Israel under attack

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I know I'm going to get slammed with angry replies and angry reactions.

Isreal has all the power to end this horrific crimes against humanity (on both sides), yet Israel refuses to do so. The US is one of only a handful of countries to recognise the city (Jerusalem) as Israel's capital.

In the past 50 years Israel has built settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, where more than 700,000 Jews now live.

Settlements are held to be illegal under international law - that is the position of the UN Security Council and the UK government, among others - although Israel rejects this. The UN still considers the territory to be occupied by Israel. In fact, in 1967 Isreal made the first strike against the Palestinians. Israel attacked the Palestinians first, not the other way around. Israel created this mess.. and somehow Isreal proclaims that the Palestinians are at fault, not Israel.

Israel needs to stop this BS and permanently leave the Gaza Strip. Even if Israel has a legitimate claim (I believe Israel doesn't), the enduring mass killings is a horror. The entire situation is crimes against humanity. Israel should realizenthat the mass killing of innocent people far outweighs anything Israel gains from occupying the Gaza Strip

Israel would not lose anything. Yet Israel refuses to end the bloodshed. Having said that, in no way, shape or form am I defending Humus. For some reason, if you disagree with Israel, you are anti-Jewish and hate Israel. That is absolute nonsense.

The US won't do anything about it because Israel is the US' gateway into the Middle East. In fact, US taxpayers pay countless millions each year for Israel to defend itself from rockets.. the iron dome, for an example. In fact, the US government (taxpayers) has given Israel nearly $13 billion past two years

You can still support Israel AND disagree with its actions. Enough of this mass murders of innocent children, women and men.

Edit: In fiscal years 2021 through 2023, the U.S. sent about $12.4 billion total to Israel for its defense.
What’s a few billion among friends?

How much has the US agreed to spend on Ukraine?​

So far, Congress has approved about $113 billion in aid to Ukraine, according to calculations by the US State Department Office of Inspector General and the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget.

That includes more than $62 billion intended to go through the Pentagon and more than $46 billion intended to go through the Department of State and the US Agency for International Development.
western media, in which most US citizens rely on for news and information on this is quite biased...
western media, in which most US citizens rely on for news and information on this is quite biased...
that is true stephen colbert GIF by Obama
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A plea for solidarity with Gaza​

Abdallah al-Jazzar​

Gaza Strip

October 17, 2023​

bomb with Israel's symbol in front of Palestine flag.
Artist: Sajjad Mahmoudi Lirzardi. Courtesy of the Palestine Poster Project Archives.
Dear everyone outside Gaza, reading or hearing my words,
My name is Abdallah Aljazzar. I come from Rafah, in Gaza, Palestine, alongside the borders of Egypt. I studied English language and literature at Al-Azhar University.
To be alive right now is nothing short of a miracle, and the opportunity to speak directly to you is both a privilege and an uncertainty. I may be gone by the time these words reach you, but I assure you, it’s never too late. Gazans have spoken from the grave in the hopes that someone, somewhere, finally listens. Will it be this time? The next time? Any time?
Whether I am among the living or the dead, I implore you not to hastily pass judgment on what is unfolding in Palestine. Our history tells us we have been here before. Since 1948, we have endured the horrors of rape, torture, kidnapping, starvation, invasion, and assassination. History, in its relentless scrutiny, affirms our resilience. Truth is always found where it is honestly sought.
Time and time again, we have resisted by simply surviving. Our existence is resistance. Israel understands this all too well. To end our resistance, they believe they must end our existence. The polite term for this is “ethnic cleansing.”
As the world, once again, stands by in abandonment, I wonder, “Who, among the peoples of the world, truly comprehends the Palestinian plight?” We witness our own repeated destruction, endure ghettos and pogroms, and still find no one to advocate for us, no one to defend us, no one to say “No.” Among those who should understand this suffering best are the Jewish people. But somehow, it seems some have forgotten the lessons of history. “Never Again” is not just a historical lesson; it is an urgent reminder to act.
On the evening of Saturday, October 7, 2023, I sat in my living room in Rafah’s Al Jinina neighborhood when I received news that my neighborhood had been marked as an Israeli target. With mixed feelings of hope that it might be okay and the despair of not being able to defend my neighborhood, I joined my relatives on the street for a smoke. Coffee in hand, my eyes misty, and my face pale, I walked to a friend’s house, where a group of men were gathered, shouting with joy and declaring that we are not leaving, echoing the spirit of resistance that emerged in 1948. For now, I am not leaving my house, my neighbors, or my relatives. We have chosen to stand our Palestine and die with dignity, and we await an uncertain fate. Some sources suggest that Israel may attempt to forcibly displace us to Sinai. But I say “No” emphatically—I choose to die here!
At the same time, at a different location, my uncle had evacuated his home and sought refuge at my grandma’s house. His friends have also had to leave their homes and take shelter in my uncle’s primary residence. I cannot express enough how sorrowful I feel about the ongoing situation here in Gaza.
I watch the news when we have power. Hamas, Netanyahu, President Biden, Iran—that’s all you talk about. The victims in Israel, the stories of loss, incalculable and unacceptable. “How could they be so barbaric?” you rightfully ask, lamenting the tragedy that is unfolding. Be it concert-goers or children or Holocaust survivors – the sympathy is palpable. However, when Israel enacts similar barbarism on us, it’s often framed as “self-defense.” Israel imprisons 13-year-old children: self-defense. They bomb public hospitals: self-defense. Your sympathy and outrage are selective, and the inconsistency in your stance is not lost on us. We know what it feels like, and it is painful.
The Quran and the Bible remind us that those who show no mercy shall receive none. So, we will continue to exist, even when you cut off our food and water, even when your aircraft carriers lurk off our shores, attempting “gunship diplomacy” as a modern approach to peace. China might recognize it, but we, the people of Gaza, do not. We will have children, and they will have children, and they will remember the events of October 7, this week, this month, this year. What will be their memory of these days? Will they remember you, America, as a champion of justice and fairness? Or will they recall feelings of betrayal and abandonment, fueling uprisings in 2028, 2032, and 2036 because your government and Israel chose to ignore the facts? We will still be here. We have seen off the Greeks, the Romans, the French, the Ottomans, and the Egyptians. We will also see off the Zionist colonial project. Did you know that “Gaza” means “fortress”?
Palestinians have endured 73 years of ethnic cleansing and 54 years of military occupation. The question we must all consider is: How many more Palestinians must die before this changes?
In this often-cruel world, may you never find yourself in a situation where you must rely on another’s sense of humanity to save your own life and the lives of your family.
Yours for peace,
Abdallah Aljazzar
Editor’s Note: Abdallah al-Jazzar wrote this from a house with no power and in which at least 40 people were sheltering. He wrote this on his phone. He originally prepared the essay for a colleague to read on his behalf at a solidarity rally over the weekend of Oct. 14. He wanted to send photographs to accompany the publication of the essay, but the Internet in Gaza was too frail for him to do so.

A plea for solidarity with Gaza​

Abdallah al-Jazzar

Gaza Strip

October 17, 2023​

bomb with Israel's symbol in front of Palestine flag.'s symbol in front of Palestine flag.
Artist: Sajjad Mahmoudi Lirzardi. Courtesy of the Palestine Poster Project Archives.
Dear everyone outside Gaza, reading or hearing my words,
My name is Abdallah Aljazzar. I come from Rafah, in Gaza, Palestine, alongside the borders of Egypt. I studied English language and literature at Al-Azhar University.
To be alive right now is nothing short of a miracle, and the opportunity to speak directly to you is both a privilege and an uncertainty. I may be gone by the time these words reach you, but I assure you, it’s never too late. Gazans have spoken from the grave in the hopes that someone, somewhere, finally listens. Will it be this time? The next time? Any time?
Whether I am among the living or the dead, I implore you not to hastily pass judgment on what is unfolding in Palestine. Our history tells us we have been here before. Since 1948, we have endured the horrors of rape, torture, kidnapping, starvation, invasion, and assassination. History, in its relentless scrutiny, affirms our resilience. Truth is always found where it is honestly sought.
Time and time again, we have resisted by simply surviving. Our existence is resistance. Israel understands this all too well. To end our resistance, they believe they must end our existence. The polite term for this is “ethnic cleansing.”
As the world, once again, stands by in abandonment, I wonder, “Who, among the peoples of the world, truly comprehends the Palestinian plight?” We witness our own repeated destruction, endure ghettos and pogroms, and still find no one to advocate for us, no one to defend us, no one to say “No.” Among those who should understand this suffering best are the Jewish people. But somehow, it seems some have forgotten the lessons of history. “Never Again” is not just a historical lesson; it is an urgent reminder to act.
On the evening of Saturday, October 7, 2023, I sat in my living room in Rafah’s Al Jinina neighborhood when I received news that my neighborhood had been marked as an Israeli target. With mixed feelings of hope that it might be okay and the despair of not being able to defend my neighborhood, I joined my relatives on the street for a smoke. Coffee in hand, my eyes misty, and my face pale, I walked to a friend’s house, where a group of men were gathered, shouting with joy and declaring that we are not leaving, echoing the spirit of resistance that emerged in 1948. For now, I am not leaving my house, my neighbors, or my relatives. We have chosen to stand our Palestine and die with dignity, and we await an uncertain fate. Some sources suggest that Israel may attempt to forcibly displace us to Sinai. But I say “No” emphatically—I choose to die here!
At the same time, at a different location, my uncle had evacuated his home and sought refuge at my grandma’s house. His friends have also had to leave their homes and take shelter in my uncle’s primary residence. I cannot express enough how sorrowful I feel about the ongoing situation here in Gaza.
I watch the news when we have power. Hamas, Netanyahu, President Biden, Iran—that’s all you talk about. The victims in Israel, the stories of loss, incalculable and unacceptable. “How could they be so barbaric?” you rightfully ask, lamenting the tragedy that is unfolding. Be it concert-goers or children or Holocaust survivors – the sympathy is palpable. However, when Israel enacts similar barbarism on us, it’s often framed as “self-defense.” Israel imprisons 13-year-old children: self-defense. They bomb public hospitals: self-defense. Your sympathy and outrage are selective, and the inconsistency in your stance is not lost on us. We know what it feels like, and it is painful.
The Quran and the Bible remind us that those who show no mercy shall receive none. So, we will continue to exist, even when you cut off our food and water, even when your aircraft carriers lurk off our shores, attempting “gunship diplomacy” as a modern approach to peace. China might recognize it, but we, the people of Gaza, do not. We will have children, and they will have children, and they will remember the events of October 7, this week, this month, this year. What will be their memory of these days? Will they remember you, America, as a champion of justice and fairness? Or will they recall feelings of betrayal and abandonment, fueling uprisings in 2028, 2032, and 2036 because your government and Israel chose to ignore the facts? We will still be here. We have seen off the Greeks, the Romans, the French, the Ottomans, and the Egyptians. We will also see off the Zionist colonial project. Did you know that “Gaza” means “fortress”?
Palestinians have endured 73 years of ethnic cleansing and 54 years of military occupation. The question we must all consider is: How many more Palestinians must die before this changes?
In this often-cruel world, may you never find yourself in a situation where you must rely on another’s sense of humanity to save your own life and the lives of your family.
Yours for peace,
Abdallah Aljazzar
Editor’s Note: Abdallah al-Jazzar wrote this from a house with no power and in which at least 40 people were sheltering. He wrote this on his phone. He originally prepared the essay for a colleague to read on his behalf at a solidarity rally over the weekend of Oct. 14. He wanted to send photographs to accompany the publication of the essay, but the Internet in Gaza was too frail for him to do so.
It’s going to be difficult to generate much sympathy for a group that mutilates babies and bombs their own hospitals (according to Biden himself). But keep trying.
It’s going to be difficult to generate much sympathy for a group that mutilates babies and bombs their own hospitals (according to Biden himself). But keep trying.
yeah, you're right, there are no innocent're not that ignorant, are you?!...I'll just assume you are talking about how it's hard to show sympathy for hamas, and you are just lumping all Palestinians in one big ole far as your comment about mutilating babies, that has not been 'verified' (this is not me condoning the actions of hamas) and your comment about bombing their own hospital, both sides are still denying; at this moment, we cannot know who is responsible...and of course biden agrees with Israelis (he is a strong supporter of Israel)...I will keep trying, to raise awareness of the horrible treatment that Palestinians have endured for decades, I will keep trying to get people to show compassion to both sides that are the innocent bystanders, normal citizens who are caught in the crossfires...
.as far as your comment about mutilating babies, that has not been 'verified'

and your comment about bombing their own hospital, both sides are still denying; at this moment, we cannot know who is responsible...and of course biden agrees with Israelis (he is a strong supporter of Israel).
1) Hamas killed people in cold blood including kids. Do you really need verification from them that they mutilated children? If so, why?

2) What will it take for you to believe Hamas is most likely responsible for bombing the hospital? Israel said they did, Biden said they did, our intelligence said they did, Democrats said they did, very liberal reporters said they did. Appears most news outlets are saying that. The only ones that don’t are Hamas and some members of the Squad.
yeah, you're right, there are no innocent're not that ignorant, are you?!...I'll just assume you are talking about how it's hard to show sympathy for hamas, and you are just lumping all Palestinians in one big ole far as your comment about mutilating babies, that has not been 'verified' (this is not me condoning the actions of hamas) and your comment about bombing their own hospital, both sides are still denying; at this moment, we cannot know who is responsible...and of course biden agrees with Israelis (he is a strong supporter of Israel)...I will keep trying, to raise awareness of the horrible treatment that Palestinians have endured for decades, I will keep trying to get people to show compassion to both sides that are the innocent bystanders, normal citizens who are caught in the crossfires...
There is a lot of truth to this but it's hard to see the good in the Palestinian population when there is dancing in street any time a terror attack occurs. I don't know what the rank and file person in Palestine can do about Hamas but it seems to be nothing is being done or has been attempted and Hamas calls for the extermination of an entire race of people over the entire globe. Israel could wipe the whole place off the map with the push of a button. What would any nation's response be to a targeted attack on civilians during a holy day? Israel isn't blameless in this but equating the two isn't using logic either. Hamas stores weapons in schools and hospitals etc....because they are cowards that know they have zero chance against Israel....weapons who's sole purpose is to cause death in Israel....what do you want them to do? What is a prudent response to an air/sea/ground attack from a terrorist organization that hides behind children? If Hamas represents a small portion of Palestine then they should do something about Hamas....if they won't or can't how does Israel not?
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Where would you suggest we get our unbiased news?
Sometimes it’s almost like you’ve never heard of Google.

Really it’s not that hard. Rule #1. Stay away from social media. Rule #2. Stay away from anything you can watch on your TV. Rule #3. If any pastor, Sunday school teacher or leader in your church tells you “news”, immediately walk away and verify everything they told you. Matter of fact. Do that w scripture as well. Rule #4. If a family member/friend/co-worker tells you they “seen” it on Facebook/TwitterX or MSNBC/FoxNews/OAN/Newsmax immediately ask them if they are really that stupid and then offer to start a GoFundMe for grammar lessons. If they tell you they “seen” it on Brietbart or Infowars stop associating w them and probably go take a shower.

It’s really not that hard. If it’s BBC, Reuters, Newsweek, AP or WSJ it’s probably sourced and written well and as unbiased as can be. With the exception of it says “OPINION” then before reading go back to that thing we talked about earlier “Google” and look up the person/source and their net worth and their funding source. Then armed w that read the opinion and remember it’s not news. It’s an opinion w some form of bias.

Hope that helps.
There is a lot of truth to this but it's hard to see the good in the Palestinian population when there is dancing in street any time a terror attack occurs. I don't know what the rank and file person in Palestine can do about Hamas but it seems to be nothing is being done or has been attempted and Hamas calls for the extermination of an entire race of people over the entire globe. Israel could wipe the whole place off the map with the push of a button. What would any nation's response be to a targeted attack on civilians during a holy day? Israel isn't blameless in this but equating the two isn't using logic either. Hamas stores weapons in schools and hospitals etc....because they are cowards that know they have zero chance against Israel....weapons who's sole purpose is to cause death in Israel....what do you want them to do? What is a prudent response to an air/sea/ground attack from a terrorist organization that hides behind children? If Hamas represents a small portion of Palestine then they should do something about Hamas....if they won't or can't how does Israel not?
I don’t disagree w your thoughts and I’m not attributing the following to you so pleas dont take it that way.

I think a big problem is that we try to solve a lot of problems through a Western lens. Not every culture wants democracy or capitalism especially when they live without the most basic needs of food security, safety and health. If those aren’t met on a consistent basis you look for who meets them regardless of what their true motives are. And if those same people are providing that and convincing you that someone else is 100% to blame you start to believe them.
1) Hamas killed people in cold blood including kids. Do you really need verification from them that they mutilated children? If so, why?

2) What will it take for you to believe Hamas is most likely responsible for bombing the hospital? Israel said they did, Biden said they did, our intelligence said they did, Democrats said they did, very liberal reporters said they did. Appears most news outlets are saying that. The only ones that don’t are Hamas and some members of the Squad.
1. I was reacting to his comment about mutilating babies, I was assuming he was referring to the beheading of babies that was reported from the beginning, which has never been verified...I also said I did not condone the actions of hamas...I could use 'whataboutism' and ask if you are ok with Israelis killing Palestinian children even before this recent conflict, but I won't; wait, I did...sorry
2. I am not ready to say who bombed the hospital, I still continue to read from a variety of news sources and no one can say with absolute who is to blame...unlike you, I am not swayed just because Israel said they didn't do it (shock), or Biden, or politicians, liberal reporters (really?), you are wrong in saying that only hamas and some members of the Squad are the only ones saying hamas are to blame...
There is a lot of truth to this but it's hard to see the good in the Palestinian population when there is dancing in street any time a terror attack occurs. I don't know what the rank and file person in Palestine can do about Hamas but it seems to be nothing is being done or has been attempted and Hamas calls for the extermination of an entire race of people over the entire globe. Israel could wipe the whole place off the map with the push of a button. What would any nation's response be to a targeted attack on civilians during a holy day? Israel isn't blameless in this but equating the two isn't using logic either. Hamas stores weapons in schools and hospitals etc....because they are cowards that know they have zero chance against Israel....weapons who's sole purpose is to cause death in Israel....what do you want them to do? What is a prudent response to an air/sea/ground attack from a terrorist organization that hides behind children? If Hamas represents a small portion of Palestine then they should do something about Hamas....if they won't or can't how does Israel not?
I guess until you or I walk around as a Palestinian then we will never know how they feel...all I can say is I have a friend (yeah, I know this sounds lame) that is Palestinian, who came from the West Bank, and later his immediate family came here. The stories he has shared with me make my blood boil...the abuse, killings, bombings, destroying homes, etc. that they endured by the hands of Israelis is sickening. He shared with me the frustration of the news coverage here, not only of this conflict, but from the past. Israel is the good guys and Palestine is the bad guys, and no one cares about the occupation that is/has occurred over there.
I have tried to do much more research and use many different news sources to get to the truth, but sadly it probably goes back to the old saying of there's this one side of a story, there's the other side, and then there's the truth.
There is a lot of truth to this but it's hard to see the good in the Palestinian population when there is dancing in street any time a terror attack occurs. I don't know what the rank and file person in Palestine can do about Hamas but it seems to be nothing is being done or has been attempted and Hamas calls for the extermination of an entire race of people over the entire globe. Israel could wipe the whole place off the map with the push of a button. What would any nation's response be to a targeted attack on civilians during a holy day? Israel isn't blameless in this but equating the two isn't using logic either. Hamas stores weapons in schools and hospitals etc....because they are cowards that know they have zero chance against Israel....weapons who's sole purpose is to cause death in Israel....what do you want them to do? What is a prudent response to an air/sea/ground attack from a terrorist organization that hides behind children? If Hamas represents a small portion of Palestine then they should do something about Hamas....if they won't or can't how does Israel not?
If you are a part of a population that was promised a portion of land then it was taken away and given to someone else. Then those people slaughter some of yours and both sides have continued to do that for the next 80 years how would you think you would react if you were Palestinian. This is not me saying Israel started it just the facts of the situation. I understand both sides motivations with the information I have. That doesn’t mean either sides actions are ok. They both are appalling. And I find many Americans fever of support to Israel hypocritical when for as long as I can remember I’ve heard Jewish jokes from all types of Americans. Most I feel are only on Israel’s side either because the bias of American media or the religion the Palestinians are. Looking at this conflict in only what has happened over the last 20 days is naive.
Sometimes it’s almost like you’ve never heard of Google.

Really it’s not that hard. Rule #1. Stay away from social media. Rule #2. Stay away from anything you can watch on your TV. Rule #3. If any pastor, Sunday school teacher or leader in your church tells you “news”, immediately walk away and verify everything they told you. Matter of fact. Do that w scripture as well. Rule #4. If a family member/friend/co-worker tells you they “seen” it on Facebook/TwitterX or MSNBC/FoxNews/OAN/Newsmax immediately ask them if they are really that stupid and then offer to start a GoFundMe for grammar lessons. If they tell you they “seen” it on Brietbart or Infowars stop associating w them and probably go take a shower.

It’s really not that hard. If it’s BBC, Reuters, Newsweek, AP or WSJ it’s probably sourced and written well and as unbiased as can be. With the exception of it says “OPINION” then before reading go back to that thing we talked about earlier “Google” and look up the person/source and their net worth and their funding source. Then armed w that read the opinion and remember it’s not news. It’s an opinion w some form of bias.

Hope that helps.
First of all, I didn't ask you. I specifically asked PF5 because I was interested in his response. I also didn't ask what your opinion was on sources NOT to use but thanks for your unsolicited dissertation on those. Also thanks for needlessly being a complete dick about it. It helped a lot.
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I guess until you or I walk around as a Palestinian then we will never know how they feel...all I can say is I have a friend (yeah, I know this sounds lame) that is Palestinian, who came from the West Bank, and later his immediate family came here. The stories he has shared with me make my blood boil...the abuse, killings, bombings, destroying homes, etc. that they endured by the hands of Israelis is sickening. He shared with me the frustration of the news coverage here, not only of this conflict, but from the past. Israel is the good guys and Palestine is the bad guys, and no one cares about the occupation that is/has occurred over there.
I have tried to do much more research and use many different news sources to get to the truth, but sadly it probably goes back to the old saying of there's this one side of a story, there's the other side, and then there's the truth.
I have a friend who's daughter moved to Israel for education in May and gained dual citizenship as they are of the Jewish faith....she has to do her mandatory military service....she is now a soldier at war. They have stories too.

I don't want you read Israel perfect Palestine 100% bad.....but Israel at least makes attempts. They haven't cut off any children's heads that we know of. Israel has demonstrated they are willing to negotiate. Hamas openly states their mission is the extermination of all Jews. What can Israel do when their neighbor doesn't want them to exist anywhere......not just in Israel.....anywhere around the globe. I also understand Israel won the land in a historically recent war with Jordan and Egypt but winning land in a war isn't a new thing and every set of neighbors that lost land at one point isn't constantly lobbing weapons at civilians and calling for extermination. No war is pretty and no war is perfect but equating Israel with what has came out of Palestine from any source is a moral fallacy. The other thing is this isn't just support for the innocent in Palestine....if someone makes a statement saying pray for the innocent everywhere that is one thing....someone saying "We stand with Palestine" with the image of a paratrooper is racism. How many countries need an Iron Dome? And to take this to the more controversial side of it.....a million Jewish people move somewhere you don't get a series of terrorist attacks.....a million radical Islamists move somewhere and it is going to happen just ask western Europe. It's celebrated by some but tolerated by millions. How many times do you let someone poke you with a stick before you hit them back with a club.....especially when you have a gun?
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