So two ways to lose too far away or too close. A lot of yall are too close. You all hate Trump so bad you have lost perspective of what is going on because anything is better is than him. And I agree almost anything your marketing must be truly awful. The giant mirror in room is ignored when talking threat to democracy, the justice system, freedom of the press, corruption, lying, lack of transparency etc etc. And for the 1000th time....I agree with you on a whole lot that is said about Trump.....the difference is I don't defend the opposite of him blindly because he exists. It's so insufferable it turned off 20M voters in the middle. Not neo-nazi's.....not christian zealots.....people that voted for Biden 4 years ago....African Americans.....Latinos......union members. America is sick of it.....especially when the results of what is supposed to be better isn't very good.
So like a few pages back the talk was transparency......of course we need more. Of course it is important at all times who is anti-transparency. But maybe lay off the there is no transparency answer from the party that hid the mental state of the president and none of you know who was making decisions or exactly how and why an elected presidential candidate/sitting president was removed from the ticket and a successor named. You know little stuff like that.....don't scream transparency when you covered up a senile pres. Trump is a grifter talk......I 100% believe that he will work any deal he can to his advantage to profit off it legal or not. I am not ok with that either. But if you are a Biden/Dem supporter be careful because Trump's net worth dropped when he was office and Biden pre-emptively for the first time in history pardons in-laws and he and his family received millions and they have no business. Yeah I'm not gonna fuss with you that Trump will grift while the grifting is good......but that's the Biden's main source of income and it was fine less than a month ago. Trump is going to take over the media.....yeah he would if he could. The previous admin was squashing information and labeling known stories as misinformation..... He will weaponize the justice department. Yep he is gonna I said it 4 years ago if he gets re-elected revenge will be more important than governing.....but you know the dems hired a firm to make to a fake dossier that turned into a FISA warrant just for again take a good look at the windows of the house before you throw that rock however fitting it may be.
Where I'm going is neither side is appreciably better from a perspective of being good or just. Big differences in things like trans rights......take your pick people on opposite sides of that are never coming together the voters dems need to win an election are in the middle and worried more about the soon to be 40T of debt. And are tired of being called bigots or fascists anytime we don't agree with you. We are tired of being told we are MAGA/racist/fascist if we say "hey the president of the united states ought to be able navigate steps, stay awake, complete a coherent thought". Again and this one should resonate with people that like to consider themselves more in touch with minority communities......the level of self-righteousness (primarily from white folks with money) about race issues and calling people racists costs the dems votes across all minorities and they had a female mixed race candidate. That's how bad the message is right now. It's not just bro's that listen to Rogan or Pentecostals or gun's everyone the dems lost with everyone everywhere.
I agree Trump is a very scary president doing some really crazy things right now. Everything he said and more......I don't like it either. But produce a counter idea/policy/candidate......because name calling isn't working and the left side is no better. Want to win the middle back the middle that got Biden elected and beat Harris. Take a long look at how truly bad Biden was.....then look at how bad some of what Trump is doing and come up with real change. Social issues, name calling, and re-packaging of bad actions the left is just as guilty of isn't going to win another election. And I don't want another Trump or similar president and the GOP is under his control. So if a level headed moderate is going to appear they need to come from the left and the left is just as delusional as the right is now it's just a different delusion.
Lol, wut?
Show me documentation that Trumps net worth dropped. He "dontated his salary", but his businesses gained TONS of money. He created a rug-pull memecoin that not only netted him a disgusting sum of money, but allowed anybody to "donate" to it. He hocks cheap memorabilia every chance he gets (that's, by the way, not made in America).
You talk about policy? Name a policy that trump has to make groceries more affordable. Or housing more affordable. Why are dems held to this standard of "show me the policy!" when trump just has to say "eggs cost too much!", without any plan in place to fix that? I see the problem is that dems talk about policy too much, and it's too hard to understand for most people. People just want to hear politicians talk about things they care about, without actually putting a plan in place.
If Maga was so concerned about the national debt, they would have run trump out of the building. The self proclaimed "King of Debt" piled on to the national debt at levels almost never seen...before the pandemic. His tax cuts were a huge culprit, as were the first round of tariffs. He brought in *some money from the tariffs (about 1/750th of the national debt), and then turned around and gave a huge chunk (read: bought off) to farmers who were hurt by the trade wars. So MAGA is better at talking about the national debt, making people think they care about it. But they don't have a plan to fix it, ever.
If you don't like being called racist, stop doing racist things. Did you know, and this is true, I've never been called racist a single time in my life? If I was, I would take a long hard look at what MY behavior was that caused somebody to think that. Ya know, self reflection. You know what's racist? Telling Mexicans they aren't allowed in our country in the same breath as telling white South Africans they are "oppressed" and welcome to relocate here. Don't want to be called racist? Then call our your own people when they do racist things!
And your schtick of Biden being to old and frail to govern, while at the same time thinking trump is the bastion of health, is getting real old, real fast. Read an actual transcript of any of trumps speeches, any time he goes off script. I'm not defending Biden at all, I do think he was too old. Trump is 3 years younger than Biden. The problem is that damn near everything he says is insane, so we normalize it. Trump fans make excuses for him like "he's playing 3d chess!". No, he's not. He's a rambling old fool that is playing you.
Do you want to know what I think the problem is?
Dems have been playing the game by an agreed upon set of rules that Trump has &h!t on and lit on fire. There have been gentleman rules in place for a long time, but trump will not play by those. He is bending (maybe not breaking) every single rule that he possibly can to get what he wants. Dems have been feckless with their leadership. They should have shoved through a ton of things during bidens term, whether the right liked it or not. For one, codifying abortion. And legalizing marijuana at a federal level.
There is no "middle" anymore. The middle has shifted so far right that both Bushes, and probably Reagan, would be considered communists at this point. And that's because the dems are suckers. They've let it happen. My hope for the democratic party is that they stop being such wusses and start playing the same game the GOP has for years.
You want a "middle ground"? What you really mean is that you want one side to placate the other side. Tell me with a straight face that this country hasn't shifted right in recent history. Believing that people deserve healthcare and clean water is "socialism" or "communism" or whatever ism is the word du jour to scare you.
Dems are apathetic, that's a huge problem. They talk about change and do nothing, because it will take force and ruffling feathers. That's one thing trump is very good at.
And they need a propaganda arm equal to Fox. You talk about "squashing information"? Have you ever watched Jan 6th footage from Fox side by side with footage from what you like to call "the MSM"? Do that, and tell me about squashing things. And you like to crow about the MSM without realizing that Fox IS the MSM. And they have a unified message: Dems are evil, and everything in this world that's wrong is because of them. They won't compromise (read: they won't come to our side), etc. effing etc.
If you voted for trump this time around, you are MAGA. There is no more "conservative party". If that hurts your feelings, then tell your own party to fix it. Or own it.
You know what trump is doing really well in my eyes? Uniting dems and making them realize it's time to stop being apathetic. And that it's time to play by the same rules that MAGA has put forth. Time to fight instead of laying back and "hoping" it'll all be ok in 4 years. Time to call out racism, bigotry, and nazis even more. Because when you don't, it becomes normalized.