Trump 47

If YOU read it, how did you miss this?

"The New York City mayor’s office said it received $81 million in payments from the federal government for immigration-related costs last week in two separate pieces — one of which was about $59 million, with $19 million for direct hotel costs."

The argument against Musk's tweet was that $59million was b.s..
Yeah, where did that money come from and why was it given.

"Musk called the $59 million his team has identified “gross insubordination to the President’s executive order” and said the funds would be recouped....

"In another post Monday, Musk said that under the Biden administration, FEMA took money away from disaster relief and “spent it on 5 star hotels for illegals.”

Garcia said the city has never paid luxury rates. The vast majority are outside Manhattan, and the government has paid on average $152 a night for rooms, according to a 2024 city comptroller report. In comparison, 5-star hotels in Manhattan for the coming weekend run from $400 a night to well over $1,000.

The payments of $81 million, Garcia said, covered reimbursements for November 2023 to October 2024, including hotel, security, food, and other costs. She said the city applied in April, the money was appropriated last year by Congress, and FEMA allocated it last year."

You realize that FEMA is legally REQUIRED to pay out what has been approved by congress. Woohoo. He "found" payments that were approved and directed. Good job. 👏 👏 👏
Zero evidence anything was wrong with it.

All we hear from Musk is he keeps finding all these shady payments. If they are all like this it's a big nothing
Here's what's wrong with it. Millions, probably Billions have been spent on illegals while things like this happen. You call it nothing.

Here's what's wrong with it. Millions, probably Billions have been spent on illegals while things like this happen. You call it nothing.

It was money set aside by congress, it would be illegal not to send payment. Your issue is with congressional funding not USAID/ FEMA/ whatever else making payments.

Completely agree we have a homeless issue in this country. Did you notice in your article where NYC is required to provide housing for homeless (both immigrants and otherwise)?

"New York City's right-to-shelter laws require the city to provide shelter to anyone who's homeless. It has historically housed homeless people in hotels."

That's part of what you are complaining about. You are also probably against protections and support for the homeless since most Republicans have considered them just lazy and mooching off of society.
It was money set aside by congress, it would be illegal not to send payment. Your issue is with congressional funding not USAID/ FEMA/ whatever else making payments.

Completely agree we have a homeless issue in this country. Did you notice in your article where NYC is required to provide housing for homeless (both immigrants and otherwise)? That's part of what you are complaining about. You are also probably against protections and support for the homeless since most Republicans have considered them just lazy and mooching off of society.
You are probably for illegal immigrants getting more aid than homeless since most liberals consider illegals more important.

Am I playing your ridiculous game right?

It truly blows my mind that the party who hired 80,000 IRS auditors is up in arms over the government being audited.
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Lol, wut?

Show me documentation that Trumps net worth dropped. He "dontated his salary", but his businesses gained TONS of money. He created a rug-pull memecoin that not only netted him a disgusting sum of money, but allowed anybody to "donate" to it. He hocks cheap memorabilia every chance he gets (that's, by the way, not made in America).

From Forbes..... I said he lost money during his term and he did. I also called him a grifter.
You talk about policy? Name a policy that trump has to make groceries more affordable. Or housing more affordable. Why are dems held to this standard of "show me the policy!" when trump just has to say "eggs cost too much!", without any plan in place to fix that? I see the problem is that dems talk about policy too much, and it's too hard to understand for most people. People just want to hear politicians talk about things they care about, without actually putting a plan in place.
It's been 21 days. This is what I'm talking about. Inflation numbers have been lied about for an entire term and little to nothing done to slow it down and when they don't drop years of pricing in a week dems won't shut up about eggs. And then you hit America with the "dems talk about policy too much and it's too hard for people to understand". Those auto workers are too stupid to understand policy they should listen to the party of the too dumb to understand how student loans work.....

If Maga was so concerned about the national debt, they would have run trump out of the building. The self proclaimed "King of Debt" piled on to the national debt at levels almost never seen...before the pandemic. His tax cuts were a huge culprit, as were the first round of tariffs. He brought in *some money from the tariffs (about 1/750th of the national debt), and then turned around and gave a huge chunk (read: bought off) to farmers who were hurt by the trade wars. So MAGA is better at talking about the national debt, making people think they care about it. But they don't have a plan to fix it, ever.
Find me defending spending I'll wait. But again you haven't put forward one thing. Just Trump bad. Not this is a better way just "oh yeah well Trump".
If you don't like being called racist, stop doing racist things. Did you know, and this is true, I've never been called racist a single time in my life? If I was, I would take a long hard look at what MY behavior was that caused somebody to think that. Ya know, self reflection. You know what's racist? Telling Mexicans they aren't allowed in our country in the same breath as telling white South Africans they are "oppressed" and welcome to relocate here. Don't want to be called racist? Then call our your own people when they do racist things!
You don't have to do racist things to be called racist when speaking of anything to do with politics anymore. You just have to criticize dem policy. If you were for border security of any kind you were racist......don't agree with Kamala on something can't be she was a horrible candidate it's you're a racist... If you question anything a dem does for the last 7 years you are racist. And again......why did the dems lose minority voters this election to a guy that is so racist the word nazi is thrown around to the point it's lost context when running against a mixed race female candidate? Let me guess those minorities just don't understand like the upper middle class whites what racism is do they...
And your schtick of Biden being to old and frail to govern, while at the same time thinking trump is the bastion of health, is getting real old, real fast. Read an actual transcript of any of trumps speeches, any time he goes off script. I'm not defending Biden at all, I do think he was too old. Trump is 3 years younger than Biden. The problem is that damn near everything he says is insane, so we normalize it. Trump fans make excuses for him like "he's playing 3d chess!". No, he's not. He's a rambling old fool that is playing you.
I have never called Trump a bastion of health. Not once. I rarely defend anything he does. Biden can't handle stairs, he can't keep a train of thought, he has repeated fallen asleep, he walks off in the wrong direction when his entire day is planned to the minute, he didn't hold cabinet wouldn't let him borrow your car and you know it and he was the president of the united states. And most if not all of you on this board have came up with a litany of excuses to cover what a child can see. My favorite was he has a "stutter" know the stutter that makes him fall asleep or think his uncle was eaten by cannibals. Or you know bu-bu-bu BS. They debated on live TV and the difference is so bad his party removed him against his will from the ticket after he won every state in the primary. He is senile and incapable of doing the job you don't have to argue with me about it you have to convince his own party he isn't at this point. I don't think Trump is fit to be president for a host of other reasons and do not wish he was. I 100% agree he is too old now and certainly after 3 more years of what is an incredibly stressful job. He is pres in large part because of absolute idiocy of trying to pass off Biden as man of sound mind. "The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." It didn't work.
Do you want to know what I think the problem is?

Dems have been playing the game by an agreed upon set of rules that Trump has &h!t on and lit on fire. There have been gentleman rules in place for a long time, but trump will not play by those. He is bending (maybe not breaking) every single rule that he possibly can to get what he wants. Dems have been feckless with their leadership. They should have shoved through a ton of things during bidens term, whether the right liked it or not. For one, codifying abortion. And legalizing marijuana at a federal level.

There is no "middle" anymore. The middle has shifted so far right that both Bushes, and probably Reagan, would be considered communists at this point. And that's because the dems are suckers. They've let it happen. My hope for the democratic party is that they stop being such wusses and start playing the same game the GOP has for years.

You want a "middle ground"? What you really mean is that you want one side to placate the other side. Tell me with a straight face that this country hasn't shifted right in recent history. Believing that people deserve healthcare and clean water is "socialism" or "communism" or whatever ism is the word du jour to scare you.

Dems are apathetic, that's a huge problem. They talk about change and do nothing, because it will take force and ruffling feathers. That's one thing trump is very good at.
I don't know if this is serious.
And they need a propaganda arm equal to Fox. You talk about "squashing information"? Have you ever watched Jan 6th footage from Fox side by side with footage from what you like to call "the MSM"? Do that, and tell me about squashing things. And you like to crow about the MSM without realizing that Fox IS the MSM. And they have a unified message: Dems are evil, and everything in this world that's wrong is because of them. They won't compromise (read: they won't come to our side), etc. effing etc.
You must have not paid attention to the known media interference that occurred under the last admin.....If the network has a C in the name they are full Dem. Yes Fox is right wing propaganda. Zero argument here. Everything with a C is for the left. There isn't a functioning group in the US legacy media that is worth a crap right now.
If you voted for trump this time around, you are MAGA. There is no more "conservative party". If that hurts your feelings, then tell your own party to fix it. Or own it.
I have never voted for Trump.
You know what trump is doing really well in my eyes? Uniting dems and making them realize it's time to stop being apathetic. And that it's time to play by the same rules that MAGA has put forth. Time to fight instead of laying back and "hoping" it'll all be ok in 4 years. Time to call out racism, bigotry, and nazis even more. Because when you don't, it becomes normalized.
I said people hate trump so much they have lost sight that the name calling while not delivering anything isn't working and it's hurting the dems..... So you alluded myself and others are too dumb to understand policy, alluded that I am a racist while presenting zero evidence, glossed over the fact the president wasn't mentally fit by saying "oh yeah well Trump is old too", made excuses for nothing getting done that it was Trump's fault when he has been president 4 years and 3 weeks of the last 16 years..... In other words no substance whatsoever just more "you're a dumb racist and everything is Trump's fault". That message is failing horribly...

Then you put a bow on it all with the you know what Trump is doing really well at is "uniting dems"...... the equivalent of when asked what you're biggest weakness is saying you care too much in an interview......dems just lost 20 million votes to a guy who was convicted of 34 felonies since he lost the resume didn't improve since HE LOST and 20 million people switched....that's the delusion I'm talking's very different but equally as delusional as thinking Trump loves Jesus or cares about the little guy. And you threw in nazi just to drive home how childish all this say the dems have been too nice and gentlemanly then throw out nazi to the point the word has lost it's real context.

I don't want this Trump term.....I didn't want the last Trump term.....I don't want Barron in 10 years......The crap you just wrote that is void of any substance is a whole lot of why he won. So keep avoiding reality and calling people racist and our kids will be picking between robotically enhanced Pelosi and Barron.

I do agree with you that the GOP is completely under the rule of Trump. That is one way I absolutely agree with you that he is a threat to democracy. So the younger, brighter, more sane, centrist, unifying, candidate we need is way more than likely gonna have to come from the dem party cause a third won't get there quick enough. So stop blaming literally everything including the party's own failures on Trump....quit calling everyone a nazi.....and let's find someone with a brain.
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You are probably for illegal immigrants getting more aid than homeless since most liberals consider illegals more important.
Not at all. But I am 100% for follow the law and constitution.

It truly blows my mind that the party who hired 80,000 IRS auditors is up in arms over the government being audited.

Again, not sure how many times we have to say this for you to understand. WE ARE NOT AGAINST GOVERNMENT AUDITS. I am against partisan audits by a random people that are not transparent and being publicized as "look at all this stuff we found" while illegally shutting down congressionally mandated payments across the board... then the only evidence that is actually available points to a legal and required payment.

I actually wish government got audited more openly annually and there was a more public view of where money went. Goes right along with money out of politics and politicians should not be allowed in the stock market or to work for any company that lobbies any committee they were on during any/all terms they were in office.

Like WTF, I thought you guys were the party of the constitution and law and order. What happened to the party I grew up in and voted party line support for years?
Not at all. But I am 100% for follow the law and constitution.

Again, not sure how many times we have to say this for you to understand. WE ARE NOT AGAINST GOVERNMENT AUDITS. I am against partisan audits by a random people that are not transparent and being publicized as "look at all this stuff we found" while illegally shutting down congressionally mandated payments across the board... then the only evidence that is actually available points to a legal and required payment. Like WTF I thought you guys were the party of the constitution and law and order. What happened to the party I grew up in and voted party line support for years?

At some point you realize that soundbites and preconceived views are more important to some than facts. It's hard to have a conversation with someone who only wants to argue.
Uo next on the chopping block that will hit red states FAR harder than blue states

View attachment 9627

Trump voters in this program are about to get a wake up call

I question his definition of fraud but if you want to cut government spending those are big ticket items to look at.

That being said if he wants to do it legitimately and hire a bunch of investigators to go after SSI fraud, Id be totally fine with it.
That being said if he wants to do it legitimately and hire a bunch of investigators to go after SSI fraud, Id be totally fine with it.

Yeah have you seen ANY indication AT ALL that he will hire a bunch of investigators and do this Legally ??

For God sake his 19 year old Hacker Buddy who goes by "Big Balls" online was given a special Senior Admin Spot in the Sec of State office in order to bypass one lawsuit on the legality of how they are doing this AFTER the lawsuit was filed
Yeah have you seen ANY indication AT ALL that he will hire a bunch of investigators and do this Legally ??

For God sake his 19 year old Hacker Buddy who goes by "Big Balls" online was given a special Senior Admin Spot in the Sec of State office in order to bypass one lawsuit on the legality of how they are doing this

Nope. That's the part of this no one seems to be getting.

If Trump made it his passion in his 2nd term to legitimately get rid of government fraud and do it right, there would be a lot less complaining about it. Real audits rooting out waste and inefficiency would be a good thing. But the whole just whack stuff he doesn't like or care about and call it good is going to have long term consequences.

It's gonna be the same thing here but once you stop cutting stuff like foreign aid and start going after entitlement programs his base rely on, it gets really interesting.
I question his definition of fraud but if you want to cut government spending those are big ticket items to look at.

That being said if he wants to do it legitimately and hire a bunch of investigators to go after SSI fraud, Id be totally fine with it.
And then prosecute every one that is found to be involved in the scams. This needs to play out in court, not with an ax to entire programs.