If you want to remove monetary influence of the government to get whatever the billionaire class wants from the picture then you still have to accept how the government is actually running.You are conflating political influence with being an oligarchy.
Definition of OLIGARCHY
government by the few; a government in which a small group exercises control especially for corrupt and selfish purposes; also : a group exercising such control; an organization under oligarchic control… See the full definition
1: government by the few
The corporation is ruled by oligarchy.
2: a government in which a small group exercises control especially for corrupt and selfish purposes
"Oligarchy is one of numerous English words for a type of rule or government. Some of these words, such as plutocracy, have an exceedingly similar meaning (both may be used to refer to rule by an economic elite, but oligarchy often has the additional connotation of corruption)."
I would say that with the lack of congressional check on the Executive Branch now being reinforced through SCOTUS rulling that the POTUS is free from prosecution, our country is essentially being run by the White House and the President's cabinet. Congress has ceded nearly all of their power to the President and his aides. Rubber stamping his whims. They are no longer functioning members of our government.
The reason they can do this is because of the influence of that ultra wealthy class on the general public.