Wind & solar now producing more American electricity than coal for the first time


Starting back in 2022, wind and solar electric production surpassed coal energy production for the first time in US History

Now in 2023 this has become sustained with wind and coal producing more electricity than coal for the first 5 consecutive months of the year

In a First, Wind and Solar Generated More Power Than Coal in U.S.
Starting back in 2022, wind and solar electric production surpassed coal energy production for the first time in US History

Now in 2023 this has become sustained with wind and coal producing more electricity than coal for the first 5 consecutive months of the year

In a First, Wind and Solar Generated More Power Than Coal in U.S.
When iron/air batteries are combined with solar and wind . We’ll be on our way ahead.
I was on the school board for 10 years in a very active oil and gas county and didn't have an oil and gas company protest their taxes one single time. We've had windmills for about 15 years and have yet to see one penny from a wind companies pocket.
Are you for opening up federal lands and offshore leases to responsible drilling and production operations? Yes or no.

I am.
You do know that oil and gas companies federally have tax breaks that are only available to their industry?
He also doesn’t remember when several OK Oiil and Gas Companies lost their collective shite couple of yrs ago when the legislature was debating on raising the severance tax. To their credit there were a handful of Tulsa based O&G icons who told those OKC companies to surrender their leases and they would gladly drill to hold leases w a higher severance tax if it meant giving those $ to education.
You do know that oil and gas companies federally have tax breaks that are only available to their industry?
Then take away the tax breaks for both industries and let them compete on a level playing field. I'm certainly not an expert and don't claim to be but everything I've seen says that wind and solar are pretty inefficient ways to produce electricity and the tax breaks they receive are quite a bit bigger than those enjoyed by the oil and gas industry.

Comparison of Major Tax Incentives

According to the Joint Committee on Taxation, the production tax credit for wind is estimated to cost taxpayers $4.9 billion in fiscal year 2020, the investment tax credit for solar is estimated to cost $2.4 billion, and the three tax deductions for oil and gas listed below combined are estimated to cost $0.9 billion. Clearly, the wind and solar tax credits outweigh the tax deductions of oil and gas companies by a factor of 8 in fiscal year 2020. Further, this comparison does not include the tax deductions that the wind and solar industries get for depreciation and manufacturing.
How do you feel about all of the advantages oil and gas has received and is receiving?
I actually deal with both. Wind has no production tax, a split depreciation schedule and is receiving a 48% tax break in Oklahoma property tax valuation this year. The cost of electricity since 2020 has increased almost 15% per year. Oil and gas gets breaks and have gotten just as good at tax protests as wind and solar. The difference is oil and gas still have a 5.5% production tax that wind and solar doesn’t pay. Both industries need to pay their share just like everyone else.
He also doesn’t remember when several OK Oiil and Gas Companies lost their collective shite couple of yrs ago when the legislature was debating on raising the severance tax. To their credit there were a handful of Tulsa based O&G icons who told those OKC companies to surrender their leases and they would gladly drill to hold leases w a higher severance tax if it meant giving those $ to education.
How could you possibly know what I do and don't remember? Take away the tax incentives for both and see which one comes to a screeching halt. Again, in my county the wind farms have yet to pay one single penny in tax out of their pocket.
I actually deal with both. Wind has no production tax, a split depreciation schedule and is receiving a 48% tax break in Oklahoma property tax valuation this year. The cost of electricity since 2020 has increased almost 15% per year. Oil and gas gets breaks and have gotten just as good at tax protests as wind and solar. The difference is oil and gas still have a 5.5% production tax that wind and solar doesn’t pay. Both industries need to pay their share just like everyone else.
Fair enough.
I think many are missing the point here.

There was once a time not long ago 10-15 years who many argued there would never be a day when Wind & Solar would ever be able to out produce Coal in electricity production.

People said those renewables were too untrustworthy and unreliable to produce consistently or would never be efficient enough to sustain high outputs or energy companies wouldn't adopt these renewables or invest in them enough because they couldn't make money.

The Old arguments against Renewables are beginning to be proven wrong and as the tech is changing and evolving and adapting...its quickly starting to look like fossil fuels may become a minority power source in a few decades. Of course we should all be aware fossil fuels will never be 100% gone, but I'm betting they will be a minority in 50 years
I think many are missing the point here.

There was once a time not long ago 10-15 years who many argued there would never be a day when Wind & Solar would ever be able to out produce Coal in electricity production.

People said those renewables were too untrustworthy and unreliable to produce consistently or would never be efficient enough to sustain high outputs or energy companies wouldn't adopt these renewables or invest in them enough because they couldn't make money.

The Old arguments against Renewables are beginning to be proven wrong and as the tech is changing and evolving and adapting...its quickly starting to look like fossil fuels may become a minority power source in a few decades. Of course we should all be aware fossil fuels will never be 100% gone, but I'm betting they will be a minority in 50 years
So you actually like less reliable and more expensive electricity?
So you actually like less reliable and more expensive electricity?
I'm saying give it 20-40 years and ask that question again....and I'm not so sure the answer to less reliable and more expensive won't be fossil fuels

The sun is quickly setting on the age of fossil fuels on a global scale

A US lab was able to reproduce a Fusion event recently. Renewables are starting to outpace coal.

Fossil Fuels will be minimal in 30-50 years

Renewables will begin to dominate in 30-50 years

Fusion and Elemental Fuels (Think Helium 3) will replace renewables when Near Field Asteroid mining industry is up and running....and there were two Near Field Asteroid mining missions sched to launch in 2023....first of their kind
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I'm saying give it 20-40 years and ask that question again....and I'm not so sure the answer to less reliable and more expensive won't be fossil fuels
Of course it won’t, by then we will be used to the crappy and expensive electric service. I’m also exploring horse drawn buggies so I can have reasonably reliable transportation after they outlaw cars completely.
It is of no coincidence either of China, Russia, India, Japan, and US now all launching Missions to the Moon.

it has been discovered in the last 15 years or so, that even at the surface dirt, The Moon has an abundance of H3 (Helium 3)...China had their rover ship some back to Earth last year as it is EXTREMELY rare on Earth. It is a fuel that can drive Nuclear fusion and be extremely safe in being the power source for Nuclear Fusion.
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