Wark gets a single and the bottom 4 hitters finally gets a hit. How was that not a double?
You see on the replay you see she's watching to see if it goes fair instead of sprinting to first, still should have advanced when the throw came in to 3rd. Plus she's really slow.Wark gets a single and the bottom 4 hitters finally gets a hit. How was that not a double?
Should hold up. Wow I guess not, how.....In what world is that not a home run?
Nah outside the bottom 4 the rest of the lineup hit well the entire game. Scored runs in the 1st and 3rd. 2nd 4th were 3 up 3 down innings and both featured the 7-8-9 hittersPitching was amazing, fielding was amazing, hitting was cold at the start then came on in the end. A great way to go into tomorrow.