Rustoleum stadium


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I'm headed over to Stillwater this weekend from northwest arkansas with a couple of razorback fans. I was wanting to show my buddy pictures of Lewis field from when I was a kid. I have searched google images and only seem to find the same repeating picture of lewis field. I was wanting to find one that showed just how rusted and poor condition the stadium use to be. If anyone has any before & after athletic village pictures of any kind they want to share, please let me know. Lewis field, G-iba, or anything. Please share. Thanks. Go pokes!
I'm headed over to Stillwater this weekend from northwest arkansas with a couple of razorback fans. I was wanting to show my buddy pictures of Lewis field from when I was a kid. I have searched google images and only seem to find the same repeating picture of lewis field. I was wanting to find one that showed just how rusted and poor condition the stadium use to be. If anyone has any before & after athletic village pictures of any kind they want to share, please let me know. Lewis field, G-iba, or anything. Please share. Thanks. Go pokes!


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Yeah, this was WAY before the 70s. My first game there was in 66 and it was before that. Capacity here is about 20-25,000. Before the "upper areas" were added to get it to 40,000. The 81 pic above is when the field was lowered and west end zone seating was added. Capacity was raised to 50,000.
HS.. the night of the crickets. I'll never forget this when I was kid. I can still hear our family friend, Marta, screaming as the crickets got in her mouth and clothes. It was insane. I had my lips sealed shut and tried my best to keep the damn things from going down my shirt and batting them away till we all got back to our cars.

Anyway.. All the pics I provided above are aerial shots. This, with the damn crickets, show what the concourse was like.

HS.. the night of the crickets. I'll never forget this when I was kid. I can still hear our family friend, Marta, screaming as the crickets got in her mouth and clothes. It was insane. I had my lips sealed shut and tried my best to keep the damn things from going down my shirt and batting them away till we all got back to our cars.

Anyway.. All the pics I provided above are aerial shots. This, with the damn crickets, show what the concourse was like.

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Wasn't that against Texas Tech. I took my son to that game.
You guys are awesome and thanks for sharing. I live in northwest arkansas. I love it. I think it's one of the best places to live in the world. I cheer for the hogs unless they are playing osu. That being said the U of A campus is in a scenic location but doesn't hold a candle to osu as far as a unfied beautiful architetural design.