US continues to go forward

This is an excellent 7min interview of Reagan before he was President. Amazing how many of the issues Reagan talks about are still top issues today. I also like that, with exception of last 30 seconds, he doesn’t make this a GOP vs Dem discussion.

Disclosure: I was never able to vote for Reagan due to not being old enough, but I love his message. IMO, We haven’t had a President that could unify the country like him in my lifetime.

So based on the video shown….and response with calcs for the change over time the takeaway we should all be able to agree on is spending is out of control.

But when the "DOGE" is completely fixated on reducing the workers that increased 4% instead of screaming at congress about their 2000% increase in debt my skeptical side takes over. I see billionaires who bought amazing access with plans to remove the remnants of oversight so that they can pillage that 2000% increase in debt even easier than they have it now.

Their math doesn't work. Yet the base is buying the story, hook, line and sinker.
Total govt payroll isn’t 2T and that’s what they say they can cut… they are looking at more than head count. I also don’t think they will be able to accomplish what they are saying. Vivek is as self serving as anyone on either side so anything he says is at a minimum 50% self promotion. Musk is Musk….one way or the other he will be out of all this soon I think. He and Trump will clash, laws will prevent him from doing what he wants so he’ll quit, or his portfolio will suffer and he’ll back away. Our govt has ballooned to the point it bogs down on itself so a massive hatchet style cutting of it isn’t a bad thing even if there is some collateral damage….but most of what DOGE is saying now is more sound bite politics…..just like Mexico paying for a wall or no new taxes or keep your doctor or building a million homes or cutting household energy bills by half.

I hope something good comes from it because we all fuss about taxes and there is merit to both arguments but without radical reductions in spending it doesn’t even if matter if you double everyone taxes. Spending is up 2000% you can’t raise, lower, defer, loophole, or tariff your way out of that. You have to quit spending by an amount that things suffer for awhile and spend what you do better.
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That is what I am saying, their math doesn't work and nobody is holding them accountable. They claim $2T in cuts but when they talk about methods it is all about cutting workforce. This isn't "collateral damage" is it going after the wrong issue from a budget standpoint but hte right issue if you want the government out of the way of your business dealings. If they really want to cut $2T, then they must go to war with congress. But, instead, all they talk about is "bureaucrats."

Instead of holding them accountable, people are just taking the "I hope it comes out good" stance. That is why I am calling people gullible. Because, when have businessmen ever dealt with government with shady unrealistic numbers, and it comes out good for the American people? Never.
We can hold them accountable once they actually do something. I love the idea. I’m not optimistic about the outcome because of who is doing it. I’m probably about DOGE the way you are about RFK love the thought of getting some real change to what we eat and the way drugs are handled extremely skeptical about the messenger
I would bet the funding they are fine with I would be against a lot of it. So many don’t understand the government doesn’t just do what they want.

I agree. One congressmans pork is another's bringing much needed jobs and infrastructure back to their home district.

Someone mentioned it here a short while ago. You want to fix social security-suspend payouts for a few years. For those of us a ways away from seeing any of it, it doesn't hurt us one bit. For retirees, well that sucks but everyone else is being told make sure to plan on not having it so why should you be any different? That sounds quite a bit out there but a lot of people are being told well that sucks for you with regards to government spending now. Why should we have one protected class when it comes to the budget and throw everyone else to the wolves depending on which party is in charge?

Edit-not advocating that, but just an example.

Joe Biden Smile GIF by PBS News
I see what you did there. The truth is some of those belong in the backwards thread and some belong in the forward thread. And then a couple if we had a “meh” thread.

Just felt a little like trolling.

Most I have no real opinion on and without context I wonder how many are factual. It's a meme intended to upset simple minded people who don't look that much into things. And saying "Biden crime family" when the incoming administration is led by a felon whose family has borrowed money from multiple foreign nations is just the cherry on top.