OSU vs Texas

All of this is a big-time bummer, to say the least. I really had hoped that Boynton would've been hired away due to success. Instead, he'll be fired for a complete failure of a tenure. I've met Boynton many times and by all accounts he's the type of person who we all should strive to be. But, this isn't a popularity contest. This is a "you lose, you're fired" type of thing.

I cannot convey just how much I wanted success for Boynton. It just sucks.
Boynton is saving us from ourselves. Boynton has gotten us to enjoy less screen time from exploring endless scenarios of what ifs after big wins, more family time, less chance of carpal tunnel or arthritis of the thumb from commenting, and helping me save gas money as well as contribution money. The man is a true humanitarian that is protecting us from making the bad choices we would make for a winning program.