US continues to go backward...

Hasn't even happened yet but already RIGGED.

Litteraly no upside to debating Trump. His followers have already determined he won the Debate, and if it appears that he didn't win the debate, well then it was obviously rigged against him.

I've never seen a More Beta Fragile Ego in my whole life. WHO NEEDS this psychotic level support group to pump them up on a Daily basis so they can think they are some sort of Super Alpha ?


Here is Mitches Quote on this “The core question we’re facing is whether or not politicians should have another tool to take down speech they don’t like,”

NOOOO..the core question is should politicians have a tool to take down AI generated FAKE videos...if they can prove they are AI and Fake....then why would we NOT give them a tool to have them removed?

McConnell opposes bill to ban use of deceptive AI to influence elections

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) announced Wednesday he will oppose bipartisan legislation coming out of the Senate Rules Committee that would ban the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to create deceptive content about federal candidates to influence elections.

McConnell, a longtime opponent of campaign finance restrictions, warned that the bills coming out of the Rules Committee “would tamper” with what he called the “well-developed legal regime” for taking down false ads and “create new definitions that could reach well beyond deepfakes.”

He argued that if his colleagues on the Rules panel viewed a dozen political ads, they “would differ on which ones were intentionally misleading.”

“The core question we’re facing is whether or not politicians should have another tool to take down speech they don’t like,” he said. “But if the amendment before us extends this authority to unpaid political speech, then we’re also talking about an extension of speech regulation that has not happened in the 50 years of our modern campaign finance regime.”

The Protect Elections from Deceptive AI Act, which would ban the use of AI to create misleading content, is backed by Senate Rules Committee Chair Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) and Sens. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.), Chris Coons (D-Del.), Susan Collins (R-Maine), Michael Bennet (D-Colo.) and Pete Ricketts (R-Neb.).

But McConnell, citing testimony from Sen. Bill Hagerty (R-Tenn.), said the definitions in the bills to crack down on deepfakes are “nebulous, at best, and overly censorious if they’re applied most cynically.”

“They could wind up barring all manner of photos and videos as long as the ill-defined ‘reasonable person’ could deduce an alternative meaning from the content,” he said.

The Rules Committee also marked up Wednesday the AI Transparency in Elections Act, which requires disclaimers on political ads with images, audio or video generated by AI and the Preparing Election Administrators for AI Act, which requires federal agencies to develop voluntary guidelines for election offices.

McConnell said the proposal to require new disclaimers could be used to regulate content, which he opposes.

“I also have concerns about the disclaimer provisions and their application. Our political disclaimer regime has for its entire history served a singular purpose: to help voters understand who is paying for or endorsing an advertisement. It has never been applied to political advertisements as a content regulation tool,” he said.

He urged his colleagues to spend more time on the issue to reach consensus and announced he would oppose the AI-related bills moving forward.

“Until Congress reaches a consensus understanding of what AI is acceptable and what is not, leading with our chin is not going to cut it in the domain of political speech. So I will oppose S. 2770 or S. 3875 at this time. And I would urge my colleagues to do the same,” he said.

All three bills cleared the Rules Committee.
Curious. Did you watch or read his speech or just the misinformation and out of context snippets on twitter (like the ones posted above that included statements not in the speech)?

If I believed the things the twittersphere claimed Butker said then I too wouldn’t have like it.

People don’t have to agree with everything he said. I didn’t. I am neither catholic nor religious, but he spoke about catholic values to an audience of Catholics.
Fine, he’s entitled to his beliefs, but I don’t have to agree with everything he said. If you interpret what he said as awesome, so be it. But to me it sounds like more of a MAGA political speech draped in religiosity. I couldn’t care less if you agree with me. The various thought police in here won’t change my belief that Christianity has been taken captive for political gains by the far right. Seems rather worldly to me, but hypocrisy runs rampant when traditional meanings of words are twisted to create a narrative for a specific purpose.
Ohio Sec of State makes a big deal about Illegals voting in Ohio Elections. Makes a big campaign and Directive ( about how he is going to purge the Roles of all these illegals voting in Ohio elections. Winds up.....Spending lots of time, money and effort that appears can be resolved...simply by changing the FORM they use to sign up for a drivers License as you can ACCIDENTLY register to vote by filling it out

Ohio Sec of State finds that 0.002% of registered Ohio voters.....137 Voters of 7.9 MILLION registered voters in the state.......are NOT US Citizens and the Sec of State Office Admits that Many of those could be an Honest Mistake in how they filled out the Bureau of Motor Vehicles Form for getting their Drivers License

Also finds the state was relying on old Citizenship status data and most of people flagged in state as Non Citizens are actually citizens now and the Ohio Database is Old saying they are still NOT citizens.

Jen Miller of the League of Women Voters, in an interview, said most people flagged by the Ohio secretary of state’s office as potential non-citizen voters in the past have turned out to be citizens, as state officials were relying on outdated data about their citizenship status.

“I would imagine that a lot of these individuals who are flagged (this year) actually are citizens,” she said. “It’s just that the secretary’s records are lagging behind the most updated citizenship logs

Sec of State LaRose himself admitted, in a statement, said it’s important to recognize that at least some of the flagged voter registrations may be the result of an honest mistake.

“These may be well-meaning people trying to pursue the American dream, and communication barriers sometimes result in a registration form being submitted in error,” LaRose stated. “We need to help them get that cleared up before an accidental registration becomes an illegal vote that could result in a felony conviction or even deportation.”

During similar cross-checks using BMV records in 2022, 2021 and 2019, LaRose’s office identified 11, 117, and 354 potential cases of election fraud by non-citizens, respectively, according to press releases and news reports issued at the time.

The 11 cases in 2022 included 10 alleged non-citizens who were registered but did not vote and one LaRose’s office said “may have voted illegally.” About 4.2 million Ohioans cast ballots in the 2022 general election, which means that lone voter would have represented .00002% of the electorate in 2022.

LaRose’s office has uncovered comparatively few instances of non-citizens registering to vote in Ohio, both this year and in similar initiatives during the past few years. Of the cases his office has uncovered, most have turned out to involve non-citizens who registered to vote in error.

However, this year’s directive comes as many in LaRose’s Republican Party have sought to stoke fears that undocumented immigrants will swing U.S. elections to the Democrats, as well as more general concerns among conservative voters about election security and immigration.
Hey cancer and immunocompromised Citizens....North Carolina has a big message for you. F@@@ YOU!

North Carolina could ban face masks for medical reasons in public

The North Carolina state Senate voted along party lines Wednesday to ban anyone from wearing masks in public, even for health reasons.

Republican supporters of the ban said it would help law enforcement crack down on protesters who wear masks. They say demonstrators are abusing COVID-19 pandemic-era practices to hide their identities following a wave of pro-Palestine protests nationwide and at North Carolina universities.

The bill goes even further and repeals an exception that’s been state law since the early stages of the pandemic that allows people to wear masks in public for health and safety reasons.

Thirty senators voted in favor of House Bill 237, while 15 opposed it and five were absent.

Democrats raised concerns about the bill, particularly for those who are immunocompromised or those who may want to continue to wear masks during cancer treatments, WRAL News reported.

State Sen. Sydney Batch (D) is a cancer survivor and shared with her fellow senators how her family wore masks to protect her and her weakened immune system during treatment.

She and other Democrats proposed ways to amend the bill so police could still crack down on protesters but continue to have legal protections for health concerns, but they were shot down, the outlet reported.

GOP Sen. Buck Newton brushed off the concerns, saying no one saw “Granny getting arrested in the Walmart pre-COVID” and thinks law enforcement will use “good common sense” when applying the law, The Associated Press (AP) reported.

The AP noted that the state’s general statutes on masking date back to the 1950s in an attempt to curb Ku Klux Klan membership, when the state passed a public masking ban.

Under the bill, if a person is arrested for protesting while masked, it would elevate the classification of a person’s crime, either a misdemeanor or felony, to one class higher.

It now heads to Gov. Roy Cooper’s desk. Cooper, a Democrat, could veto the bill, but the North Carolina Republican Party has a supermajority and can override the expected veto.
"Was he a numbnut for celebrating women, including those with successful careers, and promoting the importance of mothers? "
Here, let me similarly celebrate kickers.

NFL kickers are told diabolical lies. Football teams and fans see kickers as some oddity they have to put up with. Someone who walks out, swings his leg once, and pretends to be an athlete. Some do go on to be active and productive team members and even can be the hero of a game. But kickers really cherish watching the game like all of the fans.

The real position players set the tone of the team, we should not let this be tainted by the adulation of kickers.

Now I'm sure all of you logical thinkers out there would read that and immediately defend me from any criticism even if you don't agree with much of it. After all, I "celebrated" kickers by saying they can be part of the team or even the hero. I promoted the importance of camraderie and being a fan.

She is now banned by all but ONE Tribe in the state​

Lower Brule Sioux bans South Dakota governor

RAPID CITY, S.D. — South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem is now banned from all but one reservation in the state following a May 15 vote taken by the Lower Brule Sioux Tribe.

During a regular tribal council meeting, the Lower Brule Sioux Tribe in central South Dakota voted to banish the governor until further notice.

"She was banned for the statements she made in regards to our Native youth, their parents and the blatantly disrespectful and hurtful words she's stated about the tribes," Chairman Clyde Estes told ICT and the Rapid City Journal. "There have been a lot of untruths and we do not take kindly to those. We stand in solidarity with our Oceti Sakowin tribes in South Dakota."

So far, all eight tribes that have banned the governor have cited her offensive statements made on Jan. 31, March 13 and March 26. Many tribes were also offended by Noem showing up uninvited and unannounced to a quarterly meeting regarding Pe'Sla — land sacred to the Oceti Sakowin — on March 29.

"We remain hopeful she will retract her statements and issue an apology. In the meantime, we'll be praying for her," Estes said.

On Tuesday, the Crow Creek Sioux Tribal Council voted unanimously to ban Noem from entering its central South Dakota reservation. The Yankton Sioux Tribe banned Noem on May 10, and the Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate banned her May 7.

Noem has repeatedly alleged that Mexican cartels are operating on tribal land in South Dakota. On March 13, she accused tribal governments of benefiting off of the alleged cartel presence and of failing their people, particularly youth. On March 26, she called for audits of all nine tribes.

As sovereign nations, tribal governments are allowed to ban anyone from their lands. According to the Bureau of Indian Affairs, tribes possess the right to regulate activities within their jurisdiction, which includes the banishment of persons, Native or non-Native.

The Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe is the only tribe in the state that has not banned the governor. In a phone call on May 14, a Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe official said the tribe currently does not have plans to ban Noem.

The governor's communications director did not respond to a request for comment May 15 about her recent banishment.
He's not backing down... and he shouldn't. Good for him.
His message: come on back with me to the 50’s. I’m sure far too many will follow him and Trump down the deepening rabbit hole. The good ole days weren’t that good and openly discriminated against far too many. If Democrats are known as progressives, then Republicans must be regressives ! It’s certainly not Move On, it’s Turn Back and embrace the past. IMO
But kickers really cherish watching the game like all of the fans.

The real position players set the tone of the team, we should not let this be tainted by the adulation of kickers.
As the son of a working single mom, husband of a working wife, and brother of both of my working sisters..I can say with confidence they will tell you their most important and rewarding job is motherhood.
I am confident the both my working daughters will feel the same once they have children.

As a company executive and former business owner, by far my most important job is being a dad to my two kids. Being in their life and participating in the community. Promotions, sale of a company, and financial rewards are not remotely close to importance of my being involved with my family.

If what Butker says about importance of family offends or bothers someone, perhaps that person should examine the reasons behind their feelings.

Why people appear intolerant of views of others is a problem in our society. Hard for me to fathom that some appear to think promoting the significance of mothers and fathers is somehow “taking us backwards”.
As the son of a working single mom, husband of a working wife, and brother of both of my working sisters..I can say with confidence they will tell you their most important and rewarding job is motherhood.
I am confident the both my working daughters will feel the same once they have children.

As a company executive and former business owner, by far my most important job is being a dad to my two kids. Being in their life and participating in the community. Promotions, sale of a company, and financial rewards are not remotely close to importance of my being involved with my family.

If what Butker says about importance of family offends or bothers someone, perhaps that person should examine the reasons behind their feelings.

Why people appear intolerant of views of others is a problem in our society. Hard for me to fathom that some appear to think promoting the significance of mothers and fathers is somehow “taking us backwards”.
Did he or didn’t he bring politics into the mix? Perhaps the anger is aimed at that or FORCED motherhood by Republican male hypocrites promoting and demanding that everyone live their lives like him and his family.
Did he or didn’t he bring politics into the mix? Perhaps the anger is aimed at that or FORCED motherhood by Republican male hypocrites promoting and demanding that everyone live their lives like him and his family.
Have you read the entire speech? Here ya go

Forced motherhood? Where does he demand anything? He simply points out the merits of motherhood and gives his opinion on several issues and promotes core family values. I can see where you would have an issue with that. Typical snowflake.

As the son of a working single mom, husband of a working wife, and brother of both of my working sisters..I can say with confidence they will tell you their most important and rewarding job is motherhood.
I am confident the both my working daughters will feel the same once they have children.

As a company executive and former business owner, by far my most important job is being a dad to my two kids. Being in their life and participating in the community. Promotions, sale of a company, and financial rewards are not remotely close to importance of my being involved with my family.

If what Butker says about importance of family offends or bothers someone, perhaps that person should examine the reasons behind their feelings.

Why people appear intolerant of views of others is a problem in our society. Hard for me to fathom that some appear to think promoting the significance of mothers and fathers is somehow “taking us backwards”.
Most rewarding job is motherhood and fatherhood! no $h!t (for most of us)...doesn't mean the woman needs to be a 'homemaker' wife did a wonderful job of raising our kids AND having a daughter is doing the same...
sidenote: my wife would have preferred to stay home when kids were younger; hell, I would have also, but God didn't touch me and gift me with incredible abilities to be a professional athlete...buttker makes $4 mil per year...they can afford it for one thing, but if his wife wanted to have a career besides a homemaker, I would hope he would support her!
his words may be twisted to some, maybe he meant no disrespect to women in general, but it comes across as women would be better off staying at home and being a 'homemaker' instead of using their degree that they just worked so hard to get...
Some see him as a good Christian man that was 'preaching' his values/beliefs...I see him as a sexist homophobe
Have you read the entire speech? Here ya go

Forced motherhood? Where does he demand anything? He simply points out the merits of motherhood and gives his opinion on several issues and promotes core family values. I can see where you would have an issue with that. Typical snowflake.

View attachment 4729
Have you read the entire speech? Here ya go

Forced motherhood? Where does he demand anything? He simply points out the merits of motherhood and gives his opinion on several issues and promotes core family values. I can see where you would have an issue with that. Typical snowflake.

View attachment 4729
I don’t know why I’m wasting time on you when it will go in one ear and out the other rapidly. First off Joe Biden is Catholic. But unlike this guy, he understands and reveres the separation of church and state. Let him live the way he wants, but what he’s really promoting is eliminating the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and replacing both with some religious monstrosity. He, like so many others, believes that the way they choose to live is so perfect that they demand everyone in the country to give up their hard earned blood spilt rights for their utopian delusions. Almighty God gave us free will to choose. These wannabe dictators are desirous of eliminating that choice. When so called Christians are willing to throw out Christ’s own words, and embrace the fig that bears no fruit instead, they’re lost, and so is their credibility. When bought and paid for judges and politicians eliminate women’s rights to their own bodies what’s next? You Catholics can have 10 kids using the rhythm method if you want, but what gives you the right to force pregnancy on others? Who the hell do you think you are? It seems to me far too many want to go back to the Church of England and all that entails. Plane fare is reasonable considering you hate, and constantly rail against the freedoms in this country. Trying to force your idea of morality on this country is against free will . Do what you want in your own church but leave the country alone. This so-called Christian Nationalism seems related to the Taliban to me. Convert or face the consequences . Is the country you desire run by Catholics or Baptist or Muslims, or Jews or Hindus, or any other religion one could name? It’s a fool’s errand to even try to consolidate religious power under one set of beliefs. This is why the separation between church and state is mandatory. You do you, I’ll do me. In a secular society open to all religions and laws written to protect that right not destroy it. Someone tell the choir boy to stay in his lane. If you think my core family values don’t match yours, great, me and mine will embrace the fruitful fig tree.
Most rewarding job is motherhood and fatherhood! no $h!t (for most of us)...doesn't mean the woman needs to be a 'homemaker'...
He never states a women needs to be a homemaker and not work. @GOGETUMPOKE linked speech, if you care to read what he actually said.

his words may be twisted to some, maybe he meant no disrespect to women in general,
Yes, his words are being twisted. The first two posts in this thread starting this discussion included statements and claims Butker never made.
but it comes across as women would be better off staying at home and being a 'homemaker' instead of using their degree that they just worked so hard to get...
I don’t agree with that assessment. And hard to understand why people would jump to that conclusion.
He never states a women needs to be a homemaker and not work. @GOGETUMPOKE linked speech, if you care to read what he actually said.

Yes, his words are being twisted. The first two posts in this thread starting this discussion included statements and claims Butker never made.

I don’t agree with that assessment. And hard to understand why people would jump to that conclusion.
golly, I never thought about reading what he actually I went back and read it and have decided to not change my opinion of him or his speech...