can call him a man of science, but he is also a politician. And, in these instances he was acting more political than scientific.

Which is unfortunate. Because now we have hardcore dems actling like Fauci is a Saint, and MAGAs acting like he is the antichrist. The truth? It doesn't seem that anyone cares or that they would change their minds if it was known.
A word from the scientists.

“We are continuing to evaluate the evidence,” a CDC spokesman said.
Source: The Hill

We can kind of almost see the end,” Walensky told Maddow. “We’re vaccinating so very fast, our data from the CDC today suggests, you know, that vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don’t get sick, and that it’s not just in the clinical trials but it’s also in real world data.”
Have you ever learned anything as you had more experience with it? Maybe after seeing more evidence and time to study it. That happens in science.
Yep. I know. But that doesn't make them am expert in immunizations, climate change, engineering, etc etc
Evidently there’s not a whole lot of expertise in the guberment when it comes to gain of function research. Fauci lied like a rug, just like the Biden admin has lied about Biden’s mental acuity. Anyone that has been around a lab knew that virus was engineered, Senator Paul was correct in calling BS on that deal.
I'm guessing this is about origins and supporting testing in Wuhan. I don't know enough to speak intelligently on it so I'm not going to try and it really doesn't apply to what I'm talking about anyway.

What part of developing a vaccine, preventing transmission and treating people did Faucci lie about? Cause I know a lot of politicians were talking out their asses and making stupid recommendations on that when people were dying instead of listening to the medical community. Don't know what Rand Paul said specifically, maybe you can educate me on it. Does he still think science is inconclusive on climate change? Couldn't find his current stance but that was his position previously.
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we may never know where covid originated...Fauci was put in a no win situation from the beginning...oversee something that we knew very little about...I´ll never understand why so many people are pissed at him when he was trying to prevent the spread and deaths...the biden administration has lied about his mental acuity?! what?! politicians lie?! trump has a masters in lying...and trumps disciples continue to lie (or stick their heads in the sand) about his mental stability...
Presidential Debate: “The Worst in the History of the United States” australian institute of international affairs

President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump faced off in the first presidential debate for the 2024 elections. What can be gleaned from the stream of half-truths, mistruths, and outright lies?
One can be forgiven for thinking that politicians in America don’t have serious or substantive debates on policy and security issues. Indeed, part of the process of legislation there is producing unreadably long and terse documents with the intention of hiding spending or other provisions deep within the text. Like two ships passing in the night, the two sides have stopped truly talking to each other. Certainly, that is the impression viewers were left with.  
Presidential-candidate debates don’t really impact voting behaviours except to reinforce the base. There is no fact checking, and the lies will only later be parsed, discredited, and disqualified, but only for those who read them.
The authors tried hard to look beyond the bluster, to discern what practical takeaways might give audiences a glimpse of how one or the other might act once in power. Here, Biden has the advantage, and his answer to the question of old age fragility was to point to his record. Beyond performative politics, the candidates must run a difficult and over-burdened government. In this, Biden has done the better job. His leadership team has been consistent across the past three and half years. By contrast, Trump’s former leadership team has completely abandoned him. 

For the rest of the world, the results look precarious whichever way the wind blows. Biden is old and fragile, and may not last another term. Trump is still bombastic, crude, vain, and self-absorbed, and many will be wondering if the world can survive another four years.
Truthful, you’ve got to be kidding