January 6...a day that will live in infamy


FBI failed 'at fundamental level' before Capitol riot, Senate report claims BBC

*whichever side you 'side with', we can probably agree that it coulda/woulda/shoulda been prevented, or at least 'downsized'...

The FBI and other US government agencies failed "at a fundamental level" to assess the potential for violence ahead of the Capitol riot on 6 January 2021, a new report claims.
Democrats on a Senate panel found the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) "downplayed" the risks and so did not properly prepare.
The 105-page report, titled Planned in Plain Sight, was released on Tuesday.
It criticises officials for misjudging and reacting slowly to tip-offs.
"At a fundamental level, the agencies failed to fulfil their mission and connect the public and non-public information they received," the report reads.
It adds that officials from the agencies failed to "formally disseminate guidance to their law enforcement partners with sufficient urgency and alarm to enable those partners to prepare for the violence that ultimately occurred".

The report offers specific examples of the type of warnings the FBI received, including flagged online extremist activity, public tip-offs and alerts from its own field offices around the country.
One example the report highlights is a social media post on the Parler platform directed at the FBI four days before the riot. "This is a final stand where we are drawing the red line at Capitol Hill," it reads. "Don't be surprised if we take the #capital building."
Many other posts alluded to a potential violent attack on the Capitol, the report by Democrats on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee suggests.

The document also includes a previously unknown warning from the FBI's New Orleans office which was issued on 5 January 2021. It said some people who were planning to attend the protest in Washington the following day were planning to be armed.
"What was shocking is that this attack was essentially planned in plain sight in social media," the committee's Democratic chair, Gary Peters, said. "And yet it seemed as if our intelligence agencies completely dropped the ball."
In a statement, an FBI spokesperson said the bureau was "constantly trying to learn and evaluate what we can do better or differently, and this is especially true of the attack on the US Capitol".

The spokesman added that, since the attack, the bureau had centralised the flow of information to ensure timely threat notifications to all field offices.
Separately, a spokesperson for the DHS told the Washington Post that the agency had been conducting a "comprehensive organisational review" which would soon develop recommendations.
The 6 January riot saw more than 2,000 people enter the US Capitol as lawmakers certified the results of the 2020 election, in which President Joe Biden defeated Donald Trump.
The mob stormed the Capitol following a speech from Mr Trump, who was speaking at a rally not far from the Capitol grounds. In his speech, Mr Trump claimed election fraud and called on then-Vice-President Mike Pence to overturn the results.
The riot led to the biggest police investigation in US history with hundreds of people accused of criminal offences.
In my humble opinion, anyone that spouts that January 6th wasn’t an attempted violent coup, or thinks so little of our Democratic Republic to think it was patriotic, just a tour, or that violence is justified as an end to political means is nothing but a “burn baby burn“ ANARCHIST. “They’re anarchist Donnie!!!” The Big Lebowski. But this Donnie is as well IMO.
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FBI failed 'at fundamental level' before Capitol riot, Senate report claims BBC

*whichever side you 'side with', we can probably agree that it coulda/woulda/shoulda been prevented, or at least 'downsized'...

The FBI and other US government agencies failed "at a fundamental level" to assess the potential for violence ahead of the Capitol riot on 6 January 2021, a new report claims.
Democrats on a Senate panel found the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) "downplayed" the risks and so did not properly prepare.
The 105-page report, titled Planned in Plain Sight, was released on Tuesday.
It criticises officials for misjudging and reacting slowly to tip-offs.
"At a fundamental level, the agencies failed to fulfil their mission and connect the public and non-public information they received," the report reads.
It adds that officials from the agencies failed to "formally disseminate guidance to their law enforcement partners with sufficient urgency and alarm to enable those partners to prepare for the violence that ultimately occurred".

The report offers specific examples of the type of warnings the FBI received, including flagged online extremist activity, public tip-offs and alerts from its own field offices around the country.
One example the report highlights is a social media post on the Parler platform directed at the FBI four days before the riot. "This is a final stand where we are drawing the red line at Capitol Hill," it reads. "Don't be surprised if we take the #capital building."
Many other posts alluded to a potential violent attack on the Capitol, the report by Democrats on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee suggests.

The document also includes a previously unknown warning from the FBI's New Orleans office which was issued on 5 January 2021. It said some people who were planning to attend the protest in Washington the following day were planning to be armed.
"What was shocking is that this attack was essentially planned in plain sight in social media," the committee's Democratic chair, Gary Peters, said. "And yet it seemed as if our intelligence agencies completely dropped the ball."
In a statement, an FBI spokesperson said the bureau was "constantly trying to learn and evaluate what we can do better or differently, and this is especially true of the attack on the US Capitol".

The spokesman added that, since the attack, the bureau had centralised the flow of information to ensure timely threat notifications to all field offices.
Separately, a spokesperson for the DHS told the Washington Post that the agency had been conducting a "comprehensive organisational review" which would soon develop recommendations.
The 6 January riot saw more than 2,000 people enter the US Capitol as lawmakers certified the results of the 2020 election, in which President Joe Biden defeated Donald Trump.
The mob stormed the Capitol following a speech from Mr Trump, who was speaking at a rally not far from the Capitol grounds. In his speech, Mr Trump claimed election fraud and called on then-Vice-President Mike Pence to overturn the results.
The riot led to the biggest police investigation in US history with hundreds of people accused of criminal offences.
Some downplayed it before.
Some are still downplaying it (and laughing at related posts).

Those who excuse Trump—for this or his many other infractions—fail to take him seriously and/or literally. Either is a mistake, IMHO.
Some downplayed it before.
Some are still downplaying it (and laughing at related posts).

Those who excuse Trump—for this or his many other infractions—fail to take him seriously and/or literally. Either is a mistake, IMHO.
C'mon now....what's a little sedition (investigated/prosecuted/convicted) between friends if it's all meant to MAGA?

You're being too harsh.
C'mon now....what's a little sedition (investigated/prosecuted/convicted) between friends if it's all meant to MAGA?

You're being too harsh.
In other words, the road to fascism is paved with good intentions? OK, I'll give them a pass.

I had a conversation with my BIL during the 2020 election cycle. He didn't care for Trump, but liked his policies and planned to vote for him (which I'm confident he did). I have a lot of respect for my BIL. He is above reproach. A man of high character and morals. I love him like a big brother. So, I couldn't reconcile his acceptance of Trump with his history (recent and distant past) of poor character.

I asked my BIL, "So, the ends justify the means?" (electing Trump is justified by the policies he would support)
He replied, "I don't like to call it that."

But he never gave a suitable substitution for that philosophy. Basically, as you said, it's all excusable because it's meant to MAGA.
In other words, the road to fascism is paved with good intentions? OK, I'll give them a pass.

I had a conversation with my BIL during the 2020 election cycle. He didn't care for Trump, but liked his policies and planned to vote for him (which I'm confident he did). I have a lot of respect for my BIL. He is above reproach. A man of high character and morals. I love him like a big brother. So, I couldn't reconcile his acceptance of Trump with his history (recent and distant past) of poor character.

I asked my BIL, "So, the ends justify the means?" (electing Trump is justified by the policies he would support)
He replied, "I don't like to call it that."

But he never gave a suitable substitution for that philosophy. Basically, as you said, it's all excusable because it's meant to MAGA.
Your BIL sounds like a good dude. You should probably spend more time with him.
Your BIL sounds like a good dude. You should probably spend more time with him.
I know you’re taking a jab, but he is a good person. Misguided, but good. He’s the kind of person grifters like Trump take advantage of, despite his intelligence.

I meet with him at least once a week. Not sure he could stomach any more of me.
I know you’re taking a jab, but he is a good person. Misguided, but good. He’s the kind of person grifters like Trump take advantage of, despite his intelligence.

I meet with him at least once a week. Not sure he could stomach any more of me.
It’s really hard to admit one’s mistakes. I have several delusional relatives as well. It’s hard, but if we want to keep our Democratic Republic we must cautiously and lovingly lay the facts on them and encourage everyone we know that hasn’t fallen for this lying loser garbage to vote the vermin out ASAP.
It’s really hard to admit one’s mistakes. I have several delusional relatives as well. It’s hard, but if we want to keep our Democratic Republic we must cautiously and lovingly lay the facts on them and encourage everyone we know that hasn’t fallen for this lying loser garbage to vote the vermin out ASAP.
Are you talking about Trump or Biden? lol While I agree with a previous poster's friend who thought Trump's policies were good, the man himself is a blowhard and a despicable human being. Biden is crooked. The DNC is funding and peddling unethical and false narratives. The DOJ and FBI are partisan hacks. Where does our Democratic Republic fit into all that? This country has gone to hell.
I know you’re taking a jab, but he is a good person. Misguided, but good. He’s the kind of person grifters like Trump take advantage of, despite his intelligence.

I meet with him at least once a week. Not sure he could stomach any more of me.
He really does sound like a good guy and you got lucky in the BIL department.
Are you talking about Trump or Biden? lol While I agree with a previous poster's friend who thought Trump's policies were good, the man himself is a blowhard and a despicable human being. Biden is crooked. The DNC is funding and peddling unethical and false narratives. The DOJ and FBI are partisan hacks. Where does our Democratic Republic fit into all that? This country has gone to hell.
It’s amazing to me that people are willing to turn the world upside down in order to justify their beliefs in a lying loser. In one four year term Trump has vilified the entire structure of the USA. A party I used to occasionally vote for has lost its collective minds. The country has not gone to hell. There’s hope of voting these neofascist out of office, but the autocrat simply must go. As far as Biden goes, I’d vote for a yellow dog if it was a democrat. But if Trump is the candidate Biden will be the candidate. So do us both a favor and make it clear that never again Trump is the way to go. We both get better younger candidates. Until Biden is indicted it’s just noise. Just because you drool over the idea of limited government sure as hell doesn’t mean everything is corrupted. They are doing their jobs. And if they find the wannabe dictator guilty then he’s GUILTY.
Are you talking about Trump or Biden? lol While I agree with a previous poster's friend who thought Trump's policies were good, the man himself is a blowhard and a despicable human being. Biden is crooked. The DNC is funding and peddling unethical and false narratives. The DOJ and FBI are partisan hacks. Where does our Democratic Republic fit into all that? This country has gone to hell.
I can't help but notice, you avoided calling Trump "crooked" as well.

You did the perfunctory, "Trump is bad, but the REAL problems are with the Democrats" drive-by.

My take:

Trump is a blow hard, a despicable human being, AND a crook.
The RNC is funding and peddling unethical and false narratives.

Biden is a blow hard, not a great human being, and probably a crook as well.
The DNC is funding and peddling unethical and false narratives.

I've already said more than once that I can't in good conscience vote for either one of them.

The DOJ and FBI? Some good, some bad, the proof is in the pudding of successful prosecutions and convictions.

Trump appointed Special Counsel to "get" Biden and acted as if the DOJ and FBI were SUPPOSED to be partisan hacks at his beck and call. Didn't see convictions from that appointed Special Counsel. Seems pretty fair.

Trump appointed Special Counsel Mueller as well, he got some convictions (some of which were pardoned by Trump) and issued a report saying that there was no actionable evidence of direct collusion between Trump himself and Russians. Seems pretty fair.

Therefore, I don't put much stock in the claims that the entirety of the DOJ and FBI are partisan hacks prejudiced against Republicans. May there be partisan individuals in those organizations? There might be. Probably are. Does that mean that the entirety of those organizations are partisan hacks acting against Trump and Republicans only? Not at all.
Do you guys ever go back and read through these or do you just bang away at the next reply in the thread?

The reason I ask, one can go through these messages and simply switch party affiliation or politician involved the broad brush statements or assumed gotchas/zingers and the posts don't materially change much at all. It's kind of a fascinating microcosm of our society and probably should be telling us something valuable.

I am glad @GratefulPoke likes coming over here to monitor this more, I am going back to the sports side. :ROFLMAO:
Do you guys ever go back and read through these or do you just bang away at the next reply in the thread?

The reason I ask, one can go through these messages and simply switch party affiliation or politician involved the broad brush statements or assumed gotchas/zingers and the posts don't materially change much at all. It's kind of a fascinating microcosm of our society and probably should be telling us something valuable.

I am glad @GratefulPoke likes coming over here to monitor this more, I am going back to the sports side. :ROFLMAO:
If you believe the two parties as equal with all that’s going on with Trump, and the Supreme Court, and 147 Republican members of Congress voting to overthrow a legitimate election ,etc. enjoy the bliss! Just killing time till football.
If you believe the two parties as equal with all that’s going on with Trump, and the Supreme Court, and 147 Republican members of Congress voting to overthrow a legitimate election ,etc. enjoy the bliss! Just killing time till football.
I don't believe that at all. What if I did kind of believe all of that (I don't, rest assured, stay with me here) but I was on the fence, how did you just move the needle for "your guy" or "your position?"

How can "if you really believe XYZ.......enjoy the bliss" which at its core is a thinly veiled insult without knowing anyting about me whatsoever, be the go to response from a position of moral authority? That's not directed at you at all, it's more of a 50,000 foot view of where we're all stuck right now.

It never ends. Now I regret even coming over here to check on these posts at all.:oops:
I don't believe that at all. What if I did kind of believe all of that (I don't, rest assured, stay with me here) but I was on the fence, how did you just move the needle for "your guy" or "your position?"

How can "if you really believe XYZ.......enjoy the bliss" which at its core is a thinly veiled insult without knowing anyting about me whatsoever, be the go to response from a position of moral authority? That's not directed at you at all, it's more of a 50,000 foot view of where we're all stuck right now.

It never ends. Now I regret even coming over here to check on these posts at all.:oops:
Sorry, should have left it alone.
Do you guys ever go back and read through these or do you just bang away at the next reply in the thread?

The reason I ask, one can go through these messages and simply switch party affiliation or politician involved the broad brush statements or assumed gotchas/zingers and the posts don't materially change much at all. It's kind of a fascinating microcosm of our society and probably should be telling us something valuable.

I am glad @GratefulPoke likes coming over here to monitor this more, I am going back to the sports side. :ROFLMAO:
It says that reasoned debate is largely dead. This seems to have accelerated since social media came onto the scene, IMO.

Well the party of Jan 6th that hung Trump flags all over the Capitol .....still trying to figure out what flag we use.

Republican party tweets Independence Day well-wishes with flag of Liberia​

The Republican party was embarrassed when a tweet from its official account celebrating Independence Day featured the wrong flag.

The tweet read: “247 years ago, our forefathers told ’Ol King George to get lost! Happy Independence Day from the GOP!”

But the two flags the Grand Old Party featured in its tweet appeared to be flags of Liberia: similar to the Stars and Stripes but featuring a single white star in the blue canton at top left, next to a field of red stripes.

The tweet was deleted, but not before screenshots preserved the error for posterity – and mockery.

Jezebel said: “Happy Independence Day! It’s time to make fun of some nerds who can’t use social media to save their lives.”

The site also asked: “What’s that sound you just heard between fireworks? Probably a social media intern getting fired.”


Well the party of Jan 6th that hung Trump flags all over the Capitol .....still trying to figure out what flag we use.

Republican party tweets Independence Day well-wishes with flag of Liberia​

The Republican party was embarrassed when a tweet from its official account celebrating Independence Day featured the wrong flag.

The tweet read: “247 years ago, our forefathers told ’Ol King George to get lost! Happy Independence Day from the GOP!”

But the two flags the Grand Old Party featured in its tweet appeared to be flags of Liberia: similar to the Stars and Stripes but featuring a single white star in the blue canton at top left, next to a field of red stripes.

The tweet was deleted, but not before screenshots preserved the error for posterity – and mockery.

Jezebel said: “Happy Independence Day! It’s time to make fun of some nerds who can’t use social media to save their lives.”

The site also asked: “What’s that sound you just heard between fireworks? Probably a social media intern getting fired.”
