North Dakota passes upper age restrictions for State and Federal congressional candidates

There is a possibility that upper age limits for Federal offices will be determined to be unconstitutional.

In the past, term limits for Federal offices that are not explicitly in the Constitution (like two terms for President) that have been passed at either the State or Federal level have been ruled unconstitutional.
Seems arrogant and shortsighted. With today’s advancement in technology and medicines 80 could be the new 60 in years to come.
Seems arrogant and shortsighted. With today’s advancement in technology and medicines 80 could be the new 60 in years to come.
at some point someone is going to figure a way to download/program/record 24/7 their memories and thoughts into AI and the AI will live on beyond them and utilize the previous thoughts and ideas of the biological now dead person will continue and grow via AI.

What age do we restrict that from running for office ? we are already implanting technology into people that allow paralyzed people to walk, and control computers and play video games and do puzzles by thinking about it.