The Steross Market and Investing Thread

So we have established and agree that revisions even selective ones aren't brand new. So lets say two people caught 3lb bass after being measured on a certified scale since we are talking fish stories here.........Dude 1 said his weighed 3.3 lbs initially....maybe he's a liar....maybe a bad scale.....maybe the fish took a big dump that didn't factor in. You are definetly gonna want to check his weights from now on and it looks bad but everybody tells fish stories since 1970. Dude 2 shows up and says mine weighed 4.9 pounds. No scale is that bad and no dump is that big. Everyone at the ramp knows dude 2 is liar. That's what we are dealing with here. The numbers are so bad or selectively calculated that it goes beyond the realm of a mistake. I don't care who wins that has to stop.

There has only been one revision of this size in history.....there is difference in those time periods as well....the one in 09 was at the beginning of a crisis when data isn't as good and in the face of massive layoffs this is 4 years post trigger they shouldn't miss that bad ever but certainly not now. Multiple job holders are higher than they have been since any chart I can find the longest being a FRED chart going back to 1995.....that has to be considered when talking about these reports. Adding jobs after millions were lost is different than adding jobs in a stable environment. You now this isn't the same.

Got a Donny-alogy. Love it.

I guess my point is that after all the dust settles and we account for lying and downright fraud, the fish are roughly the same size and doin' just fine. For now.

And I know that's not the same. But the amount of multiple job holders doesn't do much without context. As a percent of employed, multiple job holders remains low.
I'm not acting like it's's been said and I have agreed that this started during the 08 crisis but not to this magnitude and not when they are counting gig/2nd jobs like they are.
Definietly not new. Heck, I remember looking at Walter John Williams shadowstats back in the early 2000s. I'm not sure exactly when it happened, but the government jobs numbers are not the same thing they were in the 1980s.

But, since this is in this thread, you know what that did, it cost me money. Because, despite government fudging jobs reports and high schools fudging report cards (does everyone think the kid down the street really has a 4.36 GPA out for 4 (like that even makes sense)? It is the Anerican way, we think we are better so we fudge numbers to stay better.

But, it is working. We are FOS but it is still working. And, I suspect it will end someday. But when I start looking for signs it is gonna end, I find them. And have for >20 years. So, I just quit looking for the signs becasue they have been wrong.

This is the total US market divided by the rest of the world markets. We are consistently killing them.

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Jurassic Park Ian Malcom GIF
Trump = potentially honest mistake

Anybody else = deliberate manipulation
What did it say? That post has been deleted
Sec. Of Commerce.


Reporter: Nearly a million jobs "created" since Kamala took office do not exist.

Raimondo: “I don’t believe it because I’ve never heard Trump say anything truthful.”

Reporter: "It is from the Bureau of Labor."

Raimondo: "I'm not familiar with that."
I don’t understand how that can even happen. I realize there is a convention going on and I’m sure she has a full calendar now but she also has a staff how did they ever let her take an interview? How is this not news there?

Are we sure it’s real?
I don’t understand how that can even happen. I realize there is a convention going on and I’m sure she has a full calendar now but she also has a staff how did they ever let her take an interview? How is this not news there?

Are we sure it’s real?
It's real.

Trump promotes family's new crypto platform, 'The Defiant Ones'

  • Former president Donald Trump on Thursday promoted a soon-to-launch, Trump Organization crypto platform, "The DeFiant Ones" to his 7.5 million followers on Truth Social.
  • "For too long, the average American has been squeezed by the big banks and financial elites," Trump wrote. "It's time we take a stand — together."
  • The post marks the first time the Republican nominee for president has used his personal platform to promote the as yet unactivated digital bank.

Former president Donald Trump on Thursday promoted a soon-to-launch, Trump Organization crypto platform, "The DeFiant Ones" to his 7.5 million followers on Truth Social.

"For too long, the average American has been squeezed by the big banks and financial elites," Trump wrote. "It's time we take a stand — together."

The post marks the first time the Republican nominee for president has used his personal platform to promote the as yet unactivated digital bank. Within minutes, his son Donald Trump Jr., shared the post with his 12 million X followers.

Trump's post includes a link to a Telegram channel called "The DeFiant Ones," which had approximately 29,000 followers as of Thursday morning, and climbing.

An Aug. 15 post describes the group chat as "the only official Telegram channel for the Trump DeFi project" which is building "the future of finance."

Trump's sons Eric Trump and and Donald Jr. have spent weeks teasing the forthcoming platform, which Eric recently described as "digital real estate."

"It's equitable. It's collateral anyone can get access to and do so instantly," Eric told The New York Post earlier this month. "I don't know if people realize what a shake up that is for the world of banking and finance. I hope we can help change that."

The Trump brothers have also promoted the project with posts declaring that "decentralized finance is the future" and asking people to "stay tuned for a big announcement."

The mention of digital real estate could be a reference to selling digitized versions of assets in the metaverse, a concept which peaked in popularity in 2021 during the last bull market cycle in crypto.

Digitized real estate could also mean that the project would tokenize real-world assets.

The timing of the project coincides with the homestretch of Trump's presidential campaign. The former president is working to regain momentum in the race against Vice President Kamala Harris.

Trump's eldest son recently said that the family wasn't launching a memecoin and instead, was working to develop a crypto platform that would rival the traditional banking system.

"What we want to do is take on a lot of the banking world," he said on Aug. 8.

"I think there has been a lot of inequality in that only certain people can get financing [...] so this notion of decentralized finance is obviously very appealing to guys like me who have been debanked," Donald Trump Jr. said in the interview on Locals.

In recent months, Trump senior has sought to brand himself as the pro-crypto candidate for president.

In April, Trump launched a non-fungible token collection on the Solana blockchain. In May, he became the first major presidential nominee to accept cryptocurrency donations, and in July, the Republican presidential nominee headlined the biggest bitcoin event of the year in Nashville.

It is a significant departure from Trump's previous stance on cryptocurrencies during his stint in the White House when he called bitcoin a scam.

The endorsements and donations have rolled in since his newfound support of the industry. The former president said he had raised $25 million from the crypto sector as of the end of July.
Powell just got done speaking and the markets popped. Here comes more free money babayyyyyyyyy!
I really suck at market predictions..... but..... Buy the rumor, sell the news. And September/October is the worst time for markets. And markets hate uncertainty and the election cycle is uncertainty.

Ignore the 2024 YTD as this article was from early in the year but commonly markets sink some in the months heading into the election then take off after.

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