Funny Political Memes

Migrants, both legal and illegal, commit crimes at a lower rate than US citizens. Scapegoating an entire group is pure racism. Which you've already told us you're cool with.
They’re not all criminals obviously. They aren’t as bad as Trump says they are and they sure as heck aren’t as virtuous as people like you would like people to think.

They’re not all criminals obviously. They aren’t as bad as Trump says they are and they sure as heck aren’t as virtuous as people like you would like people to think.

Immigrants legal and illegal commit crimes at a far less rate per capita than living male members of the Trump family.

They’re not all criminals obviously. Well at least not Erik
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Just running the country. Still doing his job. I’m sure he’s getting more done than he would’ve if campaigning.
Crime WAY down

Stock Market Record High WAY up

Inflation HUGE decrease..down under 3% now

Retailers admitting Price gouging in court and the largest retailers in the Country announcing they are slashing prices of 10's of THOUSANDS of goods

Unemployment at Near record Lows.

Dude Deserves a Day on the beach.

Crime WAY down

Stock Market Record High WAY up

Inflation HUGE decrease..down under 3% now

Retailers admitting Price gouging in court and the largest retailers in the Country announcing they are slashing prices of 10's of THOUSANDS of goods

Unemployment at Near record Lows.

Dude Deserves a Day on the beach.
But I was told on this very board Biden policies are the worst policies in that posters lifetime.
But I was told on this very board Biden policies are the worst policies in that posters lifetime.
People hate on Biden constantly.

I'm not a fan of the way he's handled Ukraine (slow rolling constantly and limitations on wealon use), and weapons sales to isreal and other countries (legally we arent supposed to sell weaponsto countries committing human rights violations with them). But economically things are getting much better (Powell has as much influence here as Potus), environment is getting more protections, medication prices look like they will start coming down soon and border is locked down after Congress bailed on a long term solution (should be fixed by congress not POTUS But he did take too long to act there).

So I probably just have selective memory on why he's so horrible. He's a not horrible but not great president. I think he was dealt a crap situation (economy dead, country politically widely split, and a congress not able to do much of anything) and did better than a lot probably would have.
They’re not all criminals obviously. They aren’t as bad as Trump says they are and they sure as heck aren’t as virtuous as people like you would like people to think.

The only thing they have in common is that they left one country and went to another. I really don't think you are going to find any arbitrary grouping of millions people based on some characteristic that prevents any criminals from being in the grouping. But, the data shows they are not more criminal. Why should, say, some guy from Guatemala be grouped with a Venezuelan gang member in your mind at all?

Here is horrible person with HIV that was raping a 12 year old repeatedly. An Oklahoman, and a baseball coach.
Should all Oklahoman's and baseball coaches be considered "sure as heck not virtuous" now that this guy with those characteristics did this?