Trump 2024 Run Thread

IA GOP Evangelical Leader Tells Followers Trump is Conning Them

Bob Vander Plaats, the President and CEO of the influential Christian conservative group The Family Leader, unloaded on Donald Trump today after Trump attacked him and Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds for endorsing Ron Desantis.

Vander Plaats responded today: "Everything here is not a trait of a leader ... What you're seeing from the former President is character being revealed ... You call them names just because they don't bow the knee to you? That's not leadership!"

He then went on go after Trump's character to his evangelical followers: "Are you worthy to be followed? Are moms and dad, grandpas and grandmas willing to point to you and say, 'grow up to be like him or her?' I never met a dad or a mom who have told me that they want their son or daughter to grow up to be like him. That's a big deal."

He then predicts that Iowans will now begin to turn away from Trump: "I've had people over the weekend say, 'I'm done. What he's done to you, what he's done to Reynolds. He's proven a lack of leadership.'"

"Trump deserved to lose my endorsement. He proved he was not worthy of the endorsement. Of me, of the ministry, and by extension the broader body. I believe Iowa will rise up and send a message on January 15 because I think they are seeing through this. This is smoke and mirrors. This is not leadership the country needs."

Trump Hits Back at WSJ for Ridiculing His Failure to Understand the Success of Obamacare: ‘The Globalist “Paper” Sucks’​

For reasons that are still unclear, Trump re-upped his old “Obamacare Sucks!” campaign chestnut from 2015 on Wednesday. He took to Truth Social and wrote:

Getting much better Healthcare than Obamacare for the American people will be a priority of the Trump Administration. It is not a matter of cost, it is a matter of HEALTH. America will have one of the best Healthcare Plans anywhere in the world. Right now it has one of the WORST!

I don’t want to terminate Obamacare, I want to REPLACE IT with MUCH BETTER HEALTHCARE. Obamacare Sucks!!!
It was a confused message that seemed to largely amplify his lack of understanding of the Affordable Care Act and his failed — and largely unpopular — attempt to repeal it.

Enter the conservative Wall Street Journal Editorial Board into the ring, who published a column Thursday morning that effectively blamed Trump’s lack of understanding and inability to marshal public opinion for “Obamacare” while admitting there are good things about it and bad.

This did not sit well with Trump, who went back to Truth Social and spewed the sort of bile that I gather his base loves to read. He wrote:

The Wall Street Journal Editorial Page is really a MESS! The Globalist “paper” sucks, its influence is badly waning, and the concept of, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, is not exactly music to their ears. They fought me hard in 2016, but when I WON, Rupert Murdoch was the first to call. “Great going,” he said, “lets have lunch.” He called often, never getting what he wanted to get, or hearing what he wanted to hear. How did that work out, Rupert? Now he’s given up on a hopeless Ron DeSanctimonious, who became Florida’s Governor because of me, only to be pushing Nikki “Birdbrain” Haley, an even more disloyal candidate than Ron. Just like 2016 (In 2020 I got millions of more votes than I did in 2016, but the ELECTION WAS RIGGED!), 2024 will be a GLOBALIST DEFEAT, and a rebuke to the losers at the WSJ, who have gotten almost nothing right for years. Remember, I am leading Haley & DeSanctus by 50 Points, & Crooked Joe by a lot, & the Radical Left Democrats want no part of MAGA, or TRUMP!
As Trump missives go, this is a bit of a word salad. Seems like he used the WSJ editorial as a pretext to just spray venom on many of his political enemies because clearly he sees himself as a victim, and his nonstop grievance appears to be a feature, and not a bug, to the millions of Americans who support him.

There are millions of Americans who also likely enjoy pro wrestling because they want to believe its real, and here we are.
Just curious if anyone wants to claim that the republicans are the "party of small government" anymore?

Trump’s Second-Term Plans: Anti-‘Woke’ University, ‘Freedom Cities’​

Former president wants more active government, upending GOP orthodoxy​

WASHINGTON—As he campaigns to retake the White House, Donald Trump has increasingly tossed aside the principles of limited government and local control that have defined the Republican Party for decades.

The former president is laying plans to wield his executive authority to influence school curricula, prevent doctors from providing medical interventions for young transgender people and pressure police departments to adopt more severe anticrime policies. All are areas where state or local officials have traditionally taken the lead.

He has said he would establish a government-backed anti-“woke” university, create a national credentialing body to certify teachers “who embrace patriotic values” and erect “freedom cities” on federal land. He has pledged to marshal the power of the government to investigate and punish his critics.
It is a governing platform barely recognizable to prior generations of Republican politicians, who campaigned against one-size-fits-all federal dictates and argued that state legislators, mayors and town halls were best positioned to oversee their communities.

A transformed GOP Agenda​

For Trump, a second presidential term would mark the culmination of a yearslong campaign to reshape the party in his image, moving away from the core ideals espoused for decades by Ronald Reagan, Barry Goldwater, William F. Buckley and other idols of the conservative movement. Instead, Trump has rallied his millions of supporters in part by tapping into the cultural and social grievances that animate the conservative base.

The rapid shift in the priorities of the party has led to something of an existential crisis for longtime Republican officials. They have privately said the GOP of today is unrecognizable from even a decade ago, when many Republicans were campaigning on leaner government, balanced budgets, entitlement reform and free trade.

As president, Trump presided over four straight years of rising annual deficits, signing bipartisan budget agreements that boosted federal spending. He launched a trade war with China. And earlier this year, he warned his party not to “cut a single penny from Medicare or Social Security.”

“What do we stand for as Republicans? The orthodoxy is a little bit upside down,” said Margaret Spellings, who led the Education Department and the Domestic Policy Council during the George W. Bush administration.

More at link.
Of course he isn't going to say "I wanted chaos and terror that day." His words are always slightly veiled in these situations so that people that want to believe do believe and people that want to defend him can say it isn't his fault. He has done that over and over again.

Given ALL of the evidence that is out there regarding how he has reacted to his loss of the election, what do you (and @GOGETUMPOKE for agreeing) honestly feel he wanted to occur that day?
I was just commenting the headline of the video is misleading, when I watched I thought it was going to be a leaked tape or something of him saying that.

The media blows things out of proportion so much that it everything is just noise. That’s a criticism of both sides. I try to watch stuff from multiple points of view but videos like that just make me roll my eyes and discourage me from engaging more.
I was just commenting the headline of the video is misleading, when I watched I thought it was going to be a leaked tape or something of him saying that.

The media blows things out of proportion so much that it everything is just noise. That’s a criticism of both sides. I try to watch stuff from multiple points of view but videos like that just make me roll my eyes and discourage me from engaging more.
If you have watched stuff from multiple points of view seems you would have a pretty valid opinion on my question that you didn't answer.