2024 Presidential Election

A GOP-controlled county in Pennsylvania violated state law when election workers refused to tell voters that their mail-in ballot had been rejected and wouldn’t be counted in last April’s primary election, a judge ruled

Outrageous — Speaker Sexton & @ltgovmcnally are threatening to withhold sales taxes from MEMPHIS if they vote to protect themselves from gun violence.
I keep saying and I’ll keep saying, the populist party today that goes by the name “The Republican Party.” Is a greater danger to those freedoms the Republican Party of Reagan, Bush 1 & 2 and McCain and even Inhoffe championed.

It is not that far of a leap from where they are now to control the press, to limit what can be said in Chirches, Mosques and Temples. And if you don’t think they’ll come after your guns? They just embraced one of the biggest liberals w open arms. They have no guide or convictions. Only what can help them seize control.

Local control is just another part of the con.
Arizona Republicans sue after Dem governor opens more voting locations

How dare they make it easier for people to vote. /s
I keep saying and I’ll keep saying, the populist party today that goes by the name “The Republican Party.” Is a greater danger to those freedoms the Republican Party of Reagan, Bush 1 & 2 and McCain and even Inhoffe championed.

It is not that far of a leap from where they are now to control the press, to limit what can be said in Chirches, Mosques and Temples. And if you don’t think they’ll come after your guns? They just embraced one of the biggest liberals w open arms. They have no guide or convictions. Only what can help them seize control.

Local control is just another part of the con.
Yep. All based on the desires of one man for his family.

"Fox Business anchor Maria Bartiromo has repeatedly been saying this week that Democrats have been pushing to register 'massive lines of illegals' to vote in Texas. As it turns out, she never did any actual reporting on the topic.

"The Texas Department of Public Safety debunked Bartiromo’s claims, with Sergeant William Lockridge, a spokesperson for the department, calling the claims 'simply false' and 'kind of racist' in a statement Tuesday to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram."


Not sure if this has been linked yet. Texas is "investigating voter fraud" by raiding homes of Latino get out thr vote organizations.

"The nation's oldest Latino civil rights organization, LULAC, is one of several entities in Texas targeted in voter fraud raids led by state Attorney General Ken Paxton, CBS News has learned.

In a letter first obtained by CBS News, LULAC requested that the Justice Department investigate Paxton's office for Voting Rights Act violations. The organization is accusing Paxton's office of carrying out illegal searches premised on voter fraud.

These actions echo a troubling history of voter suppression and intimidation that has long targeted both Black and Latino communities, particularly in states like Texas, where demographic changes have increasingly shifted the political landscape," LULAC CEO Juan Proaño and the group's national president, Roman Palomares, said in the letter.

The nation's oldest Latino civil rights organization, LULAC, is one of several entities in Texas targeted in voter fraud raids led by state Attorney General Ken Paxton, CBS News has learned.

In a letter first obtained by CBS News, LULAC requested that the Justice Department investigate Paxton's office for Voting Rights Act violations. The organization is accusing Paxton's office of carrying out illegal searches premised on voter fraud.

"These actions echo a troubling history of voter suppression and intimidation that has long targeted both Black and Latino communities, particularly in states like Texas, where demographic changes have increasingly shifted the political landscape," LULAC CEO Juan Proaño and the group's national president, Roman Palomares, said in the letter.

The Justice Department confirmed receipt of the letter and declined to comment further.

Last week, Paxton's office announced in a press release that it was launching undercover operations and an investigation into reports alleging some organizations in Texas are unlawfully registering noncitizens to vote, in violation of state and federal law.

LULAC officials told CBS News that some of the group's Texas members were targeted and had their laptops and cell phones confiscated by Texas authorities executing search warrants. Some of the raids focused on Latino activists across the state.

"Attorney General Paxton is using his position of authority to harass and intimidate Latino non-profit organizations like LULAC, Latino Leaders and LULAC members," Juan Proaño, LULAC's CEO told CBS News, calling the state AG's effort "point-blank" voter intimidation. "It is evident through his pattern of lawsuits, raids, searches, and seizures that he is trying to keep Latinos from voting."

Proaño said one of those targeted was Lidia Martinez, an 87-year-old who lives in San Antonio. Martinez has been a LULAC member for over 35 years and works to expand voter registration among seniors and veterans in South Texas.

She said that last Tuesday, there was a knock on her door in the morning, and she was greeted by nine officers in tactical gear and firearms who said they were executing a search warrant. Martinez was questioned for over three hours about her voter registration efforts in Texas.

Law enforcement seized Martinez's phone, computer, personal calendar, blank voter registration forms and her certificate to conduct voter registration, according to Martinez.

Manuel Medina, the chair of Tejano Democrats, is another LULAC member who was targeted, LULAC's CEO said. Medina's home was raided last Thursday by police in riot gear, who were armed and broke down his door, according to LULAC officials."
This idiot... And WHO exactly was the president at the time?... Oh yeah...

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Thoughts on Zuckerberg's letter?

Not sure it's new information. He was on Joe Rogan and Lex Fridman in 2021 or 22 saying the same stuff. For some reason, the techies are cozying up to the right. This seems like more of that. Maybe trying to avoid more investigations if Trump wins.

My thoughts? Both sides will use it as more fodder. Covid-deniers will use it as vindication, the progressives will spin it their way. Round and round we go. Big yawn.
Not sure it's new information. He was on Joe Rogan and Lex Fridman in 2021 or 22 saying the same stuff. For some reason, the techies are cozying up to the right. This seems like more of that. Maybe trying to avoid more investigations if Trump wins.

My thoughts? Both sides will use it as more fodder. Covid-deniers will use it as vindication, the progressives will spin it their way. Round and round we go. Big yawn.
Big tech is siding with the right because the Biden administration has started to go after monopolistic practices by them. There is also talk of breaking them up, which needs to happen, IMO.

Trump appears to want to leave them alone and allow them to continue to grow.
Big tech is siding with the right because the Biden administration has started to go after monopolistic practices by them. There is also talk of breaking them up, which needs to happen, IMO.

Trump appears to want to leave them alone and allow them to continue to grow.
Yes. Break up monopolies in all industries. Was literally just having that conversation with a coworker.
What Big Tech company do you think needs to be broken up? And why?
Alphabet for starters. They already were found to monopolize online search ads through many means, including paying competing browsers to feature google. The free market does not operate correctly in a monopolistic environment.

Google is now making search results worse on purpose, so the user spends more time on the search page than before and has continuously watered down results over time.

A similar case could be made for Amazon. Split up AWS and Amazon Prime Video from their retail outfit, etc.
Not sure it's new information. He was on Joe Rogan and Lex Fridman in 2021 or 22 saying the same stuff. For some reason, the techies are cozying up to the right. This seems like more of that. Maybe trying to avoid more investigations if Trump wins.

My thoughts? Both sides will use it as more fodder. Covid-deniers will use it as vindication, the progressives will spin it their way. Round and round we go. Big yawn.
I view it as the FBI and a Pres admin suppressing the media. I'm not naïve enough to think it's never happened before in fact we know it has....and both parties will do it. How brazen this is should cause concern. It's a slippery slope to say the least. People will know more about Vance's couch, Walz's freshman football coaching career, Kamala's old boyfriend, RFK's coke deal from college, or whatever is next is ever growing list of bat crap crazy things Trump says today then the fact the FBI worked with the one of the largest media distribution outlets to lie and that should alarm all of us. Regardless who you vote for or which way you lean. We know longer have a functioning media. The government was spreading disinformation under the guise of stopping disinformation. This is the reason for freedom of the press.

Joe Rogan for sure and to a lessor extent Lex Fridman are not treated as journalist.....we are told, and should in many cases....take their shows with a grain of salt....the same outlets pulling this will tell you to not listen to those guys. In Rogan's case a grain the size of the rock of Gibraltar for entire shows. Where is ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, CNN, CNBC? And the answer may very well be in on it too... What piece of legislation flew through this term with no resistance the TikTok ban. While one can't argue that it's rotting our collective brain and there is a ton of crazy on there......there is also millions of views of what they are actually doing from clips from the senate hearings and people post the actual language of the bills to an audience that would engorge a CSPAN program director.....they can't control them so unanimously it gets shut down. (and they make insider trades before the bill but that's another post) This is a story. This impacts us all. I think so many Americans forgive their side for everything because we have crossed the line where what is right no longer matters so long as the other guy/gal doesn't win. Wanna know how we have a senile president for years.......this. Wanna hear something crazy scary.....Trump with that kind of control over something like Meta and this letter is an election hedge so it's not as far fetched sounding today as it was yesterday.
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I view it as the FBI and a Pres admin suppressing the media. I'm not naïve enough to think it's never happened before in fact we know it has....and both parties will do it. How brazen this is should cause concern. It's a slippery slope to say the least. People will know more about Vance's couch, Walz's freshman football coaching career, Kamala's old boyfriend, RFK's coke deal from college, or whatever is next is ever growing list of bat crap crazy things Trump says today then the fact the FBI worked with the one of the largest media distribution outlets to lie and that should alarm all of us. Regardless who you vote for or which way you lean. We know longer have a functioning media. The government was spreading disinformation under the guise of stopping disinformation. This is the reason for freedom of the press.

Joe Rogan for sure and to a lessor extent Lex Fridman are not treated as journalist.....we are told, and should in many cases....take their shows with a grain of salt....the same outlets pulling this will tell you to not listen to those guys. In Rogan's case a grain the size of the rock of Gibraltar for entire shows. Where is ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, CNN, CNBC? And the answer may very well be in on it too... What piece of legislation flew through this term with no resistance the TikTok ban. While one can't argue that it's rotting our collective brain and there is a ton of crazy on there......there is also millions of views of what they are actually doing from clips from the senate hearings and people post the actual language of the bills to an audience that would engorge a CSPAN program director.....they can't control them so unanimously it gets shut down. (and they make insider trades before the bill but that's another post) This is a story. This impacts us all. I think so many Americans forgive their side for everything because we have crossed the line where what is right no longer matters so long as the other guy/gal doesn't win. Wanna know how we have a senile president for years.......this. Wanna hear something crazy scary.....Trump with that kind of control over something like Meta and this letter is an election hedge so it's not as far fetched sounding today as it was yesterday.

I knew another existential and catastrophic Donnyrant was coming. God bless you.
I view it as the FBI and a Pres admin suppressing the media. I'm not naïve enough to think it's never happened before in fact we know it has....and both parties will do it. How brazen this is should cause concern. It's a slippery slope to say the least. People will know more about Vance's couch, Walz's freshman football coaching career, Kamala's old boyfriend, RFK's coke deal from college, or whatever is next is ever growing list of bat crap crazy things Trump says today then the fact the FBI worked with the one of the largest media distribution outlets to lie and that should alarm all of us. Regardless who you vote for or which way you lean. We know longer have a functioning media. The government was spreading disinformation under the guise of stopping disinformation. This is the reason for freedom of the press.

Joe Rogan for sure and to a lessor extent Lex Fridman are not treated as journalist.....we are told, and should in many cases....take their shows with a grain of salt....the same outlets pulling this will tell you to not listen to those guys. In Rogan's case a grain the size of the rock of Gibraltar for entire shows. Where is ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, CNN, CNBC? And the answer may very well be in on it too... What piece of legislation flew through this term with no resistance the TikTok ban. While one can't argue that it's rotting our collective brain and there is a ton of crazy on there......there is also millions of views of what they are actually doing from clips from
Can we do something about preventing spread of misinformation? Is that what the gov was trying to do, prevent misinformation about a pandemic or was it something else?