Oklahoma is going backwards

I’m not sure why it seems rather high to you but it is the case. It fits very well with what I see in practice. I think as the population gets larger, our perspective of what seems overweight changes. https://www.cdc.gov/obesity/data/prevalence-maps.html#overall
Definitely my perspective - but after living in Colorado for 20+ years, going back to Oklahoma is quite honestly shocking. I know that people in CO are probably outliers in terms of being healthy, but the difference is amazing.
Again the person who runs this TikTok sits on the board of Oklahoma education to determine what books Oklahoma kids can read...thanks to Ryan Walters
As a federal taxpayer missing out on funding to help cope with a state disaster and for other things isn't much different from raising taxes.
Do you not understand they are trying to bankrupt public education to replace it with private education?

Any disadvantage to public they can create is another advantage and talking point in a positive for private education
Do you not understand they are trying to bankrupt public education to replace it with private education?

Any disadvantage to public they can create is another advantage and talking point in a positive for private education
Yeah, but I wonder how many Republicans in rural towns dream of turning the town's church's Sunday school rooms into M-F private religious schools. With the majority of small towns in decline, I don't see where support for private schools is coming other than from the local churches opening up their Sunday school rooms.
Maybe Walters needs to go back to meeting with the public in churches, so more people can have their say. His meeting at a Stillwater church was fairly well attended while having plenty of seats left over on the sides. It got kind of rowdy but not overly so. I tend to doubt many public schools would welcome him to hold meetings in their auditoriums.
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OSDE Supt. Walters blames Biden after missing out on nearly $1 million grant https://kfor.com/news/osde-supt-walters-blames-biden-after-missing-out-on-nearly-1-million-grant/
So, my federal tax dollars will go toward helping schools in other states. Sounds like helpful policy in making Oklahoma no. 50 in schools, if not there already. Oh, well, Texas Republicans want to abolish the Dept of Education. Then Republicans likely wouldn't have to worry about federal money going toward education anywhere.
Can you believe it? The coach who was involved for years in the abuse of other students is still there after the school was successfully sued for $5 million.

'Oklahomans are beyond ready': Democrats request committee to investigate Ryan Walters https://www.okcfox.com/news/local/o...attorney-general-governor-kevin-stitt-educate
The Republicans don't want an investigation. I don't expect Walters to be forced out before reelection unless he is exposed as an alcoholic or drug addict. And then it will only be under his own resolve.

At least Republican legislators want to do something about him. Senate Bill 1122, includes a stipulation that no department funds can be spent “for the purpose of securing media interviews, public relations, or other public promotional purposes” unless required for a federal grant program.

The bill passed the state Senate on Tuesday and the House on Thursday, the final day of the 2024 legislative session. It continues to the governor’s desk.
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