Trump the Chump Maggot continues his war against the most vulnerable people in the U.S. while committing major crimes against humanity in the process. You will in no way, shape, or form benefit from any of these "savings" or tax cuts. Trump the Chump—aka the most morally and ethically bankrupt president of all time—continues attacking the most vulnerable in U.S. society, all to give the rich, the ultra-rich, and the 1% a tax cut.
Senior citizens, veterans, and impoverished children rely on SNAP to survive, yet these are the three groups who have been devastatingly affected by this revolting maggot named Trump. He will continue to devastate them throughout his four-year tenure. How could anyone think this is okay?
Trump is a disgusting person, and so are those who support these major crimes against humanity. He and his cronies should be thrown in prison and then flushed down the toilet—exactly where he belongs.