US continues to go backward...

SpaceX said Starship can also carry larger payloads, such as satellites and cargo, than other launch vehicles currently in use and can support long-duration missions to the Moon and potentially Mars.

The company said the spacecraft will eventually be capable of carrying up to 100 people on long-duration interplanetary flights.

(Ummmm… thank you)

SpaceX said Starship can also carry larger payloads, such as satellites and cargo, than other launch vehicles currently in use and can support long-duration missions to the Moon and potentially Mars.

The company said the spacecraft will eventually be capable of carrying up to 100 people on long-duration interplanetary flights.

(Ummmm… thank you)
This part needs to stop:

Shortly after the launch, ground stops were initially issued at Orlando International Airport, Palm Beach, Miami and Fort Lauderdale on Thursday evening due to space launch debris. The FAA said normal operations later resumed.
I guess because I'm a big crash test dummy who doesn't understand why it matters.
I always hear about the huge major physiological difference between males and females is the trans in sports debate….bone density, muscle mass, etc.

Maybe we might want to evaluate safety features in vehicles and how they deal with those differences. Maybe safety features that a just “good enough” to keep big burly muscle massed manly men like you and me from injury won’t be “good enough” for the wee, petite helpless women to be safe from injury.

I dunno…maybe….I’m not an engineer.

When my son was 4 he had a friend from his preschool who was killed by an airbag. Why and how did that happen? Airbags were designed to save lives in a crash, weren't they? Because they were tested originally on crash test dummies the size of an adult male, and not on crash test dummies the size of adult females or the size of 4 year olds. Now we know that children shouldn't be anywhere near front seat airbags because it's like hitting them in the head with the force of a punch from a heavyweight boxer. But unfortunately, it took some deaths for us to learn that rather than learning it in the laboratory where it should have been learned.

What's she's saying sounds woke if you listen to the clip in isolation and look at her obvious wokeness, but it isn't. We really do need crash test dummies of various shapes and sizes approximating anyone who might be in a vehicle crash. And there really has been a disparity in safety testing favoring the average male in crash testing. The original crash test dummy approximated a 6'0" tall 220 lb male, which is closer to a college linebacker than an average male (now it's 5'9" 170 lbs). Just like we need to test medications on anyone who might take them, including trans people on hormone therapy. It's not about woke, it's about safety. And we want to ensure safety for everyone, don't we?
Just like we need to test medications on anyone who might take them, including trans people on hormone therapy. It's not about woke, it's about safety. And we want to ensure safety for everyone, don't we?
As a PS, through the 70s and maybe sometime into the 80 almost all subjects in cardiovascular randomized clinical trials were male. Even now, in 2025, there is still a bias to NOT put female diabetic patients on statins though we absolutely know that statins reduce cardiovascular risk. Male diabetic patients are more likely to be on a statin, and more likely to be on the correct statin intensity. This is absolutely not intentional on the part of healthcare professionals, who generally are sincere in their desire to help people and help people equally. But it absolutely requires intention to correct it.
As a PS, through the 70s and maybe sometime into the 80 almost all subjects in cardiovascular randomized clinical trials were male. Even now, in 2025, there is still a bias to NOT put female diabetic patients on statins though we absolutely know that statins reduce cardiovascular risk. Male diabetic patients are more likely to be on a statin, and more likely to be on the correct statin intensity. This is absolutely not intentional on the part of healthcare professionals, who generally are sincere in their desire to help people and help people equally. But it absolutely requires intention to correct it.
Trying to not bias groups of people involved in something...seems pretty woke to me. Haha
“Welcome to the States, boys.”

Dana White, President and CEO of UFC and a board member of META, warmly greets Andrew and Tristan Tate.

Here's to the state of Florida doing the right thing for once