American Healthcare continues to go backward

"The field of gene therapy has sparked debate over its high prices. Pharma companies say they are justified because the treatments can potentially cure patients, generating savings for the health-care system over time and delivering other societal benefits."

Twitter is filled with people claiming that pharmaceutical companies do not want us to be healthy and they enjoy the cash cow of treating disease. An obvious example is Type 2 diabetes which with proper diet and exercise can be "cured" or "remission" depending on preferred semantics. But, giving them insulin and Trulicity makes more money.

I don't necessarily blame the companies fully as some people won't/can't do it even if told how to fix their disease. But, statements like this, which are basically saying, "Hey, we normally would make millions off of these people treating their disease over their life, so, since we are curing them, we want the millions right up front."

Can you imagine a doctor saying the equivalent of this? "Well, if I don't put this stent in, you will develop congestive heart failure and require tons of medications and repeated hospitalizations for years. And, all that is gonna cost you at least $5 million dollars. Therefore, I want $2.5 million to put this stent in."
I can’t imagine receiving this diagnosis on a child or grandchild and the Dr. being forced to tell the parents “The bad news is that your child has MLD and will die without treatment. The good news is that there is a treatment that will cure your child. The worst news is that the treatment will cost $4.25m. “
I can’t imagine receiving this diagnosis on a child or grandchild and the Dr. being forced to tell the parents “The bad news is that your child has MLD and will die without treatment. The good news is that there is a treatment that will cure your child. The worst news is that the treatment will cost $4.25m. “
Yeah. As a parent, I don't know how you say "no" to any treatment saving your child. But at the same time how is any normal person supposed to pay that? Does insurance pay it and negotiate their cost down to like $100 like they do with most costs? The ridiculous charge is generally only for anyone that's not an insurance company. Watch insurance companies refuse to cover it though.
Yeah. As a parent, I don't know how you say "no" to any treatment saving your child. But at the same time how is any normal person supposed to pay that? Does insurance pay it and negotiate their cost down to like $100 like they do with most costs? The ridiculous charge is generally only for anyone that's not an insurance company. Watch insurance companies refuse to cover it though.
Likely a combination of insurance discounts, advocacy groups paying a portion, and them extracting what money they can from the family. I have a family member on a medication that while not $4.5 million it is $11K a month which is far beyond her means. It was denied by insurance but an advocacy group has covered most of the bill. But that only occurred after they attempted to get as much money from her as the could.
Public utilities must go before the Oklahoma Corporation Commission in order to charge higher rates. It might be time for medical providers to do the same or something similar. Someone needs to be helping control the costs that patients pay.
Public utilities must go before the Oklahoma Corporation Commission in order to charge higher rates. It might be time for medical providers to do the same or something similar. Someone needs to be helping control the costs that patients pay.
Medical providers by and large do not set what you pay. The insurance companies do.

If you look at the cost of services that run without insurance (LASIK, some plastic surgery) the prices are not as outrageous.

A Doctor at Cigna Said Her Bosses Pressured Her to Review Patients’ Cases Too Quickly. Cigna Threatened to Fire Her.​

Cigna tracks every minute that its staff doctors spend deciding whether to pay for health care. Dr. Debby Day said her bosses cared more about being fast than being right: “Deny, deny, deny. That’s how you hit your numbers,” Day said.​

She had been working at Cigna for nearly 15 years, reviewing cases that nurses had flagged for denial or were unsure about. At Cigna and other insurers, nurses can greenlight payments, but denials have such serious repercussions for patients that many states require that doctors make the final call. In more recent years, though, Day said that the Cigna nurses’ work was getting sloppy. Patient files that nurses working in the Philippines sent to her, she said, increasingly had errors that could lead to wrongful denials if they were not corrected.

Day was, in her own words, persnickety. If a nurse recommended denying coverage for a cancer patient or a sick baby, she wanted to be certain it was the right thing to do. So Day said she researched guidelines, read medical studies and scrutinized patient medical records to come to the best decision. This took time. She was clearing fewer cases than many of her peers.

Some of her colleagues quickly denied requests to keep pace, she said. All a Cigna doctor had to do was cut and paste the denial language that the nurse had prepared and quickly move on to the next case, Day said. This was so common, she and another former medical director said, that people inside Cigna had a term for these kinds of speedy decisions: “click and close.”

I'm still for Medicare For All. The only thing that seems worth debating is should it go further by being Medicare Advantage For All so as to allow private insurance companies to participate in it.
I'm still for Medicare For All. The only thing that seems worth debating is should it go further by being Medicare Advantage For All so as to allow private insurance companies to participate in it.
I think we should have Medicare for all. Allow companies and individuals to purchase a private Advantage Plan, Supplemental policy or a private plan as they can now even utilize the exchange.

Give companies the choice to pay into Medicare for All or pay into a private plan.

I’m sure we could even get red states like Oklahoma to give individuals up to 7500 per person tax credit to purchase private Advantage or individual plans. I mean those are my tax dollars right? I should be able to use them for school … I mean insurance choice.
And the government would screw that up. In other words, WE SCREWED!
That's what I keep hearing. The government screws up everything so we don't want them running Healthcare. Why are we so bad at running things like this?

Most of wealthy countries do government run Healthcare with good service and lower cost to the population that market run... why can't we find any kind of solution to this problem?

Sometimes I feel like they are doing the husband/dad thing where you intentionally mess up at certain things you don't want to do so the family stops asking.
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That's what I keep hearing. The government screws up everything so we don't want them running Healthcare. Why are we so bad at running things like this?Greed and ineptness.

Most of wealthy countries do government run Healthcare with good service and lower cost to the population that market run... why can't we find any kind of solution tit this problem? I like this comment

Sometimes I feel like they are doing the husband/dad thing where you intentionally mess up at certain things you don't want to do so the family stops asking.
See above
Maybe people that don’t think the government works should stop trying to be part of the government.
A lot of government agencies operate to increase their workload to justify hiring more people. Empire builders abound in every niche of government. Change my mind.
A lot of government agencies operate to increase their workload to justify hiring more people. Empire builders abound in every niche of government. Change my mind.
I can’t change your mind you won’t be open to it. All type of jobs have their leaches. You act like it’s only government. The private sector is just as bad. But when people like Ted Cruz get into government while saying it doesn’t work then actively try to make it not work it’s a self fulfilling prophesy.
I suspect the main reason why American health care is in the state that it is in is because most people are in excellent health while requiring no costly care due to chronic ailments. If you disagree, try electing somebody who is in a wheelchair for better national health care for everybody. Of course, Gov. Abbot, a Republican who is in a wheelchair, would love to shoot down my suggestion.
I can’t change your mind you won’t be open to it. All type of jobs have their leaches. You act like it’s only government. The private sector is just as bad. But when people like Ted Cruz get into government while saying it doesn’t work then actively try to make it not work it’s a self fulfilling prophesy.
I never said anything about the private sector. We all know it is just greedy.